Assessment on "Key Features of Apple Industry"

Assessment 3 pages (1055 words) Sources: 3

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Key Features of Apple's Success

Apple, Inc. is widely recognize as one of the most innovative technology firms in the world. It owes much of this reputation to the identity of its leadership, and particularly to the sweeping changes wrought by the re-emergence of company co-founder Steve Jobs. According to the model offered by Porter's 5 Forces, Jobs helped poise Apple to become the singular powerhouse that it is today.

Supplier Power:

Apple has achieved much of its success through its strategy of propriety ownership of its software and of other compatible products. As the case study by Heracleous & Papachroni (2009) indicates, key features of Apples success "have been the focus on design, the consumer experience, and the seamless integration of hardware and software (such as in the case of iPod and iTunes). The tight integration of its own operating system, hardware and applications, has been a strategy followed diligently by Apple." (p. 10) This approach has allowed it to remain in a position of total control over the supply of the fundamental programming innovations that help to define the company's product intuition and functionality. In this way, Apple defines the cost of its innovations according to the retention of in-house talent. In addition to reducing the power of suppliers with in its industry by removing their stake in its product, Apple also achieves a high level of internal loyalty and morale.

Threat of New Entrants:

One way in which Apple postured itself as something of an irreplaceable force in the industry was by trimming its product offerings to reflect onl
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y the highest standards of production and innovation. Upon Jobs' return to Apple in 1997, the case study by Heracleous & Papachroni (2009) reports, he forced the company to establish itself with unattainable dominance in those areas where it stood most to succeed while dispatching with participation in those areas where such was not possible. According to Heracleous & Papachroni, Jobs "axed 70% of new products in development, kept 30% that he believer were 'gems', and added some new products that could offer breakthrough potential. He also revamped the marketing message to take advantage of the maverick, creative Apple brand, and re-priced stock options to retain talent." (p. 7)

The outcome of these decisions was the creation of a brand and a product line commanding a tremendous amount of customer loyalty. The perception among users that products are designed with the intuition to meet their highly individualized needs prevents new entrants from depriving Apple of its core users. In addition, the innovation pursued here would create a product model in which high levels of product integration compound this loyalty with a need for a wide array of products and peripherals.

Threat of Substitutes:

Where the threat of substitutes to Apple's current industry dominance is concerned, the company's agenda of aggressive innovation and savvy target marketing has largely insulated it against such dangers. As our research explains the concept of market substitution, "the competition engendered by a Threat of Substitute comes from products outside the industry. The price of aluminum beverage cans is constrained by the price of glass bottles, steel cans, and plastic containers. These… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Key Features of Apple Industry" Assignment:

I would like critical evualuation of the key features of Apple*****'s Industry using the different models, theory and concepts of leadership.

The different concepts such as, leadership and management, leadership behaviour, traits

Different theories of effective leadership such as, situational leadership theory, pathgoal theory LPC contingency theory, leadership substitute theory etc.

Types of leadership such as participative, supportive, directive and charismatic leadeship

Power and influence

The use of grapgh, diagrams etc to buttress the point.

I will be getting back to you on further clariffications on Apple industry


How to Reference "Key Features of Apple Industry" Assessment in a Bibliography

Key Features of Apple Industry.”, 2012, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Key Features of Apple Industry (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Key Features of Apple Industry. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Key Features of Apple Industry” 2012.
”Key Features of Apple Industry”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Key Features of Apple Industry”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Key Features of Apple Industry [Internet]. 2012 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Key Features of Apple Industry. Published 2012. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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