Term Paper on "ADR Alternative Dispute Resolution"

Term Paper 12 pages (4053 words) Sources: 6

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Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

Many theorists, including Nadja Alexander and Marian Roberts, begin their discussions of mediation by noting that it is a fairly new phenomenon in the field of formal dispute resolution. Nevertheless, the paradigm has gained increasing popularity over the last decades, particularly where family and divorce disputes are concerned. Indeed, where young children are involved, couples often prefer to resolve the dispute privately via mediation than publicly in court. In this way, negotiations remain amicable, or can become so with the help of therapy. John Haynes, a mediation expert, identifies the purpose of mediation as finding a mutually acceptable solution for both or all the disputing parties (Haynes 1). In order to do this, he suggests the following steps in the process of mediation: Recognizing the problem; choosing the arena; selecting the mediator; gathering the data; defining the problem; developing options; redefining positions; bargaining; and drafting the agreement. Nadja Alexander's (10) identification of the issue is closely related to this: the purpose of the mediator is to identify the needs and interests of both parties, generate options to satisfy the needs of both, and to help both parties to create their own outcomes. In other words, both parties in dispute should be respected for their ability to find solutions on their own. The mediator should never make the decision for them, but rather lead them to a situation they can use to find an amicable solution.

It should also be recognized that other professionals, besides the mediator, could be involved in the process. Disputes are generally highly emotional events, with feelin
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gs affecting the parties involved to varying degrees. A counselor with psychiatric expertise might therefore be needed in such a case, as suggested by Fisher, Ventura & Reed (11). A recent development in mediation however provides an alternative to this. Pruett and Johnston (Folber, Milne & Salem 92) suggest a combined model of therapy and mediation that could be used to reach a more integrated solution for the whole family.

When a resolution is reached, it is likely that the disputing parties would need the services of an impartial legal counselor, whose interest is in balance between the conflicting parties. The above are considerations that need to be taken into account in the case of dispute between Cherry and Giovani Pertucci. While Cherry's attitude indicates that she is ready for mediation, Giovani still has many emotional issues that need attention before he will be willing to compromise in order to resolve the situation.

The Situation

The first step in the mediation process is to assess the situation. The Pertucci situation, from Cherry's viewpoint, is that she has become increasingly lonely as Giovani's business became increasingly successful. He was frequently away from home, and she was left with her child and her home to care for on her own. To escape loneliness, she furthered her studies to become a solicitor and found a job at Channel 4. In contrast to her life thus far, this opened up a new and exciting world for Cherry. Her feelings of marital neglect led to an affair with a man at the office, which led to the breakdown of her relationship with Giovani. While Cherry does not desire a reconciliation, she does wish for her son's continued contact with his father. She wishes to reach an amicable solution with Giovani.

Giovani, being on the receiving end of the breakdown resulting from his wife's affair, feels more hostile regarding the events. He feels victimized and angry, and believes that the new partner has taken his family away from him. He also feels betrayed by his wife, for whom he had provided amply in terms of physical comfort and luxury. For these reasons he wants his wife to take as little as possible from the home they had built up together. He therefore wants to keep both his son and his house, with as little contact as possible with Cherry.

Clearly there is a rather serious conflict of interest involved. Giovani is allowing his hurt feelings to compromise his son's well-being. Indeed, he wants to remove the boy from his mother's care, keeping him in a home from which his father is frequently absent on assignments. In contrast to Cherry, Giovani appears unwilling to let Eduardo's mother visit the boy frequently if he were in the custody of his father. Giovani appears to be unable to deal with his emotions regarding the affair and pending divorce. His anger may be just a defense mechanism to mask the depression, fear and pain related to the breakdown of his relationship. He may need professional therapy for this before mediation can be seen as an option (Fisher, Ventura and Reed 11). In working with Giovani, the counselor needs to help him redefine his position from self- to mutual interest. His feelings regarding Cherry are so negative that he is currently overly focused upon his self-interest.

The most important issues of the case include the fair division of property and separate co-parenting, and the effective communication towards reