Term Paper on "Antigone: A Kaleidoscopic Woman of Different Hues"

Term Paper 5 pages (1525 words) Sources: 1+

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Antigone: A Kaleidoscopic Woman of Different Hues

Classical Greek literature succeeds in capturing the imagination primarily because the works contain universally valid and insightful interpretations of the human personality. This characteristic of Greek literature has even led psychoanalysts such as George Devereux to relate the structure of Greek tragedy to the structure of the human mind and personality (Hook, 2001). Interestingly, Devereux's view finds a correlation in Aristotle's definition of a tragedy as requiring, among other things, hamartia or a flaw in an otherwise admirable character (Lines, 1999). The correlation between Devereux and Aristotle's viewpoint can be made because both appear to be tacitly acknowledging that the construct of the human persona allows for both strength and weakness, vice and virtue to coexist simultaneously. Indeed, such a construct can be seen in Sophocles's characterization of Antigone as a woman who has within her the traits of courage and cowardice, the masculine and feminine, and the capacity to both honor and dishonor love. In fact, it is precisely the presence of such kaleidoscopical traits in Antigone's character that ultimately causes a tragedy of virtually epic proportions.

Antigone is often seen as a paragon of virtue who has the courage to stand up for everything that is divine and just. Yet, her actions lead to tragic consequences, implying that either Sophocles departed from the Aristotelian formula for tragedy in this particular drama, or that he intended to comment on something more complex than just a moral conflict (Berlin, p. 11; Lines, 1999). This question of Sophocles intent is perhaps best answered through an analys
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is of his characterization of the seemingly heroic Antigone. for, such an analysis reveals that Sophocles's portrayal of Antigone was not straightforward but was intended to highlight the kaleidoscopical nature of the human personality. Indeed, this fact is evident in the manner in which Antigone displays courage and cowardice, masculine and feminine qualities, and the capacity to both honor and dishonor love.

Antigone: A paradoxical display of courage and cowardice

The claim that Antigone displays both courage and cowardice may be, prima facie, a startling one. However, a close examination of the text reveals sufficient evidence to argue that while Antigone undoubtedly shows admirable courage in defying the edict of a king, she fails to display the same amount of courage in other areas of life. for, after all, if Antigone, a lone woman chooses to "battle men" and "spite the law and the power of the king," (72-4), she also chooses to commit what is often called a cowardly act, namely, suicide.

In any case, the quality of courage itself has many different dimensions. For instance, it can be said that if Antigone was courageous in defying the might of a ruler, Ismene was equally courageous in deciding to bear her lot and live with the pain. In fact, Ismene's courage is implied in her words, "No, we must obey, even in this, / even if something could hurt more." (76-7) it is also significant that the play begins not just by setting up a contrast between two women caught up in the same circumstances, but in setting up a contrast between the courage to defy and the courage to forebear pain. This dialectic or contradictory idea of courage is picked up again later when Antigone commits suicide, an act that clearly shows her inability to live with the pain of being abandoned and entombed. Thus, by arranging to have Antigone commit suicide, Sophocles demonstrates that her courage, though laudable, was flawed and kaleidoscopic in nature.

Lines (1999) posits a similar argument when she observes that the chorus reminds Antigone of three examples in which those imprisoned within the earth forbeared and ultimately survived their rocky prisons. In spite of this, "she will pay no attention to their advice. Neither forbearance nor the ability to take advice is among her virtues." Ultimately, therefore, it is Antigone's cowardice that leads her into opting for death as an escape. for, had she only the courage to face her punishment, she may have been freed, thereby averting her own and the tragic deaths of Haimon and Eurydice.

