Essay on "Australian Criminal Justice System Is Shaped Largely by Society Discuss This Statement"

Essay 4 pages (1082 words) Sources: 1 Style: APA

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Australian criminal justice system is shaped largely by society. Discuss this statement.

Social tendencies in Australia are reflected by the Australian criminal justice system, taking into account that it is the product of years of hard work performed as the authorities and the masses cooperated. One of the principal focuses of this system is related to how all people need to be treated equally, regardless of any kinds of particularities that can be associated with them. The fact that states and territories in the country have different criminal justice systems makes it possible for one to understand that the diversity in the country has had a strong influence on these legislations.

Many Australians are unable to understand the importance of having a solid criminal justice system and are generally inclined to put across hesitation regarding them getting actively involved in shaping this collection of laws. "Criminal laws are said to reflect the morals of the community and the generally accepted attitudes about what is appropriate conduct and what is not" (Heilbronn 449).

The police are in charge of enforcing the criminal justice system and the people thus need to have a complex understanding of this community and of the concept of authorities as a whole. Even with this, people have the tendency to respond differently in particular circumstances involving the police. Some feel that the police are obligated to make society a safer place and that they absolutely need to capture individuals who perform illegalities, regardless of the situation. However, the same individuals are probable to feel that their intimacy is being breached when they are questioned,
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fingerprinted, or when the authorities listen to their phones. Individuals thus have to understand that the police have the duty to do everything in its power in order to punish criminals and prevent crime from happening.

Many Australians consider that the police's powers are carefully controlled with the purpose of protecting "individuals from harassment and unfair investigatory practices" (Heilbronn 450). While this can be considered normal when regarding matters from the perspective of the simple individual who wants safety but is reluctant to support invasive investigatory practices, police officers typically believe that a great deal of minority groups prevent them from doing their job properly as a result of the fact that they condemn particular activities.

The Police force in New South Wales has become accustomed to using 'sniffer' dogs with the purpose of detecting individuals who are carrying illegal substances. This practice has been particularly effective and the authorities actually promote it as being one of the best anti-drug strategies that they have implemented in years. In contrast, civil liberties lawyers criticize the practice and claim that it is unfair because it indirectly says that everyone walking on the street is a suspect. From their perspective, the normal thing to do would be to allow individuals to walk without restrictions in public locations without fearing that a police officer might approach and interrogate them. It is thus difficult to evaluate the condition of the Australian criminal justice system when considering that there are mixed opinions concerning the effectiveness with which social ideas are incorporated in agendas belonging to police officers (Heilbronn 450).

The Australian authorities often claim that they are limited as a… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Australian Criminal Justice System Is Shaped Largely by Society Discuss This Statement" Assignment:

CCJ11 ��*****" Introduction to Criminal Justice

Tips for the Minor Essay

Topic: The Australian criminal justice system is shaped largely by

society. Discuss this statement.

General advice

For some students, this will be the first piece of academic writing that you have undertaken ��*****" or may be the first in some time. As a result, I have provided some general tips about tackling the essay writing process, and a couple of tips specific to the question. My general advice is:

*****¢ Develop an informed argument or point of view (this means you indicate clearly that you have sources/references for what you say).

*****¢ In the end, there is no substitute for careful thinking and planning ��*****" and taking care with your written expression. It is always advisable to start the assignment a couple of weeks before it is due ��*****" and gradually refine each draft you write ��*****" from first rough draft to the final polished product.

*****¢ Normal academic conventions apply for essay writing ��*****" including proper referencing. Some tips on these are provided below.

Specific tips

*****¢ Check out any weeks in the study guide that might be relevant to the topic before going too far with preparing your essay (e.g., what is the criminal justice system; what are the internal and external constraints on the system identified in week 3, etc.). While the topic is not a trick question, students will still need to think critically about what has been covered in the course to date, and how it might apply.

*****¢ Think about the question and break it down. That is, do not just examine factors shaping the criminal justice system. Are there concepts that need to be introduced and explained? How are factors shaping the system?

