Thesis on "Anxiety Disorders"

Thesis 14 pages (4060 words) Sources: 15

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anxiety disorders have been increasingly cited by healthcare practitioners as being one of the most serious health problems, exceeding even physical medical conditions, facing adolescents and young adults in the United States. The purpose of this study was to provide a critical review of the relevant peer-reviewed literature concerning anxiety disorders among adolescents and young adults in general and in the United States in particular to determine its prevalence, diagnosis, treatment and implications for clinicians and to apply these findings to an individual case of anxiety disorder in an adolescent client. Although anxiety is a natural human emotion that affects everyone from time to time, for most people the condition is temporary and resolves itself in short order. In some others, though, anxiety can become a lingering and persistent condition in ways that make normal functioning difficult or even impossible. The research showed that adverse health consequences of untreated anxiety can range from milder manifestations of the problem such as poor relationships with peers and a negative impact on academic outcomes to life-threatening conditions such as increased suicidal behaviors. Fortunately, there are some diagnostic tools and treatments available for anxiety disorders among adolescents and young adults that have been shown to be effective in helping young people overcome this potentially serious condition.

Effective Treatment of Anxiety for Adolescents and Young Adults


One of the unfortunate consequences of the human condition is the universality of anxiety disorders. Indeed, people of all ages and walks of life will typically exper
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ience the adverse effects of anxiety at some point in their lives, but for most people, the effects are transient and do not result in significant adverse mental health conditions. For some young people, though, the powerful effects of unrelenting anxiety can create a wide range of healthcare issues that, left untreated, can even become life threatening. Furthermore, because of the lack of relevant life experiences and inadequately developed coping skills among younger people, the adverse effects of anxiety can be even more significant for adolescents and young adults. When combined with the substance-abusing behaviors that are characteristic of the experimental phases of life for many adolescents and young adults, anxiety disorders can produce even more serious healthcare concerns. Fortunately, some effective treatments have been identified for the treatment of anxiety disorders in adolescents and young adults, including clinical interventions such as cognitive-behavioral therapies as well as physical fitness regimens that are designed to counter the negative effects of an increasingly sedentary lifestyle that is conducive to the onset of anxiety disorders. To determine the definition, diagnostic criteria, causes, symptoms and treatment of anxiety disorders in adolescents and young adults, this paper provides a review of the relevant peer-reviewed literature, followed by a summary of the research in the conclusion and implications for clinicians in the application section.

Review of the Relevant Literature

Definition and Diagnosis of Anxiety

Life in the 21st century is certainly no piece of cake, and it is little wonder than so many young people are anxious about their current lives as well as what the future holds for them. Indeed, following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, young people today are confronted with a constant barrage of alternating color-coded threat levels, many observers are predicting the end of the world in 2012 and popular media sources such as the History Channel have contributed to a culture of fear in the United States today. As a result, the prevalence of anxiety disorders among adolescents and young adults is truly staggering and its impact can be long-lasting and interfere with an individual's ability to function normally throughout the lifespan. In this regard, McLoone, Hudson and Rapee (2006) report that, "Research suggests that adolescents with anxiety disorders face an increased risk of experiencing anxiety, depression, illicit drug dependence, and educational underachievement in early adulthood. These risks remain even when socio-familial and individual factors are controlled" (p. 219). In fact, anxiety disorders represent some of the most common and serious issues facing young people today. For instance, according to Mcloone and her associates, "Given the frequency and potential negative consequences of anxiety disorders, it is no surprise that anxiety disorders have been named as one of the greatest health problems (exceeding most physical health problems) in terms of global burden of disease" (2006, p. 219). Taken together, the foregoing observations concerning the prevalence and significant adverse impact of anxiety on young people should represent a call to action for clinicians seeking to treat this population, but there are some significant constraints and obstacles involved in accurately diagnosing an anxiety disorder in general and in younger people in particular that must be taken into account in a clinical setting.

