Research Paper on "Characteristics of Asperger Syndrome and Coping Strategies"

Research Paper 33 pages (10627 words) Sources: 30

[EXCERPT] . . . .

Asperger Syndrome

Asperger's Disorder -- also referred to as Asperger syndrome (AS) -- is essentially a "…chronic neurodevelopmental disorder" that limits the afflicted person's ability to have normal social interaction and communication, according to an article in the journal, European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (Woodbury-Smith, et al., 2009, p. 2). While AS is not associated with the problems resulting from intellectual disability, Woodbury-Smith emphasizes that AS is viewed as a "severe social disability" and in some cases there are "associated mental health and other medical problems" that can (and do) persist throughout life (p. 2).

The authors of this article point to some of the difficulties that result from AS, including the fact that diagnosis of AS is frequently delayed and that causes additional problems because there are now "…a range of interventions available" (Woodbury-Smith, 2009, p. 2). But because those interventions are best applied in early childhood, when a person is not found to have AS until later in life the healthcare professionals have a late start and solutions are not always effective.

Reciprocal Communication Issues

Writing in the Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Margaret Semrud-Clikeman and colleagues conclude -- as other researchers and scholars have -- that individuals with AS have difficulty with "reciprocal communication" and the AS person has "difficulty with sharing enjoyment of activities or objects" (Semrud-Clikeman, 2010, p. 509). In addition, the AS person often demonstrates an "…inflexible adherence to routines or rituals" and moreover that person has problems
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understanding social "intent" (what did that person mean by his statement or his body language?) and this leads to misunderstandings and "subsequent withdrawal particularly in novel and unexpected social interactions" (Semrud-Clikeman, 2010, p. 509).

Getting the proper diagnosis is very important because AS has certain similarities with "nonverbal learning disabilities" (NLD) and with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Semrud-Clikeman writes (p. 510). Indeed AS and NLD have been categorized as related disorders, albeit AS is generally considered more severe and children with AS "…generally need to stick to strict routines, have stereotyped interests, and often succeed academically" while children with NLD often experience difficulty "with visual-spatial skills" and struggle to differentiate between right and left and "frequently get lost" (Semrud-Clikeman, 2010, p. 510).

AS children are not known for getting lost and unlike children with NLD AS children "stick to strict routines, have stereotyped interests, and often succeed academically" (Semrud-Clikeman, 2010, p. 510). The authors conclude this research paper -- in which they utilized several empirical testing strategies to differentiate between NLD, ADHD and AS -- by asserting that both AS and NLD children have trouble "…understanding emotional and nonverbal cues in social interactions" (Semrud-Clikeman, 2010, p. 518). Qualitative clinical research into the behaviors of AS and NLD and ADHD children revealed that these individuals "…experience significant feelings of loneliness and social isolation that are painful to them" (Semrud-Clikeman, 2010, p. 518).

Why is a study of AS important? Why is this topic worth investigating?

First of all, because autism is the most widely recognized pervasive development disorder (PDD), other health issues that are somewhat similar to autism -- including AS -- have been "…less intensively studied, and their validity, apart from autism, is more controversial" (Yale Child Studies Center). Indeed, more, much more research and attention should go into all aspects and manifestations of Asperger's syndrome.

Secondly, because the complexity of AS conditions -- juxtaposed with the importance of knowing the developmental history of AS sufferers -- and the "common difficulties in securing adequate services for children and individuals with AS," parents, teachers and friends must be encouraged to "observe and participate in the evaluation" of those with AS (Yale Child Studies Center). And yet, notwithstanding the need spelled out in the previous sentence, how can intervention for individuals with AS be successful if there are still of host of mysteries yet to be solved vis-a-vis AS?

