Research Paper on "Alzheimer's Disease Howenstine, J.A. (2010)"

Research Paper 8 pages (2418 words) Sources: 8

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Alzheimer's Disease

Howenstine, J.A. (2010) How to heal Alzheimer's disease. Townsend Letter 321: 78-85

This is a peer-reviewed 15-page article by James a. Howenstine, MD, a board-certified specialist in internal medicine, who is convinced that natural therapies are more effective, safer, and less expensive than pharmaceutical drugs for Alzheimer's disease treatment. The report includes a list of the items that can destroy the myelin sheath surrounding neurons, and thus greatly increase the risk of being a victim of Alzheimer's disease in one's lifetime. These items can have an effect on a person's neurology from childhood on. Howenstine argues that Alzheimer's is a disease of advanced civilization, and there are technological advancements in modern-day society that have furthered its prevalence. One of these technologies is electric lighting. According to Howenstine, in parts of rural Africa that do not have electricity, there is nearly no Alzheimer's disease. This is because the people living here have longer daily exposure to melatonin, a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes oxidative toxins. Researchers have also confirmed a direct relationship between exposure to electromagnetic radiation and the development of this disease. Similarly, certain metals, such as aluminum, can directly increase the production of free radicals that can harm the myelin sheath. Howenstine reports that there is a 250% increased risk of having Alzheimer's disease when drinking municipal water that is high in aluminum content for over ten years. Studies have shown that patients with Alzheimer's disease have higher blood levels of aluminum and a characteristic brain lesion, or nerve "tangles" cont
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aining very high levels of this metal. Exposure to mercury can have this same affect. The gene primarily believed for causation of this illness is APOE4APOE4, which is found to be carried in about 40% of cases sporadic-type Alzheimer's disease in the elderly. People with one APOE4 gene will develop the disease at a lower age than those who have no APOE4 genes. This article also includes a diet and list of nutrients and supplements as valuable therapies.

C. This is an article for individuals who are interested in alternative health causes and treatments. It would be helpful for an alternative doctor to have available for his or her patients, as well as other resources that provide information to individuals who have an interest in alternative healthcare.

D. The author is a board-certified physician, who is well-known for his books on alternative medical care. The publication Townsend has been published and carrying articles on alternative medicine since 1983.

A. Hunt, L.A., Brown, a.E., & Gilman, I.P. (2010) Drivers with dementia and outcomes of becoming lost while driving. American Journal of Occupational Therapy 64(2): 225-233

B. With the increasing numbers of individuals with Alzheimer's disease, due to the aging population, it will be necessary to consider other issues that will be important to address. Studies that analyze driving and dementia have reported that drivers with early onset Alzheimer's disease may continue to drive for extended periods of time, but their driving needs to be regularly evaluated or monitored. This is especially the case, since the earliest symptoms of the disease are recognized to include loss of recent memory and the inability to recognize familiar environments. In an exploratory study, the authors examined 207 reports of lost drivers with dementia over ten years that were reported by newspapers and media. Seventy Alzheimer's disease drivers were not found, 32 drivers were found dead, and 116 drivers were found alive, 35 of these latter were injured. Becoming lost may have serious consequences. Hunt, Brown and Gilman report that additional research is needed about this issue to more clearly understand the consequences of becoming lost while driving.

C. This is a topic that is clearly of interest to healthcare providers of seniors and the elderly. It can also be a subject that would be of interest to anyone who either is a senior or has a family member who is a senior and is driving.

D. This is a peer-reviewed article that appeared in a reputable publication.

A. Doody, R.S., Paylik, V., Massman, P. et al. Predicting progression of Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's Research & Therapy 2:2

B. One of major concerns of both healthcare providers and patients is being able to predict the progression of Alzheimer's disease once the onset has been determined, in order to develop biomarkers. These authors tested a calculated initial progression rate to see whether it could predict performance on cognition, function and behavior over time, as well as survival. They used standardized approaches to assess baseline characteristics and to estimate disease duration, to calculate the initial rate in 597 Alzheimer's disease patients who were followed for up to 15 years. The authors designated slow, intermediate and rapidly progressing groups. The slowest progression group survives longer. Their data provides strong evidence that prediction is possible, which addresses an important clinical need. A simple, calculated progression rate at a patient's initial visit can offer reliable information regarding the progression of the disease over time in relationship to cognition, global performance and daily living activities.

C. Anyone who either is a healthcare provider for people with Alzheimer's disease, who already has been diagnosed with the disease or has a family member who has Alzheimer's, would be interested in learning more about the findings noted in this study.

D. This article appeared in a reputable journal and is peer reviewed.

A. Kondro, W. (2010) Dementia strategy urged. Canadian Medical Association 182(3): 169-170

B. As noted above, there will considerable impacts on society with the changing population demographics and the increasing number of expected Alzheimer's disease patients over the coming decades. Kondro argues that Toronto needs to develop an Apan-Canadian plan to allay the effects of this forthcoming epidemic. The Alzheimer's Society of Canada expects that the number of Canadians living with Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia will leap to 1.125 million in 2038 from 500,000 in 2008. A projected 257,800 new cases will be diagnosed in 2038, as compared with 103,700 in 2008. This study also estimates that the economic burden of dementia will increase to $153 billion in 2038 from $15 billion in 2008. The report includes five action items: 1) Accelerated investment in all areas of dementia research, such as biomedical, clinical, quality of life, health services and knowledge translation; 2) Clear recognition of the important role played by informal caregivers by providing information and education, and the need to support their roles as care partners and provide financial support; 3) Increased recognition of the importance of prevention and early intervention for this disease, for both healthcare professionals and the general public; 4) Greater integration and care of increased use of accepted frameworks or "best practices" in chronic disease prevention and management, community support and community care coordination; and 5) strengthening Canada's dementia workforce by in such ways as increasing availability of individuals with specialized knowledge of dementia; improving the diagnostic and treatment capabilities of all frontline professionals; making the best use of general and specialized resources through interprofessional collaboration; and leveraging the capabilities of the voluntary sector through investment and training.

C. This is a topic that should be of interest to a very wide population including healthcare providers, healthcare administrators, city, state and federal governments, private and public organizations serving seniors and the elderly and the general public. It will be critical that such plans are devised.

D. The Alzheimer Society of Canada sponsored this study.

A. Ajamian, P.C. (2010) Keep Alzheimer's in mind; if optometrists could identify early Alzheimer's disease in just 1% of their patients, 500,000 people could be helped. Review of Optometry 147(2): 105-107

B. The more healthcare providers who can alert patients to get further medical advice about the possibility of Alzheimer's disease, the better the care of their patients. According to Clement Trempe, M.D., professor of optometry at the New England College of Optometry and head scientist with the Center for Healthy Aging at the New England Eye Institute, optometrists can perform their usual comprehensive eye exam with readily available equipment to detect the ocular signs of Alzheimer's disease early on in the disease process, Trempe says early signs, or biomarkers, can be easily overlooked because the pathological findings associated with Alzheimer's disease are similar to, and overlap with, the findings associated with common age-related eye diseases. These biomarkers include cortical cataract, retinal nerve fiber layer thinning and drusen. For example, Amyloid beta deposits are seen in the cortex of the lens in patients with Alzheimer's disease, which are the same type of proteins that are a hallmark of Alzheimer's when found in the brain. This distortion can be measured highly accurately using the same instruments employed for corneal refractive surgery

C. This is important information for vision care specialists as well as the general public. Just as eye-care specialists now perform tests for glaucoma and macular degeneration, they can add this examination for Alzheimer's disease and refer the patient to the proper medical care.

D. This paper was done in an informal Q. And a fashion. It would have had… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Alzheimer's Disease Howenstine, J.A. (2010)" Assignment:


Cover page ***** Include title of work, course information, instructor, date, and your name. 5 points

will automatically be deducted from all work that does not have a cover page.

APA writing and referencing style - All citations should use APA referencing

Locate, summarize, and evaluate a minimum of 8 different resources on your assigned topic. These resources should be from a variety of sources. You should obtain at least 4 peer-reviewed articles no older than 2004. You should also find resources from sources that may not be peer-reviewed, but are still valid and reliable sources (i.e. web sites or other places)

For each source, you will produce a 1-2 page document which provides the following:

A. At the top of the page, the full reference information based on APA format should be provided in the same way you would on a reference page for a full research paper.

B. You should briefly summarize what information the resource provides. Include a description of what type of information is provided (background information, mechanism, treatment options, prevention information, outcome information, etc.).

C. Provide a brief summary of who could best use this information and how they might use it. Provide details on how you could use this resource to write a paper or make a presentation on this topic.

D. You should provide a detailed description (and rationale) of the quality of the resource. This should include, but is not limited to, a critique of the author, the publication, the review process if any, methods used, etc.

Important: You should organize each resource by using the letters above (A, B, C, D) to separate the different sections of your resource report. This project must be typed using 10-12 point font size and normal margins. No more than 2 pages should be used for each resource. The electronic copy you submit must include your name in the filename and within the document itself. All eight resources must be in ONE file. Your Disease Topic Resource Project will not be accepted in separate files.

Grading Rubric:

Style and Format: APA (5 points)

5 Followed the format outlined in the APA handbook

3-4 Made very few deviations (grammar errors) from the format

0-2 Significant deviation from APA format

Appropriate resources (6 points)

5-6 Adequate number and diversity of resources

3-4 Adequate number of resources, but diversity lacking

0-2 Not enough resources

Content (24 points)

Clearly articulates the content of each resource (2 points per resource)

What does this resource do? (i.e. provide a description or explanation, describe a prevention, discuss a treatment, report an outcome, etc.) Provide a very brief summary of what the resource says.

Be sure to clearly articulate how this resource could be used by others or by you to write a research paper on your topic (or perhaps make a presentation J).

NOTE: The purpose of this project is to demonstrate that you can adequately identify, locate, summarize (very briefly), and critique a resource on a topic. Please spend more time on this aspect than you do on summarizing the resource.

2 Appropriate articulation of summary of content and specific usefulness

1 Did not address one of the above elements adequately

0 Inadequate articulation of summary of content and specific usefulness

Clearly articulates the quality of the resource (1 point per resource)

1 Appropriate articulation of the validity and reliability of the resource

0 Did not address or addressed inadequately

Grammar and spelling (5 points)

5 completely free of errors

3-4 very few minor errors

1-2 several errors (beginning to affect readability)

0-1 many errors (readability seriously affected)

How to Reference "Alzheimer's Disease Howenstine, J.A. (2010)" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Alzheimer's Disease Howenstine, J.A. (2010).”, 2010, Accessed 4 Oct 2024.

Alzheimer's Disease Howenstine, J.A. (2010) (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Alzheimer's Disease Howenstine, J.A. (2010). [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Oct, 2024].
”Alzheimer's Disease Howenstine, J.A. (2010)” 2010.
”Alzheimer's Disease Howenstine, J.A. (2010)”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Alzheimer's Disease Howenstine, J.A. (2010)”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 4-Oct-2024].
1. Alzheimer's Disease Howenstine, J.A. (2010) [Internet]. 2010 [cited 4 October 2024]. Available from:
1. Alzheimer's Disease Howenstine, J.A. (2010). Published 2010. Accessed October 4, 2024.

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