Essay on "America's Healthcare Reform Your Chosen"

Essay 3 pages (1191 words) Sources: 3

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Tax credits for small business that provide employees with healthcare coverage have also been inserted into the act as a way to encourage employers to provide coverage for their employees.

It appears that this new law will be beneficial for the healthcare system in America. It will allow virtually everyone to be insured. This is important because healthcare insurers often leave their clients or potential clients uninsured when they need it most. This often leads to suffering and financial struggles for those with serious medical conditions and also for their family. It also appears as though the quality of insurance plans will improve. If everyone is forced to apply for insurance and insurance companies are forced to accept these applicants it will create more competition amongst insurance companies. Competition will result in more varied and affordable coverage for all, especially if clients are able to weigh their options and choose between different companies while being financially helped by government subsidies. According to Harry A. Sultz "respected economists and system analysts from independent organizations and major universities predict that this legislation will provide tools to improve the quality and lower the costs of medical care" (3).

The question that is looming large and that has caused this act to create a huge political and bi-partisan rift between the Republican and Democratic Party is; where will the funding for this act come from? This question is particularly important considering the budget deficit that America is facing. Another issue that has been brought up is the fear that America will have a healthcare system similar to that of Canada or some Eur
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opean countries. Political conservatives claim that a government controlled health care system will translate in long waits for healthcare and that it will also drive the quality of care down. Republicans and political conservations oppose the bill because it will translate into higher taxes for the wealthier sector of American Taxpayers. Those individuals making more than 250,000 dollars a year will be responsible for paying a heftier amount of taxes which will in turn help fund the health care reform act. Many republicans claim that this taxation of the wealthy for the purpose of funding the health care reform act will negatively impact the economy because wealthy business people will no longer be able to spend and contribute to the creation of business and jobs.

It appears as though the healthcare reform bill has both pros and cons with supporters on both sides of the spectrum, this makes the issue difficult to discern and understand. What is clear however, is that Americans are not content with the previous healthcare coverage system. The majority of people who file for bankruptcy do so because of medical bills that they are unable to pay. This reform will cover and insure virtually all Americans, there is a possibility that it will impact the economy and the budgeting process in a negative way but it appears to be a necessary risk.


Health Care Reform Bill Summary: A Look At What's in the Bill - Political Hotsheet - CBS News. (n.d.). Breaking News Headlines: Business, Entertainment & World News - CBS News. Retrieved July 25, 2011, from

Sultz, H.A. (2010). Health care USA: understanding its organization and delivery By Harry A. Sultz, Kristina M. Young. Sudbury Mass.: Jones and Barlett Learning.

Staff of The Washington Post. (2010). Landmark: the inside story of America's new health care law and what it means for us all. New York: Public… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "America's Healthcare Reform Your Chosen" Assignment:

Regulatory and Legislative Issues Paper Select a health care law that is either already in effect or under consideration. Using APA 6th edition format, prepare a paper evaluating the impact of this law on health care. How has it or will it affect health care? How will it impact health care in terms of cost? How will the law impact health care in terms of quality? What groups are in favor of it? Why? What groups are opposed to the law? Why?

How to Reference "America's Healthcare Reform Your Chosen" Essay in a Bibliography

America's Healthcare Reform Your Chosen.”, 2011, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

America's Healthcare Reform Your Chosen (2011). Retrieved from (2011). America's Healthcare Reform Your Chosen. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”America's Healthcare Reform Your Chosen” 2011.
”America's Healthcare Reform Your Chosen”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”America's Healthcare Reform Your Chosen”,, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. America's Healthcare Reform Your Chosen [Internet]. 2011 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. America's Healthcare Reform Your Chosen. Published 2011. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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