Research Paper on "American Government Should the President"

Research Paper 3 pages (1099 words) Sources: 1+

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American Government

Should the President of the United States have authority to remove officials that the U.S. Senate has confirmed?

A bit of government history is needed here to make this answer complete. The Congress of the United States passed the Tenure of Office Act, and notwithstanding the veto of President Andrew Johnson, two-thirds of the Senate overruled Johnson's veto. And when Johnson went ahead and removed the secretary of war without the consent of Congress -- he was nearly impeached from office. That act was repealed in 1887.

In 1926, according to the Supreme Court decision, Myers vs. United States, ruled that it is unconstitutional to require the consent of the Senate to remove non-cabinet officials. I believe if the Senate had to approve the president's decision to remove a high official, it would create even more logjams and chaos in Washington than there are now. It would be a bad idea.

There are those in Congress today (particularly in the House of Representatives -- specifically those adhering to "tea party" values) who would (and often do) attempt to stymie President Barack Obama at every turn. Much of the legislation Obama has passed did not receive very many Republican votes (some legislation got zero support from the GOP), and in fact some members of the GOP in Congress have said their number one goal is defeating Obama in 2012. Most Republicans have shown through their rhetoric and their actions that they goals do not including creating more jobs, or helping reform healthcare, or dealing with energy issues, but rather, in blocking anything Obama proposes. Hence, giving Congress the power to oversee those t
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he president would like to remove from high positions would create even more partisan bickering and polarization.

Are some of the Executive Orders issues by presidents an overstepping of their authority? The answer is yes, in particular EO 9066. This was done during a time of hysteria over World War II after Japan attacked Pearl Harbor in 1941. Giving the military the authority to seize Japanese-Americans that were living within 60 miles from the West coast and place them into internment camps was an outrageous seizing of power by the executive branch. It is very doubtful that this kind of arbitrary seizing of power and rounding up Americans of a particular nationality or ethnicity could happen again.

The EO 13228 (Homeland Security) is quite a bit different, albeit it was also passed in the time right after an emotional war-related act, the 9/11 attacks. Congress in fact authorized the Homeland Security act and EO 13228 was just an executive order setting up the task force on preparedness for the war on terrorism. Meantime, the Patriot Act of 2001 in fact took away rights of privacy and imposed a law that was very anti-democratic, and Congress actually passed this and it was not an executive order, but it was bad legislation. The president should not have the right to send young men to Vietnam based on executive orders nor should he have the right to reinstate the draft. In these matters Congress (slow to move though it often is) needs to be the power that makes these authorizations. The EO 11110 was signed by President Kennedy and it gave the U.S. Treasury Dept. The right to issue… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "American Government Should the President" Assignment:

Please answer these separately:

Should the President have the sole power to remove all officials he appoints? Or should the Senate have a role in deciding whether to remove officials that it confirmed? Summarize the arguments on both sides of this debate. Then decide which side you favor, and explain why. (3/4-1 page)

Need a paragraph or two on each of the following subjects

Review the following three executive orders: EO 9066, EO 11110 and EO 13228. You can do this by doing a search at the National Archives website.*****¨*****¨Executive orders have the power to send troops to another country to fight (Vietnam), to reinstate the draft, and even take away civil rights from American citizens. Do you think this is too extreme a power for one person to have? Or is the power justifiable to move quickly and decisively instead of turning a critical matter over to a time-consuming discussion in Congress? Explain your rationale and cite specific examples from the three executive orders you researched.

What do the cartoons suggest about the relationship between interest groups and Congress?*****¨*****¨Suppose you are asked to contribute money to an interest group that calls itself *****"Citizens for Better Schools.*****" What information would you want to find out about this group before making a contribution? Describe the criteria you would use in determining whether you would contribute funds.

Do you think journalists should have the right to protect their sources? Describe one instance where this right would benefit society and one instance where it might be harmful.

In particular, review the case of Williams v. North Carolina, a 1945 Supreme Court case. You can also review the case at FindLaw, a website for legal professionals. (Note that the website lists the decision date at 1942, while your text lists the case as occurring in 1945. Which do you think is correct?)*****¨*****¨Discussion item: Although the couple did not violate any laws, the Supreme Court did not rule in their favor. Give your opinion on this ruling. Support your position fully.

How to Reference "American Government Should the President" Research Paper in a Bibliography

American Government Should the President.”, 2012, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

American Government Should the President (2012). Retrieved from (2012). American Government Should the President. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”American Government Should the President” 2012.
”American Government Should the President”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”American Government Should the President”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. American Government Should the President [Internet]. 2012 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. American Government Should the President. Published 2012. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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