Essay on "Arugmentative Analysis an Argumentative"

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Arugmentative Analysis

An Argumentative Analysis

When most people think of the Legend of Sleepy Hollow, they will often associate it with the popular film that was produced by director Tim Burton. However, this piece of work is based off of an adaption from the 1820 novel published by Washington Irving. As, the film loosely follows: the events and characters that are depicted in the book. To fully understand the differences between the two requires comparing these works with each other. This will be accomplished by: examining the most important difference between them, looking at how the values that have shifted from one version to the next and what Burton's film reveals about issues that are of concern in our own time. Once this occurs, it will offer the greatest insights as to the overall differences and similarities between both.

The Differences between the Two Works

There are several distinctions between the novel and the film to include: the setting, the characters and the ending. In the book, the story takes place in 1790 at a Dutch settlement known as Tarry Town. The main character (Ichabod Crane) is a school master from Connecticut that is competing with Abraham (Brom Bones) Van Brunt for the love of an 18-year-old named Katrina Van Tassel. She is the daughter of a wealthy landowner known as Baltus Van Tassel.

One evening, as he is leaving a party, Crane is pursued by a headless horseman. This is the ghost of Hessian mercenary that lost his head during the American Revolution. The protagonist is riding back and forth in the search of the skull that he lost during a battle. One day, Ichabod Crane myst
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eriously disappears from the town at the hands of the headless horseman. This gives Brom Bones the opportunity to peruse and marry Katrina. The novel ends with the nature of the headless horseman remaining unresolved. Although it is left open to interpretation, many people believe that Brom Bones was this person, who had the intention of eliminating Ichabod Crane. So that he can peruse the love interests of Katrina without any kind of interference. (Irving)

In the film version, the plot is set in 1799 at Sleepy Hollow, New York. Ichabod Crain is a New York City police detective who is sent to the area to investigate a series of brutal murders. That are leaving, the victims decapitated with: their heads missing from their bodies. Showing up, with cutting edge scientific techniques (i.e. finger prints and autopsies) he is told that perpetrator is not a human. Instead, he is a supernatural spirit that rides from the beyond the grave in search of his lost skull.

He is assisted in his investigations by the orphan of one of the headless horseman's victims named Masbeth. At the same time, Carne is staying in the home of the town's wealthiest family the Van Tassel's. Where, he quickly begins a romantic relationship with their daughter Katrina. It is at this point, that Crane discovers the grave of the headless horseman. He then finds out that his spirit is seeking revenge based on: land rights and redemption. These are directed against the actions that Katrina's mother has taken. This is when Crane locates, the skull of the headless horseman and quickly returns it to the grave. This allows the spirit to feel as if he has been able to extract his revenge. Once this takes place, he and his enslaver return to hell. At which point, the mission is complete. This is when Crane returns to New York City with: Katrina and Masbeth. This comparison is significant, because it is illustrating how: the characters, setting and plot are different between the both works. ("The Legend of Sleepy Hollow")

How are the values endorsed or critiqued shifted from one version to the other?

The values are shifted dramatically between the film and the book. In the movie, Burton changes the focus by depicting Crane as someone who wants to prove that modern forensics can solve a wide variety of crimes. Yet, he is unable to do so, as there are certain elements that science cannot prove. Instead, mysticism and setting right the wrongs that occurred during the past are the focus of Crane. Where, the main character realizes that the murders are taking place based upon: revenge and the greed of wealthy landowners. These two elements create a situation, where his tools cannot help him to solve the case.

At which point, Crane engages in actions that are leading to him to find the root causes of the problem and how to deal with them. Once this occurs, is when he is able to make a major breakthrough in helping to solve the case by: sending him back to where he came from with the placement of the skull at the grave. This is significant because, it is showing how the values in the film are based upon the fact that modern science cannot solve the various crimes that are occurring. Instead, there are factors that are beyond that of logic and reason. That can provide, more specific insights about the situation and how to effectively deal with it. (Irving)

As far as the book is concerned, there is an emphasis on the values that are placed in love and loyalty. Where, Crane is a school teacher who is able to win the affections of Katrina. Yet, Brom Bones cannot stand the fact that he is able to sway her in such a way. At which point, the headless horseman begins to appear and Crane vanishes. Once this occurs, it allows him to aggressively peruse and court Katrina. In this aspect, the book is illustrating how despite Crane using good judgment and trying to do the right thing. He is viewed as an outsider, who is seen as someone that is interfering with the social status of society and the community. As a result, this is an indication that no matter what your motives are you should not interfere with the current structure that is in place. This is significant, because it is illustrating how the values of book are placing more of an emphasis on affluence and privilege within society. While the film, is focusing on how modern science cannot provide the answers for the mysteries of life. Instead, there are some issues that will not be fully understood. Therefore, the values are shifted from one version to the other based upon how the story is told and the emphasis that is placed on what ideals are most important to the main character. ("The Legend of Sleepy Hollow") ("Sleepy Hollow")

What might Burton's adaptations reveal about issues of concern in our own time?

What Burton's adaptation reveals is that there are number of issues impacting modern day society. The most notable include: the interests of the wealthy over that of society at large and the role of modern science. The interests of the wealthy over that of society at large are based upon Katrina's mother attempts, to take control of the family inheritance (which encompasses tremendous amounts of land). However, the problem is that with Katrina alive, she cannot be able to seek her birth right. This is because of the fact that there is an heir, who can control these assets. Katrina is unconcerned about the importance of this and is not going to allow her mother gain this kind of power. At which point, her mother takes her daughter to the windmill so that she can be able to seek control of the family's assets by: making Katrina the next victim of the headless horseman. This is significant, because it is showing how the tremendous amounts of greed are contributing to the underlying tensions between Katrina and her mother. Where, her mother is interested in ensuring that the family is able to maintain control over a variety of resources and land. Yet, Katrina does not see the importance in achieving these objectives. At which point, her mother will engage in actions that are designed to achieve her interests at any costs including: the murder of her own daughter. As a result, this is reflection of modern day society with: a number of people placing the interests of greed above their family members and the community. ("Sleepy Hollow")

A second issue of concern is the impact of modern day science in helping to improve our understanding of the different events. During the film, Crane is focused on proving to the citizen of town that the techniques developed in the new millennium can be able to solve these murders. However, after going through a series of events he realizes that his tools are useful in helping him to figure out why the headless horseman is engaging in the various actions. In this aspect, modern science was able to allow Crane to: isolate the root causes of the problem and the effects that they are having on the case. This is because forensics, gave him an understanding… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Arugmentative Analysis an Argumentative" Assignment:

Argumentative Analysis

Length: 5 Pages

An argumentative analysis:

1. Takes a position that needs to be explained and proven.

2. Supports its position with evidence drawn from the works being addressed.

3. Analyzes evidence to demonstrate how it proves a point in the argument.

The Prompts:

1)You Thought You Knew the Story of Sleepy Hollow: While Tim Burton based the film Sleepy Hollow upon the story by Washington Irving, he makes some significant changes to Irving*****'s plot and to some of his characters. Write an essay tracing the differences between Irving*****s story and Burton*****s film that seem most important. How do the values endorsed or critiqued shift from one version to the other? What might Burton*****'s adaptations reveal about issues of concern in our own time?



How to Reference "Arugmentative Analysis an Argumentative" Essay in a Bibliography

Arugmentative Analysis an Argumentative.”, 2011, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Arugmentative Analysis an Argumentative (2011). Retrieved from (2011). Arugmentative Analysis an Argumentative. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Arugmentative Analysis an Argumentative” 2011.
”Arugmentative Analysis an Argumentative”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Arugmentative Analysis an Argumentative”,, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Arugmentative Analysis an Argumentative [Internet]. 2011 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Arugmentative Analysis an Argumentative. Published 2011. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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