Essay on "Asperger Syndrome: Causes, Diagnosis, Characteristics Treatment"

Essay 3 pages (1138 words) Sources: 1+

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Asperger Syndrome: Causes, Diagnosis, Characteristics Treatment


Asperger Syndrome (as) is classified as an autistic spectrum disorder, and its causes, as with all forms of autism, remain controversial and hotly debated within the scientific community as well as in the popular media. Most research indicates that it is a developmental disorder and its symptoms manifest themselves either at birth or shortly afterwards. There seems to be a strong hereditary component to as (Tatum 2009). There is a family history of autism spectrum disorder in about 50% of the as population and pre -- and perinatal risk factors in about 25% of as cases (Toth & King 2008). Morphologically, the regions affected in the brain are fronto-striatal in nature and more insight is needed on the role of networks in the brain and on how networks are formed during embryogenesis so scientists can determine when the impairment occurs (Tatum 2009). As it is a disorder of non-verbal communication, the brains of people with as have been compared to controls with neuroimaging to identify which areas of the brain are concerned with the functions lacking in as suffers such as communication, executive functions, and empathy (Tatum 2009).


The average age at diagnosis of as is about 11 years, compared with 5.5 years for autism (Toth & King 2008). A comprehensive assessment for as involves a review of the child's developmental history and current level of social, communication, and behavioral development. Most clinicians use a standardized assessment tool such as the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised test. Review of school records and previous testin
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g and interventions, as well as consultation with the child's teachers for their observations, particularly of peer interactions, is important to inform diagnosis and treatment planning for the child.

One question that may arise during the diagnostic phase is if the individual has Asperger Syndrome or high-functioning autism. A significant minority of the scientific community believes that the neuropsychological and behavioral profiles of as and high-functioning autism differ significantly and should be treated as distinct disorders and not merely as spectrum disorders, while others have argued that there is little empirical evidence for a distinction between these two disorders (Toth & King 2008). Individuals with as outperformed those classified as having high-functioning autism on the comprehension subtest of the WISC-III and showed greater creativity, imagination, and expressive language abilities, but there were no differences on measures of executive functions like flexibility and planning. Individuals with as had more circumscribed interests, while high-functioning autism showed a greater insistence on sameness of routines (Toth & King 2008).

To a layperson Asperger Syndrome manifests itself in low social awareness and executive function. As individuals may fail to pick up on social cues that are clear to others, such as yawning as a sign of inattention. Often they are obsessed with a few narrow subject areas, and may talk on these subjects at length, despite the listener's obvious lack of interest in such minutiae. As children seem to have difficulty empathizing with others, even if other cognitive functions may be impaired or even enhanced. Some may even be gifted in their intelligence and may excel in school, if their special needs are met with understanding and patience by their teachers (Asperger Syndrome, 2009, Mental Health Weekly Digest). This may or may not include special resource room and tutoring support.


AS is named after the therapist that first classified the condition. But although Asperger… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Asperger Syndrome: Causes, Diagnosis, Characteristics Treatment" Assignment:

Essay on Asperger syndrome. causes, diagnosis, characteristics, treatment, etc. strict APA format citations and reference page.

Sources: 5 academic journals only. APA format

How to Reference "Asperger Syndrome: Causes, Diagnosis, Characteristics Treatment" Essay in a Bibliography

Asperger Syndrome: Causes, Diagnosis, Characteristics Treatment.”, 2009, Accessed 5 Jul 2024.

Asperger Syndrome: Causes, Diagnosis, Characteristics Treatment (2009). Retrieved from (2009). Asperger Syndrome: Causes, Diagnosis, Characteristics Treatment. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Jul, 2024].
”Asperger Syndrome: Causes, Diagnosis, Characteristics Treatment” 2009.
”Asperger Syndrome: Causes, Diagnosis, Characteristics Treatment”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Asperger Syndrome: Causes, Diagnosis, Characteristics Treatment”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 5-Jul-2024].
1. Asperger Syndrome: Causes, Diagnosis, Characteristics Treatment [Internet]. 2009 [cited 5 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Asperger Syndrome: Causes, Diagnosis, Characteristics Treatment. Published 2009. Accessed July 5, 2024.

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