The masculine and feminine principle in Antigone's persona

One of Antigone's greatest appeals is possibly the fact that a woman is shown as being courageous enough to battle powerful men in her quest for justice. Of course, Antigone stays within the bounds of the traditional female role of protecting and defending the family. In other words, Antigone dares to defy Kreon only because she feels compelled to honor her dead brother by giving him a proper burial. This indicates that Antigone was merely defending her own family. Indeed, this is perhaps the reason why Antigone has often been described as a conflict between what might be called masculine and feminine principles or, in Greek terms, between the polis (affairs of the state) and the oikia, or the home and family (Hook, 2001).

In focusing on the overt, external conflict between the masculine and the feminine, however, a point that is often overlooked is the coexistence of the masculine and feminine principles within Antigone's persona itself. For instance, it can be inferred that Antigone's masculine side or need for self-assertion drives her into taking the courageous step of burying Polyneices, while clearly it is her feminine side, which provides the motivation. Similarly, the masculine principle of self-assertion can be seen to operate in Antigone's repeatedly asserting the rightness of her action. So much so, that Koryphaios calls her stubborn: "Clearly, she's her father's child, hard and raw. / He never learned to yield for all his troubles." (576-7)

Thus, while Antigone may be seen as a champion of the feminine principle, there is ground to argue that her masculine qualities drove her into being relentlessly defiant and unyielding. In fact, it may have been this aspect of Antigone's character that aroused Kreon's anger more than her act of defiance itself. Indeed, this is implied as much in his repeatedly stating that he would not allow a woman to rule (589-90; 645; 716; 822-4). While modern day feminists may applaud Antigone's stand against a patriarchal society, the fact is that the same stance would have been viewed as an error in judgment or hamartia in Sophocles's time.

Love honored and dishonored

Sophocles also reveals Antigone's kaleidoscopical nature by contrasting the differences in her attitude towards Polyneices and Ismene. As both Lines (1999) and Berlin (p. 13) have pointed out, her devotion to a dead brother stands in sharp contrast to her cold indifference to and scornful rejection of Ismene, her only remaining relative. Berlin (p. 14) terms this as the terrible paradox of love leading to a denial of love. While there may be a great deal of merit in Berlin's view, Antigone's contradictory behavior can also be interpreted simply as reflective of her multifaceted personality. for, what other possible explanation could there be for a person displaying tremendous loyalty and devotion to one sibling, while scorning another's offer, albeit belated, of loyalty?

True, Antigone's rejection of Ismene can be initially justified on the grounds that Antigone sees her as weak and disloyal. Indeed, Antigone makes her opinion of Ismene clearly felt when she says, "Then weakness will be your plea. I am different. I love my brother." (99-100) However, even when Ismene subsequently wishes to share in Antigone's punishment, she continues to heap scorn on a hapless Ismene with harsh words such as "You chose to live. I chose to die." (683) Antigone's behavior here can be termed as contradictory because while Antigone is willing to forgive Polyneices's misdemeanors and honor him, she is clearly unwilling to forgive Ismene. As Lines (1999) points out, Antigone seems to speak not to spare Ismene but to wound her to the quick. Similarly, Antigone leaves her betrothed, Haimon,… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Antigone: A Kaleidoscopic Woman of Different Hues" Assignment:

Content Specifications

A Research Paper should cover some aspect of a literary work. In this assignment you will write a paper over the drama Antigonê. Warning: Your thesis must be analytical. You are not writing an informative Research Paper. You are writing an analytical Research Paper that requires you to argue a point or points. You will not merely write about the history of the times or the life of the dramatist. You can use this kind of material for support, but that is not where you stop. You will create a thesis that argues something about the play. Your job is to critically evaluate some aspect of Antigonê. Choose some aspect of the play for your topic such as symbolism, characterization, theme, and so on. Then incorporate the secondary sources for greater development and support.

Remember that this paper is basically an essay which uses secondary source material and is documented according to MLA guidelines. (Your primary source is the work you are analyzing.) You can find MLA (Modern Language Association) guidelines for documentation in a handbook and in your text. You can also get help from your professor and the College library. Just remember that correctly using and documenting secondary source material is serious. Failure to do so will result in a failing grade for this assignment as well as the course.