Thirdly, even though AS is not fully understood, ironically AS is becoming a "well-known diagnostic label…a fashionable concept used in an often unwarranted fashion by practitioners," the Yale Center report explains. Indeed, at the risk of generalizing, the Yale Center asserts that some practitioners -- who don't really fully grasp AS -- intend to convey that their client is "…currently experiencing difficulties in social interaction and in peer relationships" and so they latch on to the AS label, which seems appropriate but may be totally wrong-headed.

Finally, it is important to continue research into AS because there is a common thread found in much of the research, and that is that many people who are likely to have AS go undetected. More research is certainly needed, and more information should be made available to the general public. As Lars Perner, Ph.D., assistant professor in the Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California writes:

"I have always known that I was 'different' in some sense. The facts that I am a bit on the clumsy side, do not like confronting people, have difficulty recognizing faces, and have problems with non-verbal communication were not news to me.

Nevertheless, my diagnosis with Asperger's, a condition I had never heard of when it was revealed to me at age 32. When trying to pronounce new sounds, I must be shown explicitly how to produce them… [and] one of the areas where I continue to experience difficulty is in spontaneity and social coordination…I have learned not to force myself to go to cocktail parties and receptions despite the value of networking. Ironically, it's not so much the social experience I can't handle, but rather the problem is that the words of my conversant simply drown in the sea of background talk…I have to lean uncomfortably close and concentrate intensely on the other person's words to get anything…"

(Perner, 2002,

Understanding what AS really is -- and what it isn't

Gena P. Barnhill, along with many other scholars and clinicians, asserts that not enough research has been conducted on adults with AS. The author notes that unlike adults with autism, adults with AS generally have "…intellectual ability and syntactical speech that is considered to fall within normal limits" (Barnhill, 2007, p. 116). But, Barnhill continues, AS individuals have great difficulty with "pragmatic language" and as a result it is difficult for the AS individual to "provide the right information at the right time" -- and social niceties are not to be expected from individuals with AS. Also, nonverbal cues are not easy for the person with AS (p. 116). All that having been said, Barnhill makes it clear that while persons with AS "share the same set of core symptoms," those symptoms are not predictable, they manifest themselves in various ways depending on the particular individual, and hence, diagnosis is "challenging" (p. 116).

On page 117 Barnhill discusses the problems adults with AS have in finding a niche for their chosen vocation, in securing employment that matches up with their abilities, in staying on the job, and in "negotiating social relationships." When a job ends suddenly for an adult with AS, it can lead to depression and low self-esteem, Barnhill reports, adding that the job interview itself becomes problematic because while the adult individual may have the technical skills that the job requires, engaging in "reciprocal conversation" or being able to quickly respond to questions is beyond their abilities -- hence, they miss out on the job opportunity (p. 119). Without the ability to be gainfully employed, stress and isolation can creep up on the AS adult in ways that non-AS people will never understand.

Woodbury-Smith reports (p. 3) that the early descriptions of AS were not always on target. Researchers believed at one time that AS was actually: a) some milder form of autism; b) a "manifestation of autism in people with normal intellectual ability"; c) a form of autism that allowed a higher verbal functioning in the patient; or d) a form of autism that was "socially motivated." One of the differences between autism and AS, Woodbury-Smith explains (p. 3), is that people who have AS are "typically motivated to interact with others," however they discover in time that they are "socially isolated because of their odd communication style." That communication style is "overly formal" and may be manifested as a kind of monologue, which may bore the person trying to listen but to the AS speaker it is a topic of special interest, Woodbury-Smith continues on page 3.

In autism, the author points out (p. 3), speech is generally delayed and speech is not a great source of good communication in most cases. In AS, however, speech is often a bit too much, often over the top, so to speak. "Often" AS speech is "verbose and tangential," and moreover, an AS speaker may be given to odd peculiarities in that he or she may not have a normal rhythm or volume when speaking, drawing undue attention to the weirdness (Woodbury-Smith, 2009, p. 3). What the AS person is most interested in talking about is something he or… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Characteristics of Asperger Syndrome and Coping Strategies" Assignment:

Below is a copy of my topic proposal that was approved. This scholarly project is the final step needed before I graduate.The literature review needs to include all the information below. I am also the parent of a 9yr old boy with Asperger Syndrome so I have alot of personal experience.THIS WILL BE S A LITERATURE REVIEW ON THIS TOPIC.


