Assessment on "Armstrong, E.; Kukla, R.; Kuppermann, M"

Assessment 8 pages (3055 words) Sources: 24

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Armstrong, E.; Kukla, R.; Kuppermann, M. & Little, M. (2009). "RISK and the Pregnant Body." Hastings Center Report. 39(6), pp. 34.

These authors considered the idea of risk during pregnancy and the fact the women and doctors alike tend to have an overly cautions view on what might be considered a risk or not. They compared this to the fact that during child-birth risks are taken more freely and are not chastised when they fail. The fact that women and doctors are careful during pregnancy is to be applauded because everything must be done with the health of the child in mind, but one cannot ignore the voice of the mother and not act when she thinks something is wrong.

Baraitser, L. & Tyler, I. (2010). "Talking of mothers." Soundings 44, pp. 117.

Despite maternal culture becoming more exposed and celebrated, these authors note that there is still a great deal of inequality in the workplace experienced by women who have the potential to become pregnant. Women are placed in a place that is between biological and social, according to the authors, which does not really afford them the rights or respects that they are due from either sphere. While the workplace discrimination against the potential for pregnancy is definitely observable, the more esoteric points made by these authors' arguments is less clear. Empiricism rather than simple assertion would better serve the cause that these authors are arguing for.

Bauer, P.; Broman, C. & Pivarnik, J. (2010). "Exercise and Pregnancy Knowledge Among Healthcare Providers." Journal of women's health. 19(2), pp. 335.

This study questioned ninety-three health ca
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re providers about their knowledge and beliefs about exercise during pregnancy was well as their awareness of ACOG guidelines on the matter. The researchers found that 99% of the practitioners believed that exercise was beneficial during pregnancy and that most also believed that heart rate should be kept below 140 bpm. They further found that many of the practitioners were not familiar with the ACOG guidelines at all. It was not surprising to find that exercise was known to be beneficial, but I was surprised to find out that many of these doctors were totally un familiar with guidelines that are in place to protect both mother and child.

Bennet, I.; Culhane, J.; Webb, D. & Coyne, J. (2010). "Perceived Discrimination and Depressive Symptoms, Smoking, and Recent Alcohol Use in Pregnancy." Birth 37(2), pp. 90.

This study involved a large population of pregnant women from a range of socioeconomic and ethnic backgrounds, and found that certain types of discrimination and certain exposure levels to discrimination were directly related to negative health behaviors including smoking and drinking. Depression was also seen to increase as a result of everyday discrimination. It is interesting that "major discrimination," though poorly defined by the authors, did not lead directly to the same negative outcomes as everyday discrimination however slight in nature. Attempts to explain the reasons behind this would have made a nice conclusion to this rather clinical research.

Castillo, J.; Hook, L.; Spears, W. & Sunil, T.S. (2010). "Initiation of and Barriers to Prenatal Care Use Among Low-Income Women in San Antonio, Texas." Maternal and Child Health Journal. 14(1), pp. 133.

The authors of this study interview 444 low-income women seeking care at San Antonio clinics. They found that women who had social barriers, those who were less educated, those who did not have a partner and those who had not planned their pregnancies were less likely to seek out prenatal care - they also found that those women who enrolled in WIC were more likely to seek care. The majority of the women in the study reported that while they knew the importance of care and where to seek it and could afford it, yet some of these women did not get care at all. These findings show that if women seek care was not entirely based on circumstance, but on decisions and this seems very counter-intuitive to what one usually thinks of as maternal.

Chakrabarti, R. (2010). "Therapeutic networks of pregnancy care: Bengali immigrant women in New York City." Social science & medicine. 71(2), pp. 362.

This author researched the impact of therapeutic social networks on Bengali immigrant women in Ney York City. The author interviewed 40 women for this research study who are living in various neighborhoods within the city. She found that the aspects of these social networks that the women found most helpful were things like general advice of having a healthy pregnancy or cooking. She also found that the strength of these relationships was dependent on how long and where the woman lived within the city. The results of this study seems fairly obvious to me because having a network on which to rely is on its own therapeutic and the length and availability of these relationships is also going to effect their usefulness.

Chi, B.; Hanh, N,; Vibeke R. & Tine, G. (2010). "Induced abortion among HIV-positive women in Northern Vietnam: exploring reproductive dilemmas." Culture, health & sexuality 12(1), pp. 41.

The researchers for this article examined the practice of inducing abortions in women that had tested as HIV-positive in Northern Vietnam. This practice is seen by some as a necessary evil, but has also caused many psychological and sociological problems among many families and communities with high HIV levels. I was shocked to read that such practices could still take place in countries that have been largely Westernized. The disparity between the levels of healthcare available to individuals, not to mention issues of political choice, is astounding.