The basis of the Research Paper is secondary research. You are to use ideas and information from others to substantiate or prove your thesis. You can find secondary research in books and magazine articles and on the Internet. Please note that the use of Internet sources is limited below. If you are using library materials that are accessed through the Internet, this does not mean that they count as an Internet resource. Also, remember that not everything you find on the Internet is a quality resource nor is it necessarily scholarly. A good rule of thumb is that any material that does not come from your brain is secondary material and must be documented if you use it in your paper. In other words, you must give credit to the person who developed the idea; you are essentially borrowing this information and cannot pass it off as original. Whether you quote, paraphrase, or summarize you must give credit or document according to MLA.

You should follow some of the same procedures in writing this paper that you have already used this semester. Your writing should be done as a process. This approach requires you to brainstorm/prewrite, write, rewrite, and edit/polish. The primary difference is that you must research your topic to find what others have said about it, and then you can use their information to prove your thesis. In the essays that you have written this semester, you use your own thoughts, backed up by quotes from the literary selection as proof. Basically, you are doing the same in a Research Paper, but you are emphasizing information from others as well. Writing a Research Paper does not have to be a tedious chore if you allow yourself time to complete all the steps involved, especially the revising.

Format and Style Specifications

 You will type or word-process this assignment.

 You will use a serif font. The font size will be 12.

 You will double space your paper.

 You will provide appropriate margins.

 You will provide an appropriate title.

 You will provide appropriate headings, captions, and labels.

 You will provide the format of a conventional Research Paper according to the guidelines of MLA. This means that you are not required to provide a cover sheet. Please see the material that is enclosed in the “Supplementary Research Paper Guidelines” document or see the example in a handbook or your text.

 The Research Paper will be approximately five pages excluding the Works Cited page. You will follow the directions that are detailed above for content.

 You will be efficient in the writing of this document, and you will use correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

 You will be objective.

 You will write in the third person.

 You will write in the present literary tense when appropriate.

 You will have a clearly defined analytical (argumentative) thesis.

 You will use appropriate literary terms, and you will refer to appropriate literary criticism when necessary.

 You will follow the conventions of MLA format.

 You will have a Works Cited page.

 You will parenthetically document your sources within the text of the paper.

 You will have a minimum of three secondary sources. Only one of these sources may be from the Internet. This does not exclude material that you might access through the library’s databases or Web site. This means that you will have only one Internet source from a personal or directly accessed Web site. You should document your primary source (the play) as well on the Works Cited page.

How to Reference "Antigone: A Kaleidoscopic Woman of Different Hues" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Antigone: A Kaleidoscopic Woman of Different Hues.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2005, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/antigone-kaleidoscopic-woman/7922259. Accessed 5 Oct 2024.

Antigone: A Kaleidoscopic Woman of Different Hues (2005). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/antigone-kaleidoscopic-woman/7922259
A1-TermPaper.com. (2005). Antigone: A Kaleidoscopic Woman of Different Hues. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/antigone-kaleidoscopic-woman/7922259 [Accessed 5 Oct, 2024].
”Antigone: A Kaleidoscopic Woman of Different Hues” 2005. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/antigone-kaleidoscopic-woman/7922259.
”Antigone: A Kaleidoscopic Woman of Different Hues” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/antigone-kaleidoscopic-woman/7922259.
[1] ”Antigone: A Kaleidoscopic Woman of Different Hues”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2005. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/antigone-kaleidoscopic-woman/7922259. [Accessed: 5-Oct-2024].
1. Antigone: A Kaleidoscopic Woman of Different Hues [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2005 [cited 5 October 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/antigone-kaleidoscopic-woman/7922259
1. Antigone: A Kaleidoscopic Woman of Different Hues. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/antigone-kaleidoscopic-woman/7922259. Published 2005. Accessed October 5, 2024.

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