Term Paper on "Attitude and Behavior Developmental Task"

Term Paper 50 pages (13216 words) Sources: 15 Style: APA

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There is an acknowledged identity crisis present in the African-American race due to the high rates of incarceration and low education achievements. The college environment serves to influence the development required in the self-identity transition toward the self-actualization of the individual in gaining a view of identity characterized by achievement. There is a delay in achievement associated with the failure to accept self or group identity. This work will illustrate that attitude is linked to talk development and behavioral adjustment which is part of the requirement for making the commitment for achievement in educational attainment. Principles of military discipline and leadership will also be reviewed in relation specifically to College ROTC programs, which assists in development of character among students that may be applied in management in corporate management following college.


There is a lack of research addressing how college ROTC leadership development influences the behavior and attitude development tasks of African-American students. The education gap, high levels of incarceration and income differences between African-American and other groups may be a result of behavior and attitude development short falls.


Research shows that the dominant culture in United States expects specific behaviors and attitudes from individuals according to their age group and level of education. Successful achievement
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of a developmental task allows the individual to acquire the experience needed to accomplish other subsequent developmental tasks as they are encountered throughout life. Some college administrators use the following developmental task as part of the Student Developmental Task and Lifestyle Assessment (SDTLA)(Winston, Miller, & Cooper, 1999 to access were students are in their development process: (1) Establishing and Clarifying Purpose Task. This task is defined by four subtasks: Educational Involvement, Career Planning, Lifestyle Planning, and Cultural Participation; (2) Task 2 Developing Autonomy Task, which is defined by four subtasks: Emotional Autonomy, Interdependence, Academic Autonomy, and Instrumental Autonomy; and (3) Mature Interpersonal Relationships Task which is defined by two subtasks: Peer Relationships and Tolerance.. All too often young African-American college students who lack commitment and desire are left behind in education, career development and lifestyle planning due to lack of sufficient leadership development during the college years. The majority of research concludes that African-American College Students are considered to be in the moratorium phase or exhibit identity exploration without commitment. Research shows that African-American students growing up in the United States may be at risk of failing to achieve basic identity development because of their lack of commitment (Marcia, 1966, 1980 & Branch 2002). A review of models such as Marcia's expansion of Erikson's identity model to Chickering's vector theory will be provided. W.E.B DuBois's concept of "double identity" and Erikson's writings concerning "adaptive coping" in minorities will be presented along with an overview of Afrocentrism, cross-cultural viewpoints, acculturation, and culture-specific viewpoints (Burt, Halpin 1998). An overview of College Army ROTC Leadership Development techniques will be provided.


The purpose of this study is the addition to the body of knowledge to assist professors and college students with exploring the influence of ROTC leadership development on the African-American planning skills. The purpose of this study is to determine whether development task achievement status of African-American students enrolled in College Army ROTC Leadership Development Programs differ from African-American students not enrolled. This study is significant because it provides insight into some of the underlying variables that may be responsible for the lack of commitment in multiple developmental task areas.


Students will complete an online self-report questionnaire. Upon completion of the questionnaire, respondents will receive a monetary reward or extra credit in a related class. The selected research tool will be used to quantitatively address research questions will be the Student Developmental Task and Lifestyle Assessment (SDTLA) (Winston, Miller, & Cooper, 1999). The purpose of the Student Developmental Task and Lifestyle Assessment (SDTLA) is to provide an assessment tool and procedure that educational practitioners can use with young adult college students to facilitate development of life purpose,


The researcher wants to add to the body of knowledge to assist professors and college students with exploring the influence of ROTC leadership development on the African-American developmental task achievement. This study is significant because it provides insight into some of the underlying variables that my be responsible for the lack of commitment in areas of education, career planning, and lifestyle choices.


The selected research tools will be used to quantitatively address the following research questions: (1) Is there a difference between the Establishing and Clarifying Purpose Task of African-American students enrolled in ROTC and African-American student not enrolled in College ROTC?; (2) Is there a difference between the Developing Autonomy Task of African-American student enrolled in ROTC and African-American student not enrolled in College ROTC?; (3) Is there a difference between the Mature Interpersonal Relationships Task of African-American students enrolled in ROTC and African-American student not enrolled in College ROTC?; and (4) Does the College Senior Army ROTC program significantly impact the development of African-American students?


