Research Paper on "American Automotive Industry and Porter's Five Forces Model"

Research Paper 10 pages (3581 words) Sources: 9

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American Automotive Industry and Porter's Theory

American Automotive Industry in the light of Porter's Five Forces Model

automotive industry contributes a great deal in global economy. It is huge and a truly global industry; has gone through major wave of recession and is now in recent years showing gradual improvement. It has severely faced challenges of globalization, decreasing oil reserves resulting in high fuel costs, changes in buyer's demand and diminishing buying potential along with threats from direct competitions especially from Asian manufacturers who are enjoying low production cost.

The research paper is an overview of the automotive industry in America which is further followed by an analysis of the industry's structural characteristics, its profile and its impact on U.S. economy with the behavior it is expected to show in 2012. This will provide an understanding of the U.S. automotive industry as a whole in its current state.

Along with this, an explanation of current industry model using Porter's five forces theory will also enable us in understanding the threats and opportunities currently encountered by American auto industry. This paper also includes brief on each major automotive player in the American automotive industry and lastly the success formula adopted by growing companies in the industry.

a) Introduction:

The American automobile industry has seen a lot of ups and downs, not only because of the major impact of recession but this down turn is also due to rapid technological enhancements, competitors with an advantage of comparatively low cost and cheap labor
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, increased awareness of global warming and ever-changing consumer demands and preferences.

These are major challenges which may result in curtailing profits and decreasing higher shareholder's profit value. Although the industry is picking up now but still the current scenario looks way different than its prior booming years where the industry was well supported by government interventions, supply-base changes, and consumer driven adjustments affecting the complete value chain.

The industry has shown encouraging improvement since 2010 onwards. As per the research (Plunkett Research, para.1, 2012), there was a sharp decline in sales from 2007 till 2009 i.e. from 13.2 million to 10.4 million. And further adding to this turmoil, two major players of the industry, General Motors and Chrysler filed for bankruptcy. Furthermore, small scale dealers, supplier and supplement manufacturers also suffered their share of shock. Later on, 61% of General Motor (GM) shares (Plunkett Research Inc. 2011, para,1, 2012), were bought by U.S. federal government a literal bail out, whereas Chrysler managed to exist only after an acquisition by Fiat.

Given below are the details of U.S. automobile sector which will further help in having better understanding of its behavior.

1) Industry Definition:

"Automobile industry, the business of producing and selling self-powered vehicles, including passenger cars, trucks, farm equipment, and other commercial vehicles. By allowing consumers to commute long distances for work, shopping, and entertainment, the auto industry has encouraged the development of an extensive road system, made possible the growth of suburbs and shopping centers around major cities, and played a key role in the growth of ancillary industries, such as the oil and travel businesses. The auto industry has become one of the largest purchasers of many key industrial products, such as steel. The large number of people the industry employs has made it a key determinant of economic growth." (

Since the invention of first automobile by a Germen Engineer -- Karl Benz in 1885 the industry has grown many a folds.

The members of the automotive family include self powered vehicles, passenger cars, heavy / light trucks and other commercial / special purpose vehicles. The growth of villages to modern suburbs can be attributed to the infrastructure and road system extended for the usage of vehicles minimizing the travel time, making the life of people much easier. Providing the back bone to the oil industry; this marvelous industry has provided employment to people all over the world and has contributed its major chunk in the global economy.

By definition the American automotive industry was marvelous until 2005, to understand the extent of innovation led by American engineers it is hard to believe that in 1929 before the great depression the world had 32 million usable units of automobile and American industry produced 90% of them. In 2006 Japanese automotive industry surpassed the American counterpart by a small margin only to lose its standing to China in 2009. The recent effect of global economic downfall on the American industry was felt the most. The first reason; decline in buyer potential as a result of economic downturn, secondly the increasing cost of labor, raw material and fuel and finally their prime focus that shifted to manufacturing sport utility vehicles (SUVs) and pick-up trucks with low fuel economy. This shift was motivated by confidence on brand value, the exhilarating engine power (muscle) of manufactured vehicles and relatively high profit margins on number of units sold. While the Asian competitors played smart and adopted creative marketing strategies for their fuel efficient vehicles. After the initial decline in sales suffered by the "big three" (GM, Ford and Chrysler) they realigned their focus to smaller, cheaper and more fuel efficient vehicles but too little and too late. During this period the competitors gained the market share and filled the void left by the "big three."

2) Industry Profile:

Given below is the industry profile of automotive sector in America. The profile constitutes of industry's current employment, skill sets borne by its employees, government support and its environmental impact.

