Term Paper on "Ancient History Violence in Roman Society"

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Ancient History

Violence in Roman society

Ancient Roman history is the greatest and the most interesting period of the Ancient world history that influenced European civilization. Germans, Anglo-Saxons, Slavs based their cultures on great Roman achievements in any sphere of social life. Roman history is still an example of highly developed, educated and strong society, mighty and powerful state. Romans were leaders in all spheres of human life and they gained respect for many centuries in their present and future. For centuries (and even now) Roman civilization has been an example, a great aim that many leaders wanted to gain because they saw Roman social and state structure worth creating in their countries. And I have to admit - many of them had succeeded!

Nowadays we turn to this period of history not only to find the reasons of Roman power and great success (these reasons are well-known) but also to find their fatal mistakes which caused fall of Roman empire, fall of Antic civilization. Romans had conquered barbarian tribes and had spread peace, culture and prosperity on all captured lands, but they didn't manage stopping depravity inside Rome - their capital.

Let us try to find out the main reasons and results of violence inside Roman society, its influence on citizens' relations and international affairs of Roman state.

Rome "was a martial society, strong and powerful, whose wealth had been secured through military conquest..." As Alan Baker wrote in his book the Gladiator (p.18). Romans realized that being weak is not honorable and could not bring them any success. Greek history proved that: Greeks ha
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d perfect culture but didn't have strong army to secure own civilization. Romans wished more than their neighbors because they wanted not only to protect themselves but also to conquer neighboring tribes and spread Roman influence on many lands. As we know they managed capturing vast territories in Mediterranean region and in the north of Europe. To succeed they had to form strong army that would be able to fight weak but numerous nations. This idea had to be supported by social propaganda that had to call Romans to join the military service, an honorable service that protected the whole society including interests of individual. Military service was a part of social life and had a great influence on any male citizen who was a real patriot of own country. State took care of young people and wished them to be able to serve in the army: before becoming full righted citizen young man had to be trained and serve in the army for 2 years. After that he could enjoy all civil rights and participate in social processes in Rome. As we can see the majority of Roman male population was former soldiers who were taught to kill and cruelty in their mind had a great influence on their attitude to other people (We have to remember Remark's explanation of problems of former soldiers, their psychology. It doesn't matter what war could change them).

Army laws were also rather cruel but necessary in those ancient times. For example, if legionaries rebelled they were punished by killing every 10th soldier or sometimes every 5th. We can find such examples in history of Caesar's (civil wars) and times of Octavian August.

Wars gave Romans thousands of slaves who were considered at first as usual creatures but later, in the period of classic slavery they were found not people but things, such as agricultural equipment. Slavery had a very negative influence on Antic civilization and if in Greece it was not that spread, in Rome it was very popular and even not very rich families had slaves who worked for them. Some scientists admit the fact that cruel attitude to slaves was absolutely normal and legal as laws didn't find slaves people and their master could do anything he wanted with his -- property -- . But slaves were divided in 2 types: slaves captured during the war (foreigners) and Roman compatriots who were sold for their debts. Later legislators didn't let Romans be turned into slaves because found this unfair to sell own compatriots who had to rule the world as they thought. So, the main source of slaves was numerous wars, which were waged to improve and spread Roman influence on that region. According to a.W. Lintott "Rome waged wars for centuries...Only 2 years of its more than 12 century history were the years of peace and prosperity..."(Violence in Republican Rome p.95). Some slaves managed gaining respect and wealth but they were still slaves. Roman laws considered poor plebs more important that educated slaves (for examples slaves from Greece) and society valued them a lot only because they were citizens, Romans. This was not correct idea and its results could be seen some centuries later when thousands poor inhabitants of Rome (city) were living in vain, doing nothing and waiting for some bread and performances from the Emperor. When Roman republican system of power changed into monarchy (Imperial period) after Caesar's death "... there began a new phase in the Roman political system, one in which military force and organized violence were to play a part in a way unknown before..."(Fergus Millar Rome the Greek World, and the East: Volume 1: The Roman Republic and the Augustan Revolution p.198).

Roman politics was full of violence as well because it was provided by great but cruel nation that did everything for own citizens but was sure that other nations had to be under Roman reign and be slaves. For example, during Caesar's and August's reign Roman Empire was enlarged and captured huge territories inhabited by hostile tribes and nations. The problem was that Romans didn't wish them being the same citizens as they were and created different provinces (such as Gallia, Germania, Africa etc.) and their inhabitants could be turned neither in Roman allies nor in slaves. They lived there for centuries and didn't have any political rights equal to those Romans had. Many historians admit that provinces were sources of potential slaves, "slave reservations" as a. Lintott said.