Clark, S.; Kabiru, C. & Mathur, R. (2010). "Relationship Transitions Among Youth in Urban Kenya." Journal of Marriage and Family 72(1), pp. 73.

The authors of this study looked at 1,365 reports of romantic and sexual partnerships in youths in Kisumu, Kenya. They found that there are a number of factors that will lead to engagement and marriage including, but not limited to, if they go to school, and independence from family. They also found that that couples are more likely to marry if they think their partner is exclusive, despite this men who have more then one partner are more likely to marry. It was interesting to read about these factors that influence the decision to marry, however I think they seem to be quite universal.

DeWitt, J; Kannan; Krishnakumar, A & Lumeng, J. (2010). "Healthy Eating and Harambee: Curriculum Development for a Culturally-Centered Bio-Medically Oriented Nutrition Education Program to Reach African-American Women of Childbearing Age." Maternal and Child Health Journal. 14(4), pp. 535.

The researchers on this study looked at the impact of peer-led nutrition curriculum on 102 African-American women of childbearing age. The curriculum taught healthier food choices and the authors focused their study on how the women changed their behavior by both changing what they ate (more fruits and vegetables) and how they took care of themselves (exercising more). I was glad to see that this program was a success with most of the women adopting at least some of these new behaviors and that the participants were happy with the curriculum and the outcomes. It seems like such a simple thing, teaching a healthier lifestyle, but sometimes it really takes an outside party to come in and facilitate the change.

Dun, T. (2010). "Turning Points in Parent-Grandparent Relationships During the Start of a New Generation." Journal of family communication. 10(3), pp. 194.

This author interviewed twenty-three first-time parents to further understand how the relationship between themselves and their parents, the new grandparents, changed from when the pregnancy was announced through to the birth. Through these interviews, the author found that there are ten distinct turning points in the relationship during pregnancy and found some to be either positive or negative (valence) and others to be internal or external (locus). I was very interested to read that there are common turning points within this relationship dynamic and that so many different events work together to change it.

Flavin, J. & Paltrow, L. (2010). "Punishing Pregnant Drug-Using Women: Defying Law, Medicine, and Common Sense." Journal of addictive diseases 29(2), pp. 231.

Both the health and the legal aspects of addictive drug use in pregnant women are examined in this article, with the large-scale social implication of a lack of access to adequate healthcare fairly well detailed and defined by the authors. They argue that low-income and otherwise disadvantaged women, who are far more likely to be drug abusers, are further punished and disadvantaged for failing to care for their children when the system cannot even care for them. The authors make a compelling argument, but it seems one-sided and does not acknowledge any personal responsibility on the part of the mothers being discussed.

Fransen, M.; Wildschut, H.; Mackenbach, J. & Steegers, E. (2010). "Ethnic and socio-economic differences in uptake of prenatal diagnostic tests for Down's syndrome." European journal of obstetrics & gynecology and reproductive biology 151(2), pp. 158.

The different ethnic communities that exist in the Netherlands formed… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Armstrong, E.; Kukla, R.; Kuppermann, M" Assignment:

*****¢ Annotated Bibliography Information

The intent of this project is to get you into an academic library (either live or electronically or both) to acquaint yourself with some of the materials used in research and to read and critique a few research journal articles related to your field of interest. While you may have done a fair amount of library work before, plan to spend a substantial amount of time with this project, and use it to further your understanding of the research process and your knowledge of your field in general. The real value of this project is not only what you may learn about the topics addressed in the articles, but what you acquire in the way of experience in critically evaluating the adequacy and technical merits of the presentations. As you will see in our threaded discussions, not all articles are well done - many are seriously flawed and maybe should not have been published (at least not without serious revision).

We want you to find research articles in academic journals on any topic or topics that interest you, read them, and write brief descriptions of them. We expect that the articles you select will be research articles (reports of empirical research studies) and that several of them will be from the very recent issues of the journals. For each article, write the bibliographic citation for it and a paragraph or two about the article. Use the APA style for your citations or use a style you that you prefer. The annotation may be as short as a paragraph of several sentences if that*****'s what it takes to describe the article. If you find yourself writing more than 3 paragraphs you may be trying to include too much. However, if the bibliography is to be of value to you, you may wish to include more information in your description of the article than 3 paragraphs permit. Resist the temptation to just reproduce the abstract that precedes the article. Instead, read the article and attempt to capture its essence in your own words. You might wish to personalize your comments, e.g. how the article might affect your own teaching or whether or not you agree with positions the authors took. Be sure to include your own evaluative remarks of critique - was the article difficult to read, were the measures described well, did the authors overstep their data in your judgment, was the experimental design appropriate, was the sampling of subjects appropriate for the design, were the conclusions justified based on the data, etc. (have a look at p. 617 - 619 in Ary, for other ideas). It is important that you include your assessment of the technical adequacy or inadequacy of the article. We will be assessing the technical merits of articles in the last 4 threaded discussions in our course - you will see clearly there what constitutes a technically well-presented article. You might consider looking up articles on a topic or topics of specific interest to you (academic or not). In this case, provide a brief statement of the theme(s) or topic(s). Or provide a formal research question if you like. You may wish instead to read a variety of research articles that are not related to a single topic - this is fine also.

