Research Paper on "Public and Private in Ana Mendieta"

Research Paper 7 pages (3145 words) Sources: 1+ Style: MLA

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Mendieta, Rape Scene


Ana Mendieta's "Rape Scene" (1973) and the Idea of Public Art

Before discussing Ana Mendieta's 1973 work "Rape Scene" it is necessary to explore some contradictions in our thinking about the nature of "public" versus "private" acts. Art in general is, of course, understood to be a public act in certain ways: it is intended to be viewed by others. However we are capable of distinguishing between "public art" -- which is to say something that is intended to be on display publically, like Maya Lin's Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington D.C. Or Diego Rivera's (destroyed) murals for the Rockefeller Center in New York City -- and art which is created for a viewership but not necessarily for easy public consumption. For example, a commissioned portrait of a person may make the transition from sittings where only artist and subject are present, to a display chosen by the person who commissioned the portrait, without ever making the transfer into public display until after artist, subject, and purchaser are all long dead. Nonetheless, it is not imagined that, even in such a case, the art is not intended to be seen by anyone at all: a work of art necessarily presupposes some kind of audience, even if the degree to which that audience remains private may be subject to certain forms of restriction.

By the same token, we are accustomed to thinking of crime as also being a public act. After all, the news media routinely reports on crimes that have occurred. The rationale for this publication of details about crimes is varied: obviously the media are more likely to claim that such information is in
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the public interest or is a matter of public record, although those who have experienced crime reporting also understand that it may be a matter of private titillation. Stories of violent crime are just inherently thrilling, on a basic level, to audiences, and a fatal stabbing is probably more interesting to the general public than a detailed explanation of credit-default swaps, even if the latter is arguably just as criminal and more important to the public interest. However, the subject of concern here -- before we explore the work of Ana Mendieta -- is one particular crime: rape. In the case of rapes, the news media generally exhibits a policy of withholding the name of the victim. This places rape in a special category of crime in terms of how it is displayed publically: a newspaper will report on a violent rape, but will efface all details about the identity of the victim, but not of the perpetrator. There are some exceptions to this rule: when a victim willingly names himself or herself in public (as is the case with the recent 2014 rape allegations by Michael Egan III against Hollywood schlock director Bryan Singer) or, more chillingly, if the victim is murdered after being raped (as with the 1966 rapes and murders of eight student nurses in Chicago by Richard Speck). Nonetheless this basic fact seems to place rape into a special category of crime.

What, then, is the public status of rape? The customary answer here -- that victims of rape have their names withheld out of "respect" -- is somewhat equivocal. One might just as easily argue that the withholding of names by the media perpetuates a stigma against rape victims. It is clear that what is involved is, of course, the sexualized nature of the crime of rape: just as "private parts" remains the most euphemistic way of describing the human sexual organs, the "private" nature of a rape victim's identity has less to do with protecting a victim and more to do with a pre-existing taboo of long standing against public discourse about sexuality. However, this does not mean that the public-private distinction when it comes to sex -- or when it comes to the sexualized violence that we call rape -- cannot be negotiated by the differing valences of public and private that are constructed by the work of art. The queer theorist Michael Warner has written persuasively about the way in which queer communities essentially agree to a suspension and redefinition of the normative public/private distinction regarding sexual acts in some of their activities, whereby Warner (following Mohr's argument) states that "involvement in a consensual sex act…presupposes a commitment to privacy, excluding all parties that have not consented and have not been chosen for participation. Consent distinguishes sex in public spaces from exhibitionism. And in spaces such as bathhouses and cruising grounds in secluded park areas, the assumption of privacy is reasonably grounded and should be respected."[footnoteRef:0] Of course, consent is precisely what is lacking in the act characterized as rape: in some sense, part of the essence of the crime is the use of violence to force an act that is normally private (even in Warner's definition of gay cruising in otherwise "public" spaces) into something that is public (insofar as it is destined to be published on the police crime blotter). [0: Michael Warner. The Trouble with Normal: Sex, Politics, and the Ethics of Queer Life. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1999. p.176.]

Ana Mendieta's 1973 "Rape Scene" engages with these issues directly. First, it is important to note just what sort of work "Rape Scene" is. It is, in some sense, a work of site-specific performance art: the artwork exists now in terms of documentation of it, but cannot be said to be hanging on a gallery wall. Instead, this work -- which Butler and Mark describe as epitomizing Mendieta's "engagement with feminist critique" -- was intended as a response to a very specific incident that had occurred in 1973 on the campus of the University of Iowa, where Mendieta was a graduate student.[footnoteRef:1] A twenty-year-old female undergraduate, Sarah Ann Ottens, had been raped and murdered in her dormitory room -- she was Mendieta's "fellow student at the university of Iowa."[footnoteRef:2] The fact that she was murdered made her name a matter of public record, in a way that would not have been the case if she had only been raped: the fact that Mendieta's work was entitled "Rape Scene" perhaps reflects the fact that Mendieta herself, as both creator and (in some sense) "performer" of the work, was alive. The crime had occurred in March of 1973, and by the summer of 1973 an indictment was issued against a twenty-year-old male undergraduate, James Wendall Hall (who would not go on trial until March of 1974, after Mendieta had created "Rape Scene").[footnoteRef:3] [1: Cornelia Butler and Lisa Gabrielle Mark. WACK!: Art and the Feminist Revolution. Los Angeles: Museum of Contemporary Art and MIT Press, 2007. p.265.] [2: Monica Chau, Hannah J.L. Feldman, Jennifer Kabat, and Hannah Kruse. The Subject of Rape: June 23-August 29, 1993. New York: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1993. p.56. ] [3: Bowers, Nancy. "Spring Break Killer: Murder of Sara Ann Ottens, 1973." March 2010. Retrieved 24 April 2014 at:]

The work itself was fairly simple in execution. Mendieta arranged her own accomodations to resemble the precise description of the crime scene given in police reports and newspaper accounts (i.e., public and publicized versions of the "Rape Scene"). This entailed Mendieta herself naked from the waist down collapsed upon a table, with blood smeared down her legs, groin, and buttocks, forming a pool at her feet and staining torn clothing on the floor. Mendieta arranged broken dishes and objects (a broom handle was found at the scene and was possibly used as a weapon or even instrument of rape) and tied her arms to the table as the victim's had been. Perhaps the only difference between Mendieta's "Rape Scene" and the crime scene that had been found on campus not long before was the lighting: Mendieta arranged the lights theatrically, to focus on her blood-smeared naked lower body, while her head was outside the focus of the lighting and thus seemed obscured in darkness. However, as Chau et al. describe it, the actual artwork proceeded almost like theatre: "at the given place and time, the invited academic community countered what looked like a crime scene. It was, however, a tableau vivant, in which Mendieta had cast herself as the assaulted one, bloodied, soiled."[footnoteRef:4] Contemporary accounts state that the chief response of the invited audience was to sit down and begin talking, and that Mendieta held her pose for more than an hour -- additionally allowing it to be documented in color photographs, as presumably the original crime scene that the artwork was re-creating had also been. [4: Chau, Feldman, et al. p.56.]

It is important to note one crucial element of this artwork which many accounts of it have failed to emphasize: the body of Sarah Ann Ottens had been discovered by a fellow female undergraduate, who happened to notice that the door of a dormitory room was ajar (as dormitory room doors seldom are). Thus, the crime scene was discovered unintentionally, by… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Public and Private in Ana Mendieta" Assignment:

Term Paper Instructions (full instructions to be sent)

The term paper gives you an opportunity to do your own research, synthesize the material discussed throughout the semester, and demonstrate your knowledge of the readings and understanding of the issues raised in the course. It is crucial to keep in mind that a major premise of the course is that the meanings of the terms public, public art and public space cannot be assumed to be self-evident but are, rather, open to debate. You must explain what you mean when you use these terms and support your definitions.

This is the artwork to be discussed in the term paper (including some suggestions of resources to introduce you to the topic):

Ana Mendieta, Rape Scene, 1973

WACK! Art and the Feminist Revolution, Los Angeles, Museum of Contemporary Art and MIT Press, 2007.

Kwon, Miwon. "Bloody Valentines: Afterimages by Ana Mendieta." In: Catherine de Zegher (ed.), Inside the Visible. The Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston & MIT Press, 1996.

The Subject of Rape, Whitney Museum of American Art, exhibition catalogue, June 23-August 20, 1993.

Tanya Horeck, Public Rape: Representing Violation in Fiction and Film, Routledge, 2004.

II. Write a paper about the work you*****ve chosen that includes the following:

*****¢ a visual description of the work

*****¢ a description of the work*****s location, the circumstances in which it was produced, and the aesthetic, social, historical, and political issues it addresses,

*****¢ a contextualization of the work within the artist*****s larger body of work and concerns.

You do not have to do exhaustive research, but read enough to be well acquainted with the work and to write intelligently about the artist. In the bibliography for the paper, cite at least four references about the work and/or the artist.

*****¢ a discussion of the ways in which the work might be called *****public*****?

Length: 7-10 double-spaced, computer-generated pages, excluding title page, bibliography, and illustrations; maximum 12-point type

Must include quotes from at least 4 of the following:

1. Krzysztof Wodiczko, *****Public Projection***** (1983) and *****The Homeless Projection: A Proposal for the City of New York***** (1986), in Critical Vehicles, MIT Press, 1999, 44-48, 55-56

2. Henri Lefebvre, *****Spectral Analysis***** and *****The Right to the City,***** in Writings on Cities, Eleonore Kofman and Elizabeth Lebas, eds., Oxford, Blackwell Publishers, 1996, 139-159.

3. Michael Warner, *****Zoning Out Sex,***** in Warner, The Trouble with Normal: Sex, Politics, and the Ethics of Queer Life, Harvard Univ. Press, 1999, 149-193.

4. Fred Siegel, *****Reclaiming Our Public Spaces,***** City Journal 2, n. 2, Spring 1992, 35-45

5. Rosalyn Deutsche, *****Uneven Development: Public Art in New York City,***** Evictions: Art and Spatial Politics, Cambridge, MA, MIT Press, 1996.

6. Richard Meyer, *****Most Wanted Men,***** in Outlaw Representation: Censorship and Homosexuality in Twentierh-Century American Art, Oxford Univ. Press, 2002, 95-156.

7. Theodor Adorno, *****What Does Coming to Terms with the Past Mean?***** in Geoffrey H. Hartman, ed., Bitburg in Moral and Political Perspective, Bloomington, Indiana Univ. Press, 1986.

8. Michel Foucault, *****What is Critique?***** in the Politics of Truth, Semiotext(e), 1997, 23- 61.

9. Michel de Certeau, *****General Introduction,***** ***** *****˜Making Do*****: Uses and Tactics,***** and *****Walking in the City,***** in The Practice of Everyday Life, Berkeley, Univ. of California Press, 1984, xi-xxiv, 29-42, 91-110.

10. Rosalyn Deutsche, *****Breaking Ground: Barbara Kruger*****s Spatial Practice,***** in Barbara Kruger, Thinking of You, Museum of Contemporary Art, L.A., and MIT Press,, 77-84.

Some other possible sources to get you started (use as many sources as needed):

*****Bloody Valentines: Afterimages by Ana Medieta,***** by Miwon Kwon.

Public Rape: Representing Violation in Fiction and Film, by Tanya Horeck

WACK! Art and the Feminist Revolution, Los Angeles, Museum of Contemporary Art and MIT Press, 2007.


How to Reference "Public and Private in Ana Mendieta" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Public and Private in Ana Mendieta.”, 2014, Accessed 5 Oct 2024.

Public and Private in Ana Mendieta (2014). Retrieved from (2014). Public and Private in Ana Mendieta. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Oct, 2024].
”Public and Private in Ana Mendieta” 2014.
”Public and Private in Ana Mendieta”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Public and Private in Ana Mendieta”,, 2014. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 5-Oct-2024].
1. Public and Private in Ana Mendieta [Internet]. 2014 [cited 5 October 2024]. Available from:
1. Public and Private in Ana Mendieta. Published 2014. Accessed October 5, 2024.

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