Essay on "Alternative Interrogation Method With the Strikes"

Essay 3 pages (1064 words) Sources: 2

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Alternative Interrogation Method

With the strikes on America on September 11th, America changed. No longer were the borders of one of the strongest countries in the world effective barriers against terrorism. Foreign terror had breached these invisible lines and struck at the very heart of the nation. With this breach came an all out war on terror. And, as in any war, interrogation becomes a primary means of information gathering. Because of this, the use of alternative interrogation techniques has risen to the forefront of the American debate.

Interrogation is a methodology employed during the interview of a person, referred to as a "source," to obtain information that the source would not otherwise willingly disclose" ("Interrogation").

In contrast, alternative interrogation techniques go one step further. The end goal of obtaining information is the same, however, the methods are quite different.

It is not the building of relationships with sources or the asking of questions, but usually placing the source under some sort of physical and/or mental duress in order to force information from them. Specifically, the United States has policies against using torture, in the form of extreme physical or mental anguish, in their interrogation techniques; however, some of the alternative strategies have become questionable, with the highly exposed media coverage of the war on terror and terrorism suspects held in prisons such as Guantanamo Bay and Abu Gharib.

It is difficult to determine what involvement President Bush's administration had prior to passing of legislation such as the Military Commissions Act. Presid
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ent Bush has insisted that the interrogators themselves requested the tough alternative interrogation techniques.

Yet, others insist that documents show that instead these coercive techniques were forced on the interrogators (Horton). One thing is certain, the Abu Gharib scandal has caused the general public to question just what techniques are being used during interrogation, and at what point does alternative morph into torture?

Abu Gharib prison is, perhaps, one of the most notorious recent military scandals brought to the American public's attention. With debate over America's presence in Iraq in full force, the accounts of abuse and torture coming from the prison in 2003 were perfect fuel for the fire. An internal investigation conducted in 2004, and later exposure in the American media, found American military personnel abusing prisoners, severely damaging the credibility of America's presence in Iraq, both at home and abroad. Although the Bush administration noted that these acts were isolated acts of individuals, others noted that these actions were condoned by the military as forms of alternative interrogation.

Perhaps the most famous instance of abuse at Abu Gharib is that of Satar Jabar. Jabar was hooded and placed on a box while wires were attached to various parts of his body. He was told that if he fell from the box, he would be electrocuted. The military stated that at no time were these wires live; therefore, Jabar was never in any real physical danger (Scelfo & Nordland). However, certainly the mental abuse was present and therefore in violation of the United Nations Convention Against Torture, which clearly defines torture as a) ny act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Alternative Interrogation Method With the Strikes" Assignment:

Write a cause and effect essay on "Alternative interrogation techniques." Discuss in detail what is meant by alternative interrogation techniques. When has been it started to be operational in prisons under the US supervision is and what President Bush's administration role is in the implementation of this technique .

Discuss about Abu Ghraib's scandal and its relation with this technique. Deal in detail with the cause and its effects in the Essay.

Use a comparison and contrast pattern of writing to describe the similarities and differences of this intorrogation technique with that of torture in writing the essay.

Discuss how this techinique opposes the international low in handling prisoners of wars.

Discuss if there are other ways of interrogation methods that are less cruel with similar effect.

Refer to the article below and respond to some of the opininos of the *****.

November 23 2006

Opinion - Andrew Sullivan

The Sunday Times September 24, 2006

Torture by any other name is just as vile

Andrew Sullivan

Last week America*****s political classes found themselves forced by the Supreme Court to confront the issue of whether the United States has legally authorised the torture of terror suspects in its prisons.

That has been the issue for five years now, ever since the Bush administration unilaterally evaded the Geneva conventions and, on the president*****s executive authority, tortured several Al-Qaeda suspects in CIA custody.

It blew up when the Abu Ghraib photographs emerged, showing that torture and abuse had spread like a cancer through the ranks of the military, with hundreds of documented cases in every field of combat.

It was almost halted last December by the McCain Amendment, which the president subsequently declined to enforce. It came to a climax last week in a confusing blizzard of legislative verbiage. Both sides are still fighting over what exactly the Senate-Bush deal meant, which means that *****the programme***** will apparently continue.

Of course, the narrative I have just used is disputed by the president. He stated very recently: *****I want to be absolutely clear with our people, and the world: the United States does not torture. It*****s against our laws, and it*****s against our values. I have not authorised it *****” and I will not authorise it.*****

So we are reduced to fighting over a word, *****torture*****. President George W Bush*****s preferred terminology is *****alternative interrogation techniques***** or *****coercive interrogation***** or *****harsh interrogation methods*****, or simply, amazingly, his comment last Thursday that a policy of waterboarding detainees is merely a policy to *****question***** them.

Suddenly I am reminded of George Orwell. One essay of his, Politics and the English Language, still stands out over the decades as a rebuke to all those who deploy language to muffle meaning. One passage is particularly apposite:

*****A mass of Latin words falls upon the facts like soft snow, blurring the outline and covering up all the details. The great enemy of clear language is insincerity. When there is a gap between one*****s real and one*****s declared aims, one turns as it were instinctively to long words and exhausted idioms, like a cuttlefish spurting out ink. In our age there is no such thing as *****˜keeping out of politics*****. All issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred, and schizophrenia. When the general atmosphere is bad, language must suffer.*****

It is time to concede that in America right now the atmosphere is bad. Here is Bush defining torture in a speech he gave in June 2003: *****The Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment, ratified by the United States and more than 130 other countries since 1984, forbids governments from deliberately inflicting severe physical or mental pain or suffering on those within their custody or control.*****

So what is *****severe physical or mental pain or suffering*****? The president does not apparently believe that strapping someone to a board, tipping them upside down and pouring water repeatedly over Cellophane wrapped over their face is severe suffering.

The CIA confirms that most suspects cannot last much more than 30 seconds of the drowning sensation. But no marks are left. So that is not *****torture*****.

We are then informed that almost all the *****coercive interrogation techniques***** used by the Bush administration are not torture. One is called *****long time standing*****. Basically, it entails forcing a prisoner to stay standing indefinitely, by prodding him if he tries to rest, or shackling his wrists to a bolt in a low ceiling or a railing.

At first the detainees in CIA custody were required to be so restrained for a maximum of four hours without any rest. Then a memo from Donald Rumsfeld , the defence secretary, came down the chain of command: *****I stand for 8-10 hours a day. Why is standing limited to four hours?*****

Why indeed? It certainly sounds mild enough.

But here is a description of what it actually means in uncorrupted English: *****There is the method of simply compelling a prisoner to stand there. This can be arranged so that the accused stands only while being interrogated *****” because that, too, exhausts and breaks a person down.

*****It can be set up in another way *****” so that the prisoner sits down during interrogation but is forced to stand up between interrogations. (A watch is set over him, and the guards see to it that he doesn*****t lean against the wall, and if he goes to sleep and falls over he is given a kick and straightened up.) Sometimes even one day of standing is enough to deprive a person of all his strength and to force him to testify to anything at all.*****

What wimp wrote that? ***** Solzhenitsyn, who documented *****long time standing***** as a method used by the Soviet Union in the gulag.

*****Sleep deprivation***** also sounds mild enough to avoid the moniker of *****torture*****. Here is one account of such an alternative questioning method, in which a prisoner *****is wearied to death, his legs are unsteady, and he has one sole desire to sleep, to sleep just a little, not to get up, to lie, to rest, to forget . . . Anyone who has experienced the desire knows that not even hunger or thirst are comparable with it*****.

Again, which whiny liberal wrote those words?

The answer is Menachem Begin, former Israeli prime minister and a former terrorist himself. He is also describing the methods used by the Soviets in Siberia, where they imprisoned him in 1939.

We know that one prisoner in Guantanamo Bay was forced to go without sleep for 48 of 55 consecutive days and nights.

He was also manacled naked to a chair in a cell that was air-conditioned to around 50F and had cold water poured on him repeatedly, until hypothermia set in. Doctors treated him when he neared permanent physical damage.

According to the president of the United States, this is not *****severe mental or physical pain or suffering*****. This is an *****alternative interrogation method*****. This is not torture. it is *****the programme*****.

And so Latin words fall upon the West*****s moral high ground *****like soft snow, blurring the outline and covering up all the details*****.

If only George Orwell were still alive. If only all of this weren*****t actually true.

How to Reference "Alternative Interrogation Method With the Strikes" Essay in a Bibliography

Alternative Interrogation Method With the Strikes.”, 2006, Accessed 28 Sep 2024.

Alternative Interrogation Method With the Strikes (2006). Retrieved from (2006). Alternative Interrogation Method With the Strikes. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Sep, 2024].
”Alternative Interrogation Method With the Strikes” 2006.
”Alternative Interrogation Method With the Strikes”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Alternative Interrogation Method With the Strikes”,, 2006. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 28-Sep-2024].
1. Alternative Interrogation Method With the Strikes [Internet]. 2006 [cited 28 September 2024]. Available from:
1. Alternative Interrogation Method With the Strikes. Published 2006. Accessed September 28, 2024.

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