In addition to reading some research articles for this project, we recommend that you have a look at the Encyclopedia of Educational Research. It is an amazing compendium of extensive literature reviews of more than 200 educational topics. Identify the articles in this encyclopedia that are of greatest interest to you, read them, and include them in your annotated bibliography. Or have a look at Review of Educational Research - it contains timely encyclopedic treatments of major topics in education. Or have a look at Mental Measurement Yearbooks, look up some tests that are of interest to you, read about them, and report for each one its title, purpose, year, acronym, cost, a brief description, and reliability and validity information. If you are at an academic library that houses dissertations, pick one or two that are about topics that look interesting to you, read them, and write brief descriptions of these studies. Feel free to select other resources from which you might select articles or other materials to read. See pages 65 - 71 in Ary for other ideas. Up to half of the annotated citations that you submit may be *****"non-research*****" items like those mentioned above, or even position or summary papers that many academic journals publish yet are not reports of actual research.

Samples illustrating acceptable formats are presented below should you need them or wish to use them instead of an APA Manual. We ask that you:

1. Be consistent in the style you use for your citations,

2. that you get the bibliography to us on or before the deadline,

3. that you select materials of interest to you, read them, and write your brief summaries in your own words.

4. and that at least half of the articles or citations that you submit be research articles with your annotation that includes remarks about the article*****'s technical merit or adequacy.

The annotated bibliography may be sent to us by email as an attachment. Deadline information is in the Course Schedule. This deadline applies regardless of whether you are sending in a 12-item bibliography that preserves your TEST GRADE or whether you are sending in 1) a 16-item bibliography to raise your TEST GRADE by one partial letter grade (like from an A- to an A), 2) a 20-item bibliography to raise your TEST GRADE by two partial letter grades (like from a B to an A-, or 3) a 24-item bibliography to raise your TEST GRADE by a full letter grade.


1. Boulware-Gooden, R., Carreker, S., Joshi, R.M., & Thornhill, A. (2007). Instruction of Metacognitive Strategies Enhances Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary Achievement of Third-Grade Students. The Reading Teacher, 61(1), 70-77

This study was specifically designed to analyze the efficacy of systematic direct instruction of multiple metacognitive strategies created to aid students in their comprehension of texts. The data collected through this five-week study resulted in the addition of *****multiple-strategy use***** as one of the eight effective strategies to aid students in their literacy development, as cited by the National Reading Panel (National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, 2000). The purpose of the study was to specifically investigate the reading comprehension and vocabulary development of 119 third grade (over six classrooms) students in two urban elementary schools in southwest United States. The pre-test and post-test results of students in both schools were analyzed to determine the effect of using metacognitive strategies to assist students in their comprehension of expository texts.

I was rather confused by the purpose of the study. It seemed dichotomous to me, because as a literacy teacher, I question the possibility of direct instruction apropos to teaching the use of metacognitive strategies to students. Moreover, it also seemed confusing because I was not sure of the variable was comprehension of expository texts or vocabulary development, because the two can require very different strategy approaches. I would have gained more information from the article if there were clear descriptions of the setting of the study as well as a more detailed description of the characteristics of the intervention and the comparison group. The results were analyzed and indicated that the gains demonstrated through the performance of the intervention group (to which direct instruction in metacognitive strategies was given) were statistically significant, and through an additional analysis using a Binomial Effect Size Display (BESD), the intervention group showed a 40% difference in gain in vocabulary development and a 20% difference in gain in reading comprehension.

2. Herman, D, Harrison, G, Afifi, A, Jenks, E. (2008).Effect of a targeted subsidy on intake of fruits and vegetables among low-income women in the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children. American Journal of Public Health, 98 (1), 98-105.