*****¢ There are a range of ways that students could respond to this question. One way would be to examine:

o The purposes of law and the criminal justice system (i.e., police, courts and corrections);

o How the law and criminal justice system are related to society (i.e., how law reflects community values, legitimatised through the liberal-democratic system of government);

o Social factors that shape the criminal justice system and their role. These may include:

 Composition and beliefs of society;

 Type of crime, crime rates and reporting;

 Politics, mass media and public opinion;

 Advocacy groups;

 Technology;

 Resource constraints; and

 Any others?

*****¢ A good answer will also consider some of the internal factors affecting the criminal justice system, such as:

o Budgets and staffing levels;

o Policies/practices;

o Discretion;

o Occupational culture; and

o Any others?

Writing Tips

Structure and Presentation

*****¢ Students should consult the CCJ Survival Guide provided in a folder under the Assessment menu item (Assessment -> Resources for Essay Writing) for more information about writing and structure, including what to contain in your introduction and conclusion.

*****¢ Must be written in paragraphs, with each paragraph only covering one topic or theme.

*****¢ Each essay should contain a formal introduction and conclusion, but headings should not be used.

*****¢ Don*****t use rhetorical questions.

*****¢ Don*****t give personal opinions and avoid the use of first person or personal pronoun (e.g., I, we, you, etc.).

*****¢ Provide signposts. For example, *****Four important research results were discovered in a study by Johnson (1999). Firstly, *****¦ Secondly,*****¦ *****.

*****¢ Need to work on logical flow of ideas (don*****t leave it to the reader to figure out the logic)

*****¢ Ensure your assignment adheres to the Assignment Format Guidelines outlined in pages 3 and 4 of the Unit Outline (e.g., 12 point font ��*****" usually Times New Roman or Arial, margins, line spacing requirements, page numbers, etc.).


*****¢ Consult an APA referencing guide. A link to the Referencing Tool has been provided on the website (under Unit Information). This tool (and the CCJ Survival Guide) will provide a brief insight into this.

*****¢ In the reference list, ensure you use capital letters in the correct places (e.g., for journal titles but lower case for article titles and book titles) and italics for book and journal titles (not for articles). Different sources (e.g., books, articles, etc.) appear differently in the reference list.

*****¢ Avoid floating references (e.g., ***** *****¦ conducted a study in America. (Johnson, 1999)*****). The intext reference comes before the full stop, otherwise your reference then relates to the following sentence.

*****¢ The only things that should appear in-text are the authors***** names, the year of publication, and if it*****s a quote, the page number.

*****¢ The use of *****˜et al.*****. This is used when there are three (3) or more authors, but only the second time you*****ve mentioned that article and thereafter. On the first mention you must list all authors. When you have more than five (5) authors, you use it in every in-text reference (e.g., ***** ... conducted a study in Australia (Little et al., 2010)*****.

*****¢ If you say, *****˜many researchers found *****¦***** then you need to reference all of these researchers.

*****¢ Don*****t just put a reference at the end of paragraph. Each sentence that uses information from a source should be referenced.


How to Reference "Australian Criminal Justice System Is Shaped Largely by Society Discuss This Statement" Essay in a Bibliography

Australian Criminal Justice System Is Shaped Largely by Society Discuss This Statement.”, 2012, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Australian Criminal Justice System Is Shaped Largely by Society Discuss This Statement (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Australian Criminal Justice System Is Shaped Largely by Society Discuss This Statement. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Australian Criminal Justice System Is Shaped Largely by Society Discuss This Statement” 2012.
”Australian Criminal Justice System Is Shaped Largely by Society Discuss This Statement”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Australian Criminal Justice System Is Shaped Largely by Society Discuss This Statement”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Australian Criminal Justice System Is Shaped Largely by Society Discuss This Statement [Internet]. 2012 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Australian Criminal Justice System Is Shaped Largely by Society Discuss This Statement. Published 2012. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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