Autism is a disorder of neural development characterized by impaired social interaction and communication, and by restricted and repetitive behavior. These signs all begin before a child is three years old. Autism affects information processing in the brain by altering how nerve cells and their synapses connect and organize. How or why this occurs is not well understood.

Asperger Syndrome is a classification for high functioning individuals on the autism spectrum that is characterized by the same significant difficulties in social relationships and restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests, but to a far lesser degree than the more severe cases. It also differs from other autism spectrum disorders by its relative preservation of linguistic and cognitive development.

This independent study will be a literature review of information that has been written specifically to address characteristics and strategies geared towards individuals with Asperger Syndrome. Throughout the process of working toward my Masters in Special Education, I have found there is much information dealing with Autism and it*****'s various disorders, but the literature is more limited when it comes to focusing on Asperger Syndrome. I have always felt that classic Autism is fairly easy to identify, but Asperger Syndrome is a more difficult disorder to pinpoint, especially in young children. Many behaviors can be quite subtle or mistaken for other disorders. Also, there are certain strategies and interventions that would be more appropriate for Asperger Syndrome alone as opposed to Autism.

I feel it is important for parents and professionals to have a comprehensive resource for Asperger*****'s that stands out from the all inclusive Autism Spectrum Disorders resources presently available. By having a wealth of information located in one place, it will help others save time and get them started in the right direction. I anticipate that at the end of this project, I will have complied enough information to help guide people looking for answers to their questions about Asperger Syndrome.


Chapter o1 is the Introduction.The literature review chapter 2 would concentrate on the characteristics of students with Asperger Syndrome, and the main project chapter 3 would concentrate on strategies for working with students with Asperger Syndrome. It would be a resource of strategies that teachers can use. Chapter 4 is the Summary/Conclusion/Recommendations and Reflective statement. There is more detsailed information below.


The following document is offered as a guide in the preparation of your final master*****s project in fulfillment of the Master*****s degree in Special Education. The following guidelines are presented to assist you in writing and assembling your project.

Acceptable style for the project should follow the most recent edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Formatting of title page, table of contents, margins, reference notes, lists, tables and general typing instructions should coincide with APA style. Equally as important is an appropriate professional style of writing. Please consult the APA manual or other writing style guides.

The following sections detail the appropriate contents of each section.

Chapter 1: Introduction (approximately 3-5 pages double-spaced)

Your introduction should provide the reader with a general introduction to the topic area. You should introduce the rationale for choosing the topic.. The introduction should provide the reader with a definitive statement of the problem under consideration and the potential benefit of the project. This chapter is an extension of the topic proposal you submitted to the Graduate School earlier.

Include the following in this section:

*****¢ General introduction of the topic area

*****¢ Statement of the Problem (why is this a topic worth exploring)

*****¢ Description of the Project

*****¢ Potential benefits of the project

Chapter 2: Review of the Literature (approximately 5-8 pages double spaced) This part of the project will consist of a literature review of characteristics of students with Asperger Syndrome.

The purpose of a literature review is to identify what is known and what is not known about your topic. To do this, you will need to locate seminal works (i.e., scholarly books, research articles, documents, reviews, internet resources) on your topic. The literature review must be defined by a guiding concept (e.g., your research objective, the problem or issue being addressed). The literature review connects theory with practice. It is not just a descriptive list of the material available or a set of summaries but an organized synthesis of what has been published on your topic by accredited scholars and researchers. The literature review should describe why your topic is an important one to explore and what has been discovered about your topic already. Depending on the topic, the number of sources for a literature review can range between five and fifteen (more is better).