There are some subjective assessments involved in the diagnosis of anxiety in adolescents and young adults, but Mcloone et al. indicate that anxiety disorders are typically characterized by an irrational dread of a situation or stimulus that is unreasonably excessive for an individual's age but does not quantify these in any fashion. In addition, Mcloone et al. emphasize that for a diagnosis of generalized anxiety disorder to be appropriate, anxiety is almost always present following an exposure to a phobic stimulus or a feared situation, and here at least the guidance is quantifiable in that the resulting condition must persist for at least 6 months in order to qualify as an anxiety disorder. In addition, there are some physical manifestations of anxiety that can help guide the clinician in diagnosis. For example, anxiety disorders frequently involve physical symptoms, particularly during the most salient period of exposure to a phobic stimulus or feared situation. Finally, some of the typical symptoms of anxiety that can help identify anxiety disorders in young people include restlessness, fatigue, difficulty in concentrating, irritability, muscle tension, nausea, or sleep disturbances (Mcloone et al.). Because it is reasonable to posit that everyone exhibits these symptoms from time to time, though (especially adolescents and young adults), it is important to differentiate a transient episode of say, irritability, with those symptoms that are characteristic of anxiety disorders. In this regard, in order for a diagnosis of anxiety to be appropriate, the affected individuals must experience interference with their daily functioning as a result of heightened worry, physical symptoms, or anxious behaviors (Mcloone et al.).

When it comes to accurately diagnosing anxiety disorders in young people, though, clinicians will likely be confronted with a number of other behavioral issues that may further confound the picture. In this regard, Mcloone et al. emphasize that, "Despite the anxiety disorders having distinct diagnostic criteria, there is a great deal of overlap in presenting profiles and anxiety disorders are characterized by high levels of comorbidity" (2006, p. 220). Indeed, young people may have problems with eating disorders, substance abuse or other behavioral conditions that will contribute to their anxiety disorder but will make distinguishing one disorder from another problematic. For example, according to a study by Kelly, Donovan, Cornelius, Bukstein, Delbridge and Clark (2003), "Substance use disorders, especially cannabis use disorders, are prevalent among adolescents" (p. 616). Although physical injuries are not as prevalent with cannabis abuse as with alcohol abuse (Kelly et al., 2003), D'Amico and her associates (2005) emphasize that, "Psychiatric distress is associated with an alcohol use disorder, with mental disorders at age 15 leading to elevated risk of cannabis use at age 18 and anxiety disorders during adolescence [that are] predictive of alcohol disorders in early young adulthood" (p. 767). Furthermore, both prescription (such as asthma inhalers and diet pills) and nonprescription drugs (such as decongestants and caffeine in coffee, chocolate and carbonated drinks) can produce symptoms that mimic anxiety, complicating an accurate diagnosis (Kalapatapu & Schmetzer, 2008). What is known for certain, though, is that adolescents and young adults who engage in substance-abusing behaviors and subsequently develop anxiety-related disorders may find themselves trapped in a vicious circle later in life as well. For example, D'Amico and her associates emphasize that, "Young adults who have experienced mental-health or conduct problems early in life may also be at risk through this same process, engaging in high levels or problematic patterns of substance use when they leave their parents' home, which continues into later adulthood" (p. 767).

Besides eating and substance abuse disorders, personality disorders that involve major depressive episodes are also frequently diagnosed in adolescents who suffer from anxiety disorders (Stanard, 2000). In fact, as Turchik, Karpenko and Ogles (2007) emphasize, "It is important to keep in mind that comorbidity is more a rule than an exception in children and adolescents who present to outpatient clinical settings" (p. 120). This observation is congruent with the findings presented by Armstrong, Dedrick and Greenbaum (2003) as well. Based on their analysis of 292 adolescent and young adult participants in the longitudinal National Adolescent and Child Treatment Study, Armstrong and her associates determined that substance abuse was the most common diagnosis for the study's participants (17- to 25-year-olds), followed by diagnoses of anxiety and depressive disorders; in addition, criminal behaviors were also shown to be… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Anxiety Disorders" Assignment:

STATISTICS RESEARCH PAPER TOPIC: Effective treatment for individuals suffering from anxiety, who range in age from late teens to late twenties.

Paper is to be 14 pages, NOT counting the cover/title page and reference list pages. (A bibliography and title page must be included).

There needs to be 15 quality articles. You MUST include copies of ALL articles, but the articles will NOT count towards the overall total length of the paper.

Approximately 2/3 of the paper should be the Abstract, Introduction and Literature Review. (specifics requirements for each of these sections are listed below)

1/3 of the paper should be the Conclusion and Application sections. (specifics also listed below)

The focus of this paper is a clinical treatment application based on 15 articles dealing with psychotherapy outcomes or the effectiveness of counseling and what general or specific *****ingredients***** produce the effectiveness found in the studies. The type of counseling research can be individual psychotherapy (adult, child or adolescent), marital or family therapy. The paper must summarize the articles and make application of the summary for clinical practice. Therefore you must have a treatment issue with a client you are trying to solve for this paper.