The hypotheses in this study include: (1) There will be significant difference between the impact of Establishing and Clarifying Purpose Task Development of African-American students enrolled in ROTC and African-American student not enrolled in College ROTC; (2) There will be no significant differences between the Developing Autonomy Task Development of African-American students enrolled in ROTC and African-American students not enrolled in College ROTC; (3) There will be no significant differences between the Mature Interpersonal Relationships Task Development tools of African-American students enrolled in ROTC and African-American student not enrolled in College ROTC; and (4) Enrollment in college Senior Army ROTC significantly improves the development of students?




The work of Burt and Halpin (1998): entitled: "African-American Identity Development: A Review of the Literature" states: "The concept of identity and identity development was initially presented by Sigmund Freud, who referred to identity or 'inner identity'...[as] an individual's link with the unique values, fostered by a unique history of his people." (Erikson, 1959, p. 102; as cited in Burt and Halpin, 1987) the first to introduce the social and historical dynamics of personal development was Freud who held that" identity is the integration of the individual of an individual within the group as well as how he/she interacts with other groups. Based upon Freud's theory of ego development and Hartmann's adaptation theory, psychosocial theorists Erik H. Erikson further examined the concept of ego identity development. (Erickson, 1959 as cited in Burt and Halpin, 1987) the work of Marcia (1966, 1980) built upon Erikson's stage identity approach and while Marcia viewed identity as "an existential position to an inner organization of needs, abilities, and self-perceptions as well as to socio-political stance" (Marcia, 1980) "Marcia (1980) did not see identity as something that was achieved or attainted, but rather as a dynamic and ongoing process drive by a series of crises in an individual's life in which physical development, cognitive growth and social expectations coincide to enable a young person to sort through and synthesize their childhood identifications in order to construct a viable pathway toward their adulthood." (Halpin and Burt, 1998) Marcia states that "Ego and identity diffusion refer to polar outcomes of the hypothesized psychosocial crisis occurring in late adolescence." (1966) Halpin and Burt state that Marcia holds that "crises are not defined as tragedies or misfortunes, but are rather the decisions of commitments that adolescents make during this significant period of human development. Whether or not an adolescent leaves the industry stage with a health confidence in his or her abilities and specific vocational skills will carry the individual into the next stage of his or her life." (Marcia, 1980; as cited in Halpin and Burt, 1998) the work of Marcia (1966, 1980) makes a proposal concerning measures for capturing the development of identity as a series of psychosocial tasks. Four identity statuses are proposed by Marcia "within which adolescents have committed to vocational, spiritual, sexual, moral and other social dilemmas. The identity diffusion status is characterized by individuals demonstrating a "lack of commitment ability or lack the desire to make decisions, opting instead to do nothing or let life happen, as it comes. The third status of Marcia's identity statuses is the foreclosed status. Much like the identity-diffused individuals, foreclosed adolescents do not make commitments and tend to shy away from dealing with crises. Unlike the diffusion status, moratorium individuals actively allow, or look to significant others to control experiences or decisions." (Halpin and Burt, 1998) the work of DuBois (1903) entitled: "The Souls of Black Folks" provides a description of the African-American experience as being "hindered in their natural movement, expression, and development. DuBois is also stated to have introduced the concept of "dual consciousness or double identity, equating the African-American identity with a… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Attitude and Behavior Developmental Task" Assignment:

This is a request for your help in writing the first three chapters of my Dissertation. I need the Introduction, Literature Review, and the Methodology. The tricky part about my study is this. There is a belief that the African American race has an identity crisis because of the high rates of incaration and low education acheivements. I have to make sure we touch on this in the literature review but from the stand point of how colllege environment influences the the development task needed to move student from just exploring self dentity to becoming committed to achieving identity. One of my references listed talks about the 4 identity development stages posed by James Marcia. Based on Marica placement of Black students identity development phase of exploration with little committment, my research focus on the need to strive to improve their attitude and behavior development task to gain acceptance in society and to become successful. To this end, title of my dissertation is: Attitude and Behavior Developmental Task needed to assist African American college students with developing a clear commitment to succeed after college. My study is not on Black Identity Crisis but it does include it is the review of literatue as base because it is a historical factor. I provided some reference that talks about identity. Please add a few more references to make the total at least 15.*****‚*****‚

Again, my paper needs to cover some identity development issues but the intent is to focus on literature that supports developmental task needed help student commit to succeeding after college. If one's does not accpet himself or group identity then self identity achievement is more thanb likely delay. Please do the best you can to link identity development to task development or attitue/behavioral adjustment as part the requirement become committed to succeeding. Also add some reference to how miliary leadership leading development programs such as College ROTC, helps corporate america mangers and college students develop character needed to become better leaders.