Include the following in this section:

*****¢ Substantial review of recent literature pertinent to proposed topic organized into sections (e.g., use headings and subheadings)

Sources for the Literature Review

Academic Journals. Academic journals are usually the best source for literature reviews. These contain articles written by specialists in the field (usually college *****), who describe their research, secondary research, novel applications of existing theories, or interesting new ideas set in a theoretical context. There are several academic journals in the field of special education that can be accessed via an ERIC search.

The Internet. The internet is a good place to find a great deal of information quickly; however, this information is not always credible. While journal articles are peer-reviewed before being published, the only criterion for putting information on the internet is that one has a web site and the technical knowledge to post it. The U.S. Department of Education maintains the ERIC website which is designed specifically for educators at ERIC stands for Educational Resources Information Center. This site contains thousands of journal articles, research reports, curriculum, conference papers, and teaching guides. The review process for many of these sources is minimal and thus, they vary widely in their validity and credibility.

Books. Books are also good sources, but keep in mind that just because information is written in a book does not mean it is always true. Books that cite their sources and those that are published by major publishing companies are generally those that can be trusted to provide credible information.

Chapter 3: Project (approximately 10-15 pages double-spaced) strategies for working with students with AS. Resource for teachers.

This chapter contains the actual project and the results of your project. Depending on the option chosen (e.g., Action Research Project, curriculum development project, in-service or workshop, or creation of an effective teaching strategy), this can be in chapter format or attached separately.

Chapter 4: Summary/Conclusions/Recommendations and Reflective Statement (approximately 3-5 pages)

This chapter provides the reader with a brief reiteration of the preceding three chapters. It should focus on integrating your project with what you found in the review of the literature.

This chapter must also include a reflective statement about both the project and your experience in the master*****s program. This statement should include what you learned from doing the project, what you learned from or how you grew throughout your master*****s program, what you see as the roles and responsibilities of a special education teacher, and finally, your definition of and plans for professional development. I UNDERSTAND THAT I MAY NEED TO ADD MY OWN THOUGHTS TO THIS SECTION WHEN I RECEVIE THE PAPER. AGAIN, I AM A PARENT OF A CHILD WITH ASPERGER SYNDROME SO THIS IS A VERY PERSONAL TOPIC AS WELL AS AN EDUCATIONAL ONE. I AM CURRENTLY A KINDERGARTEN TEACHER AND THIS PROJECT WILL COMPLETE MY MASTERS IN SPECIAL EDUCATION WITH A MAJOR CONCENTRATION IN AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDERS.

Include the following in this section (use the following as your headings):

*****¢ A summary including the significance of your project in relation to the literature

*****¢ Conclusions/results of your project

*****¢ Recommendations or changes to you would have made or will make as a result of doing your project

*****¢ Reflective statement that addresses the four areas listed above.

Reference List:

You should provide a complete reference list of all materials used in the study, as well as any references cited in your literature review. The format should follow APA guidelines as established in the manual.

The Final Copy:

A bound copy of the project should be made for the advisor to keep for University record keeping. The binding is of your choosing and can be as simple as a plastic folder that you can purchase at several places (e.g., Target, Walmart) or as elaborate as a spiral binding at Kinko*****'s or a similar store that does binding. Do not use a three ring binder unless it has soft sides.


How to Reference "Characteristics of Asperger Syndrome and Coping Strategies" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Characteristics of Asperger Syndrome and Coping Strategies.”, 2010, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Characteristics of Asperger Syndrome and Coping Strategies (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Characteristics of Asperger Syndrome and Coping Strategies. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Characteristics of Asperger Syndrome and Coping Strategies” 2010.
”Characteristics of Asperger Syndrome and Coping Strategies”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Characteristics of Asperger Syndrome and Coping Strategies”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Characteristics of Asperger Syndrome and Coping Strategies [Internet]. 2010 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Characteristics of Asperger Syndrome and Coping Strategies. Published 2010. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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