Essay on "Report on Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria"

Essay 4 pages (1406 words) Sources: 3

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Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria

The Prevalence and Threat of Antibiotic Resistance Bacteria

The rate at which bacteria are becoming resistant to drug treatments that are intended to eliminate or weaken them is growing rapidly. For over half a century, antibiotic drugs have been prescribed to treat bacterial infections, and as their medical popularity was mounting, bacteria and microorganisms developed ways to withstand the effects of antibiotic drugs. The increasing amount of antibiotic resistant bacteria poses a severe threat to global health as it compromises the effectiveness of antibacterial treatment, contributing to greater incidence of bacterial infection, fatalities, and health care expenses (1). According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 444,000 new cases of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis alone surface every year, and are responsible for causing at least 150,000 deaths (2). Researchers explain that the excessive use and misuse of antibiotics has been the major contributor in causing drug resistance, as disproportionate exposure to antibiotics forced microorganisms to evolve to evade harsh environments (1, 2). The prevalence and the threat of antibiotic resistance is so severe, the WHO explains the global population is at risk of returning to a pre-antibiotic era in terms of incidence of illness (2). In addition to vulnerable immune systems, antibiotic resistance has implications on health care costs, trade, and economies (2). Rational use of antibiotics, infection prevention and control, and patient safety are all required measures to combat the current threat of antibiotic resistant bacteria.

Mechanism of Resistance

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/>Antibiotic resistant bacteria emerged as an evolutionary response to natural selection. As bacteria are exposed to recurrent, low doses of antibiotics, that are not potent enough to kill all of the bacteria, some bacteria develop ways to survive the intended effects of the drug (1, 3, 4). The misuse and overuse of antibiotics have intensified the problem by giving bacteria the opportunity to evolve. Inappropriate doses and treatment lengths can leave bacteria in the body, even if the patient no longer has symptoms, and allows for the remaining bacteria to pass on their resistant traits to future bacteria generations (3). Bacteria are able to fight the effects of antibiotic drugs is by altering their biochemistry. Bacteria can prevent antibiotics from reaching their target cells by changing the structure of their cell walls, and keep the antibiotic drug from entering the cell (3). Bacteria can also develop biochemical methods to pump drugs outside of the cell, or produce enzymes that destroy the antibiotics (3).

Bacteria gain these drug resistance properties by receiving resistance DNA genes from other bacteria (3). Bacteria DNA evolves in order to give bacteria the biological tools to escape the affects of antibiotic drugs. Once bacteria have antibiotic-resistant DNA, they are able to pass these resistance genes to other bacteria in various ways: bacteria can join together and transfer DNA to each other; free-floating pieces of DNA, called plasmids, which carry resistance genes are taken-in by bacteria; or pieces of DNA from one bacterium are incorporated into another (3). The mechanism by which resistant and non-resistant bacteria transfer genes is depicted in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Drug resistant bacteria transfer genes to non-resistant bacteria, causing drug resistant bacteria to dominate and multiply (4).

The ability for bacteria to multiply quickly is conducive to rapid evolution (in comparison to other species), which causes several generations of antibiotic resistant bacteria to be introduced into the population.

Incidence of Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria

Antibiotic resistance is acknowledged as one of the most significant threats to human health worldwide, and does not discriminate between First World or Third World nations (5). Antibiotic resistance enables bacteria and microorganisms to escape being killed or weakened by antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal drugs (5). This compromises physicians' ability to treat life-threatening infections, and leads to increased incidence of infection and fatalities. The emergence of drug resistant bacteria is increasing across the globe. The WHO reports 440,000 new cases of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) are reported annually, and cause at least 150,000 deaths (2). Studies published from the developing world suggested the risks of drug resistance decades ago; however, it was not until MDR-TB surfaced in the United States in the 1990s that the problem of drug resistant bacteria received its due attention (6).

Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis is only the beginning of a… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Report on Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria" Assignment:

By this point in the course you have developed a good foundation in the structure of molecules and the functional organization of cells. You will now combine these areas of knowledge to investigate the problem of antibiotic resistance and write a report.

Write your report for a general audience, roughly at the level of an article in the Science Times section of the New York Times. The article should be engaging, accessible, and scientifically accurate. The article must contain a rich amount of scientific information, but scientific terminology and processes that are not common knowledge should be explained in your own words.

Create your own title for the report.

Your report must include one figure with a caption that explains the figure. You can use the figures in the textbook chapters as a guide for how to write a figure caption. The figure should be chosen from your research as a visual tool for explaining an important point in your report. You must include the source of your figure as one of your references in the bibliography.

Examples of suitable figures include (but are not limited to):

The molecular structure of an antibiotic drug

A figure showing how bacteria acquire antibiotic resistance

A map showing the scope of an antibiotic-resistant infection.

In the final paragraph that concludes your report, describe one or two things from your research that you found most interesting about the topic of antibiotic resistance.

Citations and Bibliography

*****¢ Throughout your report, use numbered in-text citations ***** e.g., (1) ***** to refer to your sources. Conclude your paper with a bibliography of 3 ***** 5 references from reliable sources. You can use the articles provided in class, but you must have at least three additional sources for your report. If you use an internet source, provide the URL AND the name of the organization or person who posted the information. For example:

(1) Tuberculosispage,CentersforDiseaseControlandPrevention

Useful Questions

You have flexibility with designing the structure and content of your report. In fact, the best reports are ones in which you can devise creative ways to convey the scientific concepts within an interesting context. Here are some questions to keep in mind as you perform your research and write your report:

*****¢ What types of bacteria have developed antibiotic resistance? Which diseases do these bacteria cause?

*****¢ Why is antibiotic resistance a cause for concern among scientists and doctors? What are some of the health impacts of drug-resistant bacteria?

*****¢ How do bacteria develop resistance to antibiotics? What types of strategies are used by bacteria to evade the killing effect of antibiotics?

*****¢ What techniques and tools are being developed by scientists to develop new types of antibiotics? Are these new approaches working or are they not?

*****¢ Why do drug companies consider the development of new antibiotics to be an unattractive option compared to investing in other drugs?

How to Reference "Report on Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria" Essay in a Bibliography

Report on Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria.”, 2012, Accessed 4 Jul 2024.

Report on Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Report on Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Jul, 2024].
”Report on Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria” 2012.
”Report on Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Report on Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 4-Jul-2024].
1. Report on Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria [Internet]. 2012 [cited 4 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Report on Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria. Published 2012. Accessed July 4, 2024.

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