Case Study on "Apples' Make vs. Buy Decision"

Case Study 4 pages (1481 words) Sources: 4

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Apple's Make vs. Buy Decision

Evaluating Approaches To Recruiting Most Suited for Apple's Talent Acquisition

Of the many approaches and techniques Apple could use for recruiting and talent acquisition, by far the most effective are the following three key success factors. First, determining the level of cultural congruence new potential employees have with the organizational climate is critical, followed by the depth of prospect's experiences in specific technical areas where Apple needs expertise to continually create new products. A third is the extent to which a potential new employee can quickly contribute to the unique Apple new product development process (Tariq, Ishrat, Khan, 2011). These three areas are the most important for the success of a new employee. Finding potential employees that meet these three criterion is exceptionally difficult as their combination fo cultural agility and technical skill make them highly sought after in new product development teams (Lynn, 1998). This type of employee is not specifically motivated to join one company over another based on the traditional recruiting advertising, public relations and promotional strategies used by the majority fo Apple's competitors globally. Instead, this is the type of employee who is motivated by autonomy, mastery and purpose in their work and the opportunity to accomplish a visionary product or idea. That vision or mission that many Apple employees share is what also makes their new product development process so effective, quick to respond to the market, and exceptionally high quality in products produced (Tariq, Ishrat, Khan, 2011). Through their approaches to creating teams of developers through a n
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on-standard recruiting strategy they are able to attract the specific type of employee who can contribute to complex projects quickly and also excel in a corporate culture known for valuing independent thinking over excessive conformity (Lynn, 1998). The company doers use social media sites including LinkedIn to attract new potential employees, often taking tens of thousands of resumes a week for open positions. The continual screening process is one that separates those that have the unique skill sets required at Apple to succeed.

Analysis of Recruiter Traits and Behaviors That Lead To Successful Recruiting

The Apple culture is highly individualistic and some say non-conformist in its approach to new product development and creativity (Faust, 2011). It is a culture that celebrates intelligence and initiative over conformity and following the crowd, a point made abundantly clear in the user interfaces of their products (Stephani, 2011) and the core values of Steve Jobs, which continue to influence the company heavily today (Faust, 2011). Due to all of these factors, the recruiter traits and behaviors need to be congruent and well-aligned to these idiosyncrasies of the Apple culture. Recruiters need to thoroughly and passionately understand the legacy of the Apple culture, what it means to the many customers who have loyally bought products from them for years, and what the roles are of Apple employees in delighting customers with innovative new products and services. In short, the traits and behaviors need to revolve around a passion for Apple that clearly sets expectations of exceptional performance and commitment to delivering exceptional products over time (Tariq, Ishrat, Khan, 2011).

As Apple is one of the most demanding places to work from an engineering and new product development standpoint, a recruiter would also need to have behaviors and traits that showed confidence and assurance of company direction while also having the ability to articulate the more challenging aspects of working there. It is in many respects like a highly regarded college or university as a culture as it values intelligence and independence of thought and the ability to quickly take the conceptual to the concrete quickly (Faust, 2011). Recruiter traits and behaviors also need to center on an appreciation of the specific engineering disciplines they are interviewing candidates to fulfill. To make this part of who the interviewer is from the start,. It is highly recommended that the interviewers spent time in the product groups to understand their unique culture, and needs as they relate to the new positions opening up. The best recruiters will have a strong sense of the unspoken and innate needs of product teams by spending time around them to better appreciate their unique requirements and needs. All of these elements taken together will make a recruiter ideal for the task of hiring the best possible employees for each specific team within Apple.

Three Strategies Apple Can Use to Plan HR Resources

The first… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Apples' Make vs. Buy Decision" Assignment:

Apple*****s Make-vs.-Buy Decision

1. Based on the information given but in your own words, explain what

approaches to recruiting might be best suited for Apple*****s talent acquisition.

2. Describe the recruiter traits and behaviors that would lead to the most

successful recruiting campaign for Apple.

3. Suggest three (3) ways that Apple can effectively plan for HR resources. Rank

in order of cost to implement.

4. Discuss the benefits that forecasting provides for Apple.

5. State why you agree or disagree that this is a necessary first step in all HR

resource planning.

The format of the report is to be as follows:

o Typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font (size 12), one-inch margins

on all sides, APA format.

o Use headers for each of the subjects being covered, followed by your response.


How to Reference "Apples' Make vs. Buy Decision" Case Study in a Bibliography

Apples' Make vs. Buy Decision.”, 2012, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Apples' Make vs. Buy Decision (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Apples' Make vs. Buy Decision. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Apples' Make vs. Buy Decision” 2012.
”Apples' Make vs. Buy Decision”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Apples' Make vs. Buy Decision”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Apples' Make vs. Buy Decision [Internet]. 2012 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Apples' Make vs. Buy Decision. Published 2012. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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