The study authors referred to the design of this project as a nonequivalent control group design, which is a categorization that I am not familiar with. There were 2 treatments and 1 control administered at 3 similar WIC clinics in Los Angeles. Each clinic recruited postpartum women enrolled in WIC services, and one clinic sample received vouchers for fruits and vegetables to be purchased at a farmers market, one clinic sample received vouchers for fruits and vegetables for purchase at a supermarket, and the controls received a nonfood voucher for disposable diapers. The baseline, end of intervention and 6 months post-intervention consumption of fruits and vegetables were assessed and compared. A mixed model approach was used to look at any changes in fruit and vegetable intake at the end of the intervention and 6 months after incentives were removed in order to account for intrasubject correlation (degree of similarity of participant responses within a group and across groups) and to adjust for covariates. The study showed that the farmers market and supermarket participants increased their fruit and vegetable intake during the intervention and maintained increased consumption over the control group 6 months post-intervention.

As mentioned with other WIC studies, the results of this study are very specific to the WIC program and its participants. The demographics of the participants in this study are not at all representative of WIC participants across the country ��*****" in this group close to 90% of the participants were Hispanic. As in other WIC studies, the majority of the data were self-report including dietary intake, causing much of the data to be questionable in regards to accuracy (although the researchers did do evaluations to ensure that energy intake reports were within plausible limits and tried to account for intrasubject correlation). One major question that was raised for me was how much of the fruits and vegetable incentives were actually consumed by the participant*****s other household members vs. the participants***** consumption. The redemption of the vouchers was 90%, but that doesn*****t mean that the food purchased was actually consumed by the treatment groups only. Another limitation is that this study was conducted in an environment where fruits and vegetables are available in abundance year round and the consumption of these foods are more culturally accepted (particularly in participants who are recent immigrants). As far as study design goes, I would have liked to have seen a better randomization process for each treatment group, although that would have been a much harder design to implement within the normal clinic experience as the clinic specific sample groups were.

Some of the main positive points that stuck out for me were the comments revealed in the interview of the *****pleasant community experience***** reported by the farmers***** market shoppers. This group also had the highest prevalence of exclusively breastfeeding than the other groups. This study laid some great ground work in looking at the implementation of a fruits and vegetables addition to the WIC food packages. It will be interesting to see whether the increased intake will occur at the same level with the current additions, even though the nation wide intervention will be smaller dollar amounts for the vouchers and will not necessarily include farmers markets as venues for purchase.

3. .

3. Valencis, S.W., & Buly, M.R. (2004). Behind test scores: What struggling readers Really Need. The Reading Teacher, 57(6), 520-531. Reprinted with permission of the International Reading Association.

This article draws on the results of an empirical study of students who failed standardized reading tests and describes six different profiles of struggling students as follows: 1) Automatic word callers, 2) Struggling word callers, 3) Word stumbles, 4) Slow comprehenders, 5) Slow word callers, and 6) Disabled readers. (brief description of each of these profiles was also included)

The article was reasonably well presented, except for the descriptions of instruments used that are not well known and the lack of attention to any serious analysis leading to their conclusions. I thought the article should have been revised for clarity, comprehensiveness, and accuracy before going into print. This research article will help me find instructional strategies that I might use and help me find pertinent instructional strategies by identifying my struggling readers into different profiles of struggling students.

4. Feldman, D., Kluwin, T. & McCrane, W. (2006). Deaf Clients***** Perceptions of Counseling Expertise as a Function of Counselors***** Signing Skill, Gender and Therapy Type. American Annals of the Deaf, v150n5, 408-413. This study looks at how signing skills, gender and therapy type influence a deaf client*****s perception of the counseling process. The results showed that these three factors did not have an influence on perception.

There were some limitations that would influence the outcome of this research. First, the sample for the research was very small. Also, the sample of students in the study were all taking professional perception classes which may not be a true representative of the deaf population. Finally, sign skills were not indicated as a factor of the clients***** perception. This may be due to the fact that one quarter of the sample was hard of hearing, not deaf. The client*****s who were hard of hearing may be more tolerant of signers who are not as skilled. There were some flaws in the sample and the stimuli, and I believe that if future research were done to change these inconsistencies, the results would be very different.

i need 24 article in five pages close to the example above

please dont do copy because i will fail the class

How to Reference "Armstrong, E.; Kukla, R.; Kuppermann, M" Assessment in a Bibliography

Armstrong, E.; Kukla, R.; Kuppermann, M.”, 2010, Accessed 4 Oct 2024.

Armstrong, E.; Kukla, R.; Kuppermann, M (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Armstrong, E.; Kukla, R.; Kuppermann, M. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Oct, 2024].
”Armstrong, E.; Kukla, R.; Kuppermann, M” 2010.
”Armstrong, E.; Kukla, R.; Kuppermann, M”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Armstrong, E.; Kukla, R.; Kuppermann, M”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 4-Oct-2024].
1. Armstrong, E.; Kukla, R.; Kuppermann, M [Internet]. 2010 [cited 4 October 2024]. Available from:
1. Armstrong, E.; Kukla, R.; Kuppermann, M. Published 2010. Accessed October 4, 2024.

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