Essay on "Two"

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Amy Tan's Two Kinds

Two Kinds: Daughter-mother relations

In Amy Tan's "Two Kinds," the inability to communicate that many children and their parents succumb to is a main theme that resonates throughout the entire short story. Jing-Mei is unable to reconcile two contradictory sentiments throughout the story: 1). A feeling of rebellion towards her mother which leads to self-sabotage and failure and 2). A strong feeling of needing her mother's approval and acceptance. Both of these feelings are portrayed vividly and poignantly throughout the story and from the writer's perspective define the mother-daughter relationship. It is evident however, that Jing-mei's rebelliousness is in fact a veiled cry for affection and unconditional from her mother that she does not believe she is receiving and does not know how to ask for.

In the opening paragraph, Jing-mei refers to her mother in a distant third-person, as if to distance herself from her mother's beliefs. The remainder of the opening chapter is a recitation of all the things that mother did to Jing-mei that caused the little girl to build up resentments. Though Tan does not expressly state that Jing-mei felt resentful toward her mother, Tan uses these antedotes to define Jing-mei as the protagonist and her mother as the antagonist. The stories about the student barber, the Good Housekeeping accounts of child prodigies and the incessant testing are all used by Tan to convey to the reader that Jing-mei felt she would never equal her mother's expectations and demands for her and did not receive positive feedbalck or unconditional love from her.

Jing-mei's rebelliousness first surfaces whe
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n she decides to willfully fail her mother's after dinner tests. She states that her goal was to perform so badly that her mother would "give up hope" (Tan 1). Jing-mei rebels because she believes that in trying to live up to her mother's expectations, she will lose touch with who she is. This is evident when she confronts herself in the bathroom: "I had new thoughts, willful thoughts - or. rather, thoughts filled with lots of won'ts. I won't let her change me, I promised myself. I won't be what I'm not" (1). To defy her mother, she sabotages her own efforts to perform well on the tests.

However, in the preceding paragraph, Tan reveals why Jing-mei feels compelled to rebel. Jing realizes that she will never do well enough on these tests to gain her mother's approval. Jing-mei laments that "after seeing, once again, my mother's disappointed face, something inside me began to die. I hated the tests, the raised hopes and failed expectations" (1). Tan establishes the theme early, that is in Jing-mei's endless pursuit of her mother's approval, Jing-mei learns that not trying is less painful than trying and failing.

Jing-mei's next rebellion occurs during her training to become a piano prodigy. Her willful attempts to not master the piano songs she is to play at the show are clearly designed to impose her will on her own life at the expense of her mother. As Jing-mei states, "I was so determined not to try, not to be anybody different" (2), she intentionally sabotages her preparation and is seemingly conscious of this as she is doing it.

Here again, Tan has balanced Jing-mei's rebellious actions with insight into her fear of failing her mother. In the preceding paragraph, she says "Why don't you like me the way I am?' I cried. 'I'm not a genius! I can't play the piano'" (2). Jing-mei is convinced that she cannot live up the her perception of her mother's expectations and that it would that not trying would make her hurt less. This is so even though her mother has assured Jing-mei that she does not expect her to be a genius.

When her mother enters her into the talent show, Jing-mei renews her resolve to rebel through poor preparation. She confesses: "I was supposed to memorize the whole thing. But I dawdled over it, playing a few bars and then cheating, looking up to see… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Two" Assignment:

- This paper is based on -Two Kinds- by Amy Tan. It can be found at

- There should be 4 pages. Press next till the end of the story.

- Analyze and interpret a significant theme explored by the author within the story.

- The paper should include what author may want readers to understand or believe about our lives.

- Make and support a literary argument about a significant message or lesson communicated in the short story.

- Begin with a clear thesis statement and support it with evidence- direct quotes or paraphrases from the story, relevant biographical information about the author, historical or political background information, other critics***** thoughts.

- Cite page numbers throughout and include a Works Cited page that shows all sources used.

- ntroduction should include the author*****s name and the title of the short story.

- Use the present tense when referring to the events of the story, but make sure not to simply synopsize or summarize.

- This paper should demonstrate original critical thinking and will be organized and developed in a sophisticated way.

- Pay attention to vocabulary and to sentence variety.

- Follow the manuscript format.


How to Reference "Two" Essay in a Bibliography

Two.”, 2010, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Two (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Two. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Two” 2010.
”Two”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Two”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Two [Internet]. 2010 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Two. Published 2010. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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