I will be using the Student Developmental Task and Lifestyle Assessment Online 149 questions Survey to quantify the answer provided by participatants. Listed below is my prospectus or what I need to expanded upon in Chapter 1-3 . I need you to put togethers chapters 1-3 based on the guidance I will be emailing you. The review of literature must provide background for the problem statement. See the instructions I will be emailing you regarding content, rubric grading standards and format. I will also need the proposal proportion of Chapter 1 so I can defend the first three chapters. I will have to defend the proposal using power point slides.

Here is a description for what I need reviewed and written to standard:

References: I only have a few references listed. Please add more references to support the topic. References need to be within 3-5 years old unless it is a theory. Please use some sources from African American Psychology. Sources need to peer reviewed sources to be relevelant.

Title: Attitude and Behavior Developmental Task needed to assist African American college students with developing a clear commitment to succeed after college*****‚*****‚

Problem statement

There is a lack of research addressing how college ROTC leadership development influences the behavior and attitude development tasks of African American students.

The education gap, high levels of incarceration and income differences between African American and other groups may be a result of behavior and attitude development short falls.

Theories or prior research- Research shows that the dominant culture in United States expects specific behaviors and attitudes from individuals according to their age group and level of education. Successful achievement of a developmental task allows the individual to acquire the experienence needed to accomplish other subsequent developmental tasks as they are encountered throughout life. Some college administrators use the following developmental task as part of the Student Developmental Task and Lifestyle Assessment (SDTLA)(Winston, Miller, & Cooper, 1999 to access were students are in their development process:

Task 1 Establishing and Clarifying Purpose Task. This task is defined by four subtasks: Educational Involvement, Career Planning, Lifestyle Planning, and Cultural Participation.

Task 2 Developing Autonomy Task which is defined by four subtasks: Emotional Autonomy, Interdependence, Academic Autonomy, and Instrumental Autonomy.

Task 3 Mature Interpersonal Relationships Task which is defined by two subtasks: Peer Relationships and Tolerance.

All too often young African American college students who lack commitment and desire are left behind in education, career development and lifestyle planning due to lack of sufficient leadership development during the college years. The majority of research concludes that African American College Students are considered to be in the moratorium phase or exhibit identity exploration without commitment. Research shows that African American students growing up in the United States may be at risk of failing to achieve basic identity development because of their lack of commitment (Marica, 1966, 1980 & Branch 2002). A review of models such as Marcia's expansion of Erikson's identity model to Chickering's vector theory will be provided. W.E.B DuBois's concept of "double identity" and Erikson's writings concerning "adaptive coping" in minorities will be presented along with an overview of Afrocentrism or "Africanity", cross-cultural viewpoints, acculturation, and culture-specific viewpoints (Burt, Halpin 1998). An overview of College Army ROTC Leadership Development techniques will be provided.


The researcher wants to add to the body of knowledge to assist ***** and college students with exploring the influence of ROTC leadership development on the African American planning skills. The purpose of this study is to determine whether development task achievement statys of African American students enrolled in College Army ROTC Leadership Development Programs differ from African American students not enrolled. This study is significant because it provides insight into some of the underlying variables that my be responsible for the lack of commitment in multiple developmental task areas.

Method of Inquiry

Students will complete an online self-report questionnaire. Upon completion of the questionnaire, respondents will receive a monetary reward or extra credit in a related class. The researcher wants to add to the body of knowledge to assist ***** and college students with exploring the influence of ROTC leadership development on the African American developmental task achievement. This study is significant because it provides insight into some of the underlying variables that my be responsible for the lack of commitment in areas of education, career planning, and lifestyle choices.

The participants will be randomly selected ranging in age from 17-24 from various University departments. Because the focus of the study is to compare and correlate the impact of College Army ROTC Leadership Development on development of minority students, all analysis will be performed in the categories as ROTC and Non-ROTC enrolled African American Students as two different groups. Researcher will submit application to University Internal Reveiw Board for research approval. Researcher complete required research training course required by university along with the Professor of Military Science for the Army ROTC Program participating in study. The researcher will contact Associate Vice President for Academic Affair to request the email addresses of Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors at least 18 years of age. Researcher will complete the required letter of consent form and submit to University Compliance Officer for approval. The letter of consent with be an attachment to the email students receive inviting them to complete the online survey. The link to the online survey will be at the end of *****e student consent form. The email invitation to students will describe the purpose of the study and significance. The student will benefit by being made aware of attitude and behavior task they need to improve in order to become more committed to achieve personal identity and being successful in the job market after college. The researcher will offer a monetary award to the ROTC program for assisting with motivating students to consent to completing the online survey.

Research Population

The research population will consist of 160-200 college students recruited from a Historically Black University located Piedmont area of North Carolina. The participant will be at least 18 years of age and older. 80-100 Student will comprise the ROTC enrolled group and 80-100 students will make up the non-enroll. The target audience will be University sophomores, juniors and seniors.

Example of research data that may be collected:

The selected research tool will be used to quantitatively address research questions:

Student Developmental Task and Lifestyle Assessment (SDTLA)(Winston, Miller, & Cooper, 1999).

The purpose of the Student Developmental Task and Lifestyle Assessment (SDTLA) is to provide an assessment tool and procedure that educational practitioners can use with young adult college students to facilitate development of life purpose, mature interpersonal relationships, and academic autonomy as well as the establishment of healthy lifestyles. The assessment procedure is based on concepts and principles of human development, specifically that of developmental task achievement that typically occurs within the college setting. The developmental tasks with which the SDTLA is primarily concerned are most typical of college students between 17 and 24 years of age, though comparable task achievement has relevance for older students as well.

The selected research tools will be used to quantitatively address the following research questions:

1. Is there a difference between the Establishing and Clarifying Purpose Task of African American students enrolled in ROTC and African American student not enrolled in College ROTC?

2. Is there a difference between the Developing Autonomy Task of African American student enrolled in ROTC and African American student not enrolled in College ROTC?

3. Is there a difference between the Mature Interpersonal Relationships Task of African American students enrolled in ROTC and African American student not enrolled in College ROTC?

4. Does the College Senior Army ROTC program significantly impact the development of can students?


1. There will be significant difference between the impact of Establishing and Clarifying Purpose Task Development of African American students enrolled in ROTC and African American student not enrolled in College ROTC.

2. There will be no significant differences between the Developing Autonomy Task Development of African American students enrolled in ROTC and African American students not enrolled in College ROTC.

3. There will be no significant differences between between the Mature Interpersonal Relationships Task Development tools of African American students enrolled in ROTC and African American student not enrolled in College ROTC.

4. Enrollment in college Senior Army ROTC significantly improves the the development of students?


How to Reference "Attitude and Behavior Developmental Task" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Attitude and Behavior Developmental Task.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2007, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/attitude-behavior-developmental-task/2519095. Accessed 26 Jun 2024.

Attitude and Behavior Developmental Task (2007). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/attitude-behavior-developmental-task/2519095
A1-TermPaper.com. (2007). Attitude and Behavior Developmental Task. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/attitude-behavior-developmental-task/2519095 [Accessed 26 Jun, 2024].
”Attitude and Behavior Developmental Task” 2007. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/attitude-behavior-developmental-task/2519095.
”Attitude and Behavior Developmental Task” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/attitude-behavior-developmental-task/2519095.
[1] ”Attitude and Behavior Developmental Task”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2007. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/attitude-behavior-developmental-task/2519095. [Accessed: 26-Jun-2024].
1. Attitude and Behavior Developmental Task [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2007 [cited 26 June 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/attitude-behavior-developmental-task/2519095
1. Attitude and Behavior Developmental Task. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/attitude-behavior-developmental-task/2519095. Published 2007. Accessed June 26, 2024.

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