2.1 Employment:

Figures of current employment in U.S. automotive sector as of Jan 2012 are given in figure 3, Appendix a. As mentioned in Occupational Outlook Handbook of Bureau of Labor Statistics,

"Employment of automotive service technicians and mechanics is expected to increase as fast as the average through the year 2014. Between 2004-2014, demand for technicians will grow as the number of vehicles in operation increases, reflecting continued growth in the number of multi-car families. Growth in demand will be offset somewhat by slowing population growth and the continuing increase in the quality and durability of automobiles, which will require less frequent service. Additional job openings will be due to the need to replace a growing number of retiring technicians, who tend to be the most experienced workers. (para 1)

Most persons entering seeking employment in the automotive industry can expect steady work, even through downturns in the economy. While car owners may postpone maintenance and repair on their vehicles when their budgets become strained, and employers of automotive technicians may cutback hiring new workers, changes in economic conditions generally have minor effects on the automotive service and repair business. (para 2)

Opportunities in the automotive industry should be plentiful in vehicle maintenance and repair occupations, especially for employees with formal automotive service technician training.(para3)"

2.2 Government Support:

The U.S. Government has been an unquestionable and unprecedented savior of American automotive industry, especially Detroit-based companies. Providing loans to different manufacturers in the market; the acquisition of 61% share of GM Motors (retrieved from 2012, Plunkett Research, para.1) by federal government is also a glaring proof that the government itself wants to rejuvenate the industry within America and bring it to par with other competitors globally. "Cash for Clunkers," an initiative for uplifting the industry offers up to USD 4500 (White Paper, Grant thornton, p.3, 2009) for older vehicles. This initiative is greatly welcomed by manufacturers and consumers equally as it is decreasing the number of used vehicles, paving the way for new car models being sold or mortgaged and providing consumers with enough cash in return of their old vehicles.

Approximation table of federal funding of automotive sectors is given in Appendix a in figure 4. Furthermore, as shared by Kilkenny (2010), "Department of Energy funds are helping to develop eight of the 20-or-so electric-drive models that automakers plan to introduce over the next two years. There's a $1.6 billion loan to Nissan to build its 100-percent electric Leaf in Tennessee; a $528 million loan to Fisker Automotive to buy and reopen a General Motors plant in Delaware to build plug-in hybrids; a $465 million loan to Tesla Motors to buy and reopen a New United Motor Manufacturing Inc. plant in Fremont, Calif., to build all-electric sedans; a $16 million tax credit to THINK an electric-car startup, to set up shop in Indiana; and a $5.9 billion loan to Ford Motor Co. To re-equip factories in Illinois, Kentucky, Missouri, Michigan and Ohio to produce more fuel-efficient cars." (para.4)

2.3 Skill Set:

Vehicles come with in-build functions as never seen before. The technology used in automotives has sophisticated to a great detail. Incumbents seeking employment with vehicle manufacturers service be it

Getting themselves acquainted with the right human resources and ensuring readiness for future challenges, some manufacturers now provide 2-year associate degree programs; where incumbents spend a considerable amount of time in the service department and take full-time classes. Updating students with modern technology trends in the industry, the American automotive industry is well-prepared… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "American Automotive Industry and Porter's Five Forces Model" Assignment:

I am requesting ***** ***** for this.

Here is the assignment (please make this a 10 page paper):

*****" ECON 600 Research Project 2

Develop a detail paper applying Porter*****s Five Forces Model to the American automotive industry.

Your paper should be between 2500 and 4000 words, in APA Format and structured as follows:

1. Cover page with a running head

2. Abstract

3. Introduction to the Auto Industry

3.1. Industry Definition

3.2. Industry Profile

3.3. Industry Structure

3.4. Future Outlook

4. Porter*****'s Five Forces Strategy Analysis as it applies to the Auto Industry

4.1. Bargaining Power of Buyers

4.2. Bargaining Power of Suppliers

4.3. Competitive Rivalry in the Industry

4.4. Threat of New Entrants

4.5. Threat of Substitutes

5. Conclusion

6. References *****"


Here is the introduction of the assignment from the instructor:

*****" ECON600 Research Project 2

In 2009 the American auto industry is in a dire economic state. Chrysler is in Chapter 11, GM is on the brink of bankruptcy, and Ford*****s future is at best uncertain. The demise of the U.S. auto industry will have a devastating impact on our national economy and specifically the economies of Michigan and Ohio.

Economists occasionally use Porter*****'s five forces framework when making a qualitative evaluation of a firm*****'s strategic position. According to Porter, his model should be used at the industry level, defined as a marketplace in which similar or closely related products or services are marketed. This research paper requires the application of Porter*****s Five Forces Model to the auto industry.

