Thesis on "Apple Computers the Company I Have Chosen"

Thesis 4 pages (1257 words) Sources: 4 Style: APA

[EXCERPT] . . . .

Apple Computers

The company I have chosen to examine is Apple Computers. Apple characterizes its organizational culture as "fun, yet demanding." Apple was one of the pioneers of the "work hard, play hard" ethic now commonplace in the computer industry today. This ethic appeals to me because it fits with how I approach work life. I, too, take a results-driven approach that devalues formality in place of superior performance. Too many industries still rely on formality and hierarchy. While that may suit other people, I view Apple's less-formal, more results-driven approach as in line with the approach I feel works best for me.

In addition to Apple's results-driven approach, I also feel that I share with that company's culture a forward-thinking, "outside the box" approach. Apple has never been afraid to carve their own path, and take on the industry giants in order to become one themselves. I approach problems in much the same way that Apple does - I understand the status quo approach but remain skeptical that a better way cannot be found. So I seek that better way. This is what has driven Apple to develop products so widely loved by consumers that are yet uniquely different from competing products. I am also driven by the need to be slightly differentiated, and always perform just a little bit better, than those around me.

The seven primary characteristics of organizational culture, as identified by Chatman and Jehn, are innovation, stability, outcome orientation, people orientation, team orientation, detail orientation and easygoingness. Apple embodies several of these. They are an innovative company, focused on the development of unique hardware and so
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ftware solutions. They are an outcome-oriented company, in that they are driven by financial and market share measures of success - to perform well but not meet your objectives is, simply, to not perform well. They are a highly detail-oriented company. This industry demands attention to minute detail, as the slightest error will lead to a defect. Moreover, the intensity of competition and size of the market drives the company to strict attention to detail as every error presents an opportunity for a competitor.

Apple's culture is very strong. They have since the beginning cultivated a unique internal and external identity, and have seldom wavered from this. The leadership style of Steve Jobs promotes a strong corporate identity, with which each employee is infused. Employees do not view themselves as technology workers so much as they view themselves as Apple employees. Indoctrination into the culture is a prerequisite for advancement at Apple. Moreover, Apple projects this culture externally as well, a tactic that has become more common in the past decade. Customers are meant to identify with Apple's core values and approach to business. This is part of Apple's plan to attract a certain demographic, but it also reinforces the corporate culture that has been carefully crafted over the past three decades.

Apple's culture is spiritual. Apple's culture is not driven by ethics, nor by customer responsiveness (they do a good job of dictating to their customers what the customers want). Management views Apple as less a company than the embodiment of a certain way of doing things. There is a strong corporate philosophy, embodied in the hard work and innovative approach to doing business. This philosophy and outlook drives Apple's approach to product development and marketing.

2) in recent years, Apple has moved its customer base into the mainstream. After initially focusing on developing products to meet the needs of a subset of sophisticated customers, Apple has approached the mass market, using the iPod as a spearhead. This has broadened their customer base dramatically.

The needs of this customer base are computers are an extension of their own identity. This reflects the greater degree to which electronic… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Apple Computers the Company I Have Chosen" Assignment:

1. Research and identify an organization whose organizational culture you admire or would like to be part of. Much or all of your research can be conducted online or at the University Library. In a 500- to 750-word essay, describe the following:

*****¢ What about the organization*****s culture appeals to you?

*****¢ What values do you and the organization share?

*****¢ Which of the seven primary characteristics of organizational culture does the organization embody?

*****¢ Does the organization you identified have a strong or weak culture? Explain.

*****¢ Is this culture ethical, customer-responsive, or spiritual?

2. Write a 100- to 200-word description of the organization*****s customer base, and describe its customers' needs and values.

3. Imagine you have been hired as the Client Services Director for the company you researched, and have been charged with compiling a new set of customer service standards. (If you have already defined the organization as being customer-responsive, imagine you are devising the standards which were originally used to create that excellent customer-responsive culture). In 300- to 400 words, carefully structure a set of customer service standards for the company which encourage employees to provide the best customer service possible.

Note: Please separate the three sections:

100- to 200-word description of the organization*****s customer base, and describe its customers' needs and values.

300- to 400 words, carefully structure a set of customer service standards for the company which encourage employees to provide the best customer service possible.

500 - 700 word essay

How to Reference "Apple Computers the Company I Have Chosen" Thesis in a Bibliography

Apple Computers the Company I Have Chosen.”, 2008, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Apple Computers the Company I Have Chosen (2008). Retrieved from (2008). Apple Computers the Company I Have Chosen. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Apple Computers the Company I Have Chosen” 2008.
”Apple Computers the Company I Have Chosen”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Apple Computers the Company I Have Chosen”,, 2008. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Apple Computers the Company I Have Chosen [Internet]. 2008 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Apple Computers the Company I Have Chosen. Published 2008. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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