Slaves were used as agricultural workers and as servants, but some of them (strong and healthy) were used to entertain both rich and poor Romans in amphitheaters killing one another or fighting against wild beasts. That was a bloody performance but I have to notice that gladiators were not that dependant and didn't die every performance as we can see it on the TV screen. Ancient sources can tell us that gladiators were honorable people who were taken care of and their fights were not that bloody as some people think. Death on the arena was ordinary but not usual event: many gladiators fought and defeating their enemy (and leaving him alive or simply wounded) was the usual end of the fight. Sometimes prisoners were used to show gladiators' strength: in this case they all died because were not valued in the society. But these bloody fights were not that popular as professional gladiators' performances. But though these actions were not as cruel as modern stereotype convinces us, this fact already can tell us about attitude to violence in Roman society. "The blood, violence and cruelty of the games illustrate the moral qualities the Romans considered to be most valuable"(Alan Baker the Gladiator: The Secret History of Rome's Warrior Slaves p. 40).

If we compare interests of Greek and Roman society we'll see great difference: Greeks were teachers for Romans and had taught them science, arts etc., but later Romans managed creating specific, their own culture which was different from Greek one. Romans didn't feel interested a lot in such spheres as theater or philosophy. Greeks were the nation of free, highly-educated people who saw their sense of life in finding the truth of the world, finding out natural processes and humans role in the world. Romans looked more like Spartans: they were a nation of soldiers and saw own mission in bringing civilization to the wild environment consisted of barbarians (non-Romans, excepting Greeks). Roman society was more primitive and less educated than Greek one but sure, watching bloody actions for entertainment can't characterize Romans as wild or uncivilized people, but it shows us their way of life, their moral values and interests. Romans (both in Rome and provinces) went to gladiators' fights to have rest from everyday activities and considered that performance as usual show which had to present them several moments of joy by watching peoples' death and suffering. Nation of soldiers didn't see anything bad in that and considered that show as usual and natural. Emperors sure, used gladiators' fights to improve their authority and attracted low classes of the society by an opportunity of "great" performance, which could last for several weeks and free food and vine for them. Poor Romans who didn't have any job went there as they had nothing else to do. Rich Romans enjoyed fights as well, though some of them didn't find it worth watching for aristocrats.


Quoted Instructions for "Ancient History Violence in Roman Society" Assignment:

It is a ancient history class. It has to be double-spaced,and these are the topics. Select one, please. We use 2 text books. "The Ancient World"(5th edition)by D. Brendan Nagel, and Reading in Ancient History(6th edition) by Nels M. Bailkey. We have to cite them if using quotation from the book. Using internet sources are permitted, but not too many.

1. Discuss the process of Romanization. How did people in the provinces “become Roman” under the empire? How, and for what reasons, did some groups resist Romanization? Could Jews be “good Romans?” Why or why not?

2. Was Rome "decadent?" What did the Romans think about the moral state of their own society: what, if anything, had gone wrong, and what should be done to fix it? To what extent did these moral criticisms reflect political agendas?

3. Compare and contrast Roman political thought with that of the Greeks. Do texts such as Plato’s Republic help explain the problems of the late Roman Republic and its transition to the Roman Empire under Augustus? What about Roman-period texts such as Cicero, Tacitus or Dio Cassius?

4. Discuss the role of violence in Roman society. What connections, if any, can be made between war, foreign policy, civil war and political conflict, and other forms of violence such as gladiatorial games? What did the Romans themselves think about violence and its consequences – what forms of violence were justified and what were not?

These are very broad questions, and there are any number of ways you could answer each. That is to say, I am not looking for any particular "right" answer. The important thing is that you decide which interpretation makes sense to you, make a clear argument, and support it by referring to evidence.

How to Reference "Ancient History Violence in Roman Society" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Ancient History Violence in Roman Society.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2004, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/ancient-history-violence-roman/99155. Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

Ancient History Violence in Roman Society (2004). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/ancient-history-violence-roman/99155
A1-TermPaper.com. (2004). Ancient History Violence in Roman Society. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/ancient-history-violence-roman/99155 [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”Ancient History Violence in Roman Society” 2004. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/ancient-history-violence-roman/99155.
”Ancient History Violence in Roman Society” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/ancient-history-violence-roman/99155.
[1] ”Ancient History Violence in Roman Society”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2004. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/ancient-history-violence-roman/99155. [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. Ancient History Violence in Roman Society [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2004 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/ancient-history-violence-roman/99155
1. Ancient History Violence in Roman Society. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/ancient-history-violence-roman/99155. Published 2004. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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