Porter*****'s analytical framework consists of those forces that affect a producer*****s ability to serve its customers and make a profit. A change in any of these five forces requires a re-assessment of the marketplace. The five forces include:

1) The threat of substitute products: The existence of close substitute products (i.e., high elasticity of demand) increases the propensity of customers to switch to alternatives in response to price increases.

2) The threat of the entry of new competitors: Unless there are significant barriers to entry, profitable markets that yield high returns will attract firms (i.e., perfect competition), effectively decreasing profitability.

3) The intensity of competitive rivalry: As in the case of oligopoly markets, rivals may choose to compete aggressively, non-aggressively or in non-price dimensions.

4) The bargaining power of customers: The ability of customers to put the firm under pressure due to availability of existing substitute products, buyer price sensitivity, uniqueness of the products, etc.

5) The bargaining power of suppliers: The cost of factors of production (e.g. labor, raw materials, components, and services such as expertise) provided by suppliers can have a significant impact on a company*****'s profitability. As such suppliers may refuse to work with the firm or charge excessively high prices for unique resources.


Porter, M.E. (1979) *****"How competitive forces shape strategy*****", Harvard Business Review, March/April 1979.

Porter, M.E. (1980) *****"Competitive Strategy*****", The Free Press, New York, 1980.

Porter, M.E. (1985) *****"Competitive Advantage*****", The Free Press, New York, 1985. *****"


Here are my requirements:

1) this should be a 10 page paper in APA format for a masters level Managerial Economics course. Please use 9 online sources (with a direct online links if possible) that do not require a password to be accessed (exception: I have access to ebscohost, so u can use sources from there) such as, WSJ online, etc. One source must be the text book Managerial Economics, 6th ed, William, Samuelson, please cite this book two (2) times in the paper (one of these citations should from the small section about Porter*****'s five forces framework starting on page 328).

You can access the textbook, Managerial Economics, Samuleson at, email:, password: dcdcdcdc1 . Please include an abstract and references/works cited page.

2) Please use three (3) real-world examples (i.e. Ford, GM, Chrysler, etc..) as they relate to the American auto industry. One or two paragraphs for each real-word example in this section should be enough.

3) I will use so the sources should not be more than 15 to 30% of the total paper- use a combination of quotations and paraphrasing please. When citing a reference please incude the page number so I can find it. Also below is the grading rubric provided by the instructor, please follow accordingly (I will send it to you as a resource since it did not copy well below).


Grading Rubric provided by instructor:

ECON 600 Research Project 2 Rubrics

Score Criterion Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Exceptional

15% Identification of auto Industry Did not fully identified the auto industry structure Identified the auto industry structure correctly. In addition to meeting the requirements of satisfactory, provided an analysis of market structure requirements including number of firms, uniformity of products, ease of entry and exit.

35% Identification of Porter*****s Five Forces Did not identify all five forces. Identified all five forces. In addition to identifying all five forces provided the detail for relating them to the requirement of market structure.

15% Identification of Application of Porter*****s Five Forces to auto industry Did not clearly identify an appropriate application of each concept identified in the scenario. Clearly identified an appropriate application of each concept identified in the scenario. In addition to meeting the requirements of satisfactory, for each concept identified, defined at least one future opportunity.

10% Demonstrate Critical Thought in Analyzing Information Does not demonstrate critical thought in the analysis of the information, or analysis is disjointed Demonstrates critical thought in analyzing the information by presenting various perspectives on the concepts In addition to meeting requirements of satisfactory, synthesizes information across concepts effectively

10% Demonstrate Quality and Effectiveness in Written Communication Written communication is ineffective, with numerous spelling and grammatical errors or poorly constructed sentences Written communication is effective In addition to meeting the requirements of satisfactory, the paper is engaging to the reader with concise and clear communication

10% Adhere to APA Writing Style Requirements Numerous errors in format, style, or reference citation Few errors in format, style, or reference citation Virtually no errors in format, style, or reference citation

5% Citation Did not provide an appropriate citation. Provided an appropriate citation N/A


Customer is requesting that *****


How to Reference "American Automotive Industry and Porter's Five Forces Model" Research Paper in a Bibliography

American Automotive Industry and Porter's Five Forces Model.”, 2012, Accessed 28 Sep 2024.

American Automotive Industry and Porter's Five Forces Model (2012). Retrieved from (2012). American Automotive Industry and Porter's Five Forces Model. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Sep, 2024].
”American Automotive Industry and Porter's Five Forces Model” 2012.
”American Automotive Industry and Porter's Five Forces Model”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”American Automotive Industry and Porter's Five Forces Model”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 28-Sep-2024].
1. American Automotive Industry and Porter's Five Forces Model [Internet]. 2012 [cited 28 September 2024]. Available from:
1. American Automotive Industry and Porter's Five Forces Model. Published 2012. Accessed September 28, 2024.

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