If you cannot find 15 psychotherapy outcome articles around your specific topic, you can add articles based on the important aspects of your topic and tie these articles together. For example, 10 articles on the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy for individuals suffering from anxiety, plus 5 articles on the specific causes (genetics, caffeine, etc), and side effects (sleeping and eating habits, miscarriage, etc) of individuals who suffer from anxiety. You then would need to provide an integration of the findings of all 15 articles.

You MUST follow APA style guidelines.

Please attach a note as to whether you are following the 5th or 6th edition of the APA Manual.



An abstract should begin with a definitive statement of the problem, study or project. The purpose, scope, and limit of the review and application should be clearly delineated. Then, as concisely as possible, a summary of the research, major findings, the significance of the work (if appropriate), conclusions and clinical application should be described. (adapted from Journal of Thesis Abstract Guidelines)


First passage in a journal article, dissertation, or scholarly research study that -

*****¢ Creates reader interest.

*****¢ States or establishes the problem that leads to the study.

*****¢ Indicate why the problem is important by citing references and clinical/treatment issue.

*****¢ Places the study within the larger context of the field, research, etc.

*****¢ The use of literature in the introduction differs from the full literature review: Summarize large groups of studies (broad categories) in the introduction.

Reaches out to a specific audience: Clinical practitioners.

May provide theoretical perspective.

May provide research question(s).

Introduction Grading: Clear overview of paper, demonstrates importance of topic, *****hooks***** the reader into the paper.

Review of the Literature:

Focus on recent research studies (past 10-15 years) and any seminal articles (first or key article to throw light or new direction on the subject).

Do NOT simply list and explain each article. It needs to be cohesive, tying the topics together utilizing a common theme or theory. A literature review is a critical analysis and synthesis of the various studies. The organization of the literature review is based on the literature itself. Identify specific deficiencies in past literature.

Review of the Literature Grading:

*****¢ Variety of studies and attention to detail about the topic.

*****¢ Information is gathered from multiple, research-based sources.

*****¢ Objective, balanced view of the literature presented

*****¢ Each cited study is related to the topic and to other studies.

*****¢ Well organized, demonstrates logical sequencing and structure.

*****¢ The writing goes from general ideas to specific conclusions.

*****¢ Transitions tie sections together, as well as adjacent paragraphs.

*****¢ The appropriate content in consideration is covered in depth without being redundant.

*****¢ Significance of article, finding, etc. is unquestionable.


Information synthesized and brought to a logical conclusion.

For any conclusion you draw from the studies you must use the "P.E.E." criteria listed below.

Point *****“ State the Point or big idea of your conclusion.

Explain *****“ Explain the point of the conclusion as needed.

Evidence *****“ Provide Evidence for your conclusion.

Conclusion Grading:

*****¢ Succinct and precise conclusions based on the review.

*****¢ Insights into the problem are appropriate.

*****¢ Conclusions are strongly supported in the report.


Conclusions of the literature review are appropriately applied to the clinical problem.

Application is clearly explained so another clinician could make the same application for his or her client.

References Grading:

*****¢ References correctly typed, appropriate number and quality.

*****¢ All needed citations were included in the report.

*****¢ References matched the citations, and all were encoded in APA format.

Mechanics and Writing Style Grading:

*****¢ Correct spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, word usage.

*****¢ Writing is crisp, clear, and succinct.

*****¢ Uses the active voice when appropriate.

*****¢ The use of pronouns, modifiers, parallel construction, and non-sexist language are appropriate.

*****¢ Information logically organized with good flow.

*****¢ Issues threaded throughout paper.

One final note: The bottom line on how you organize and write your literature review and application is based on the clinical problem and the themes and data of the research literature. Do NOT organize your paper per article! This will result in a failing grade. The objective is to write a cohesive paper tying the topics together, utilizing a common theme or theory.

How to Reference "Anxiety Disorders" Thesis in a Bibliography

Anxiety Disorders.”, 2009, Accessed 2 Jul 2024.

Anxiety Disorders (2009). Retrieved from (2009). Anxiety Disorders. [online] Available at: [Accessed 2 Jul, 2024].
”Anxiety Disorders” 2009.
”Anxiety Disorders”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Anxiety Disorders”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 2-Jul-2024].
1. Anxiety Disorders [Internet]. 2009 [cited 2 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Anxiety Disorders. Published 2009. Accessed July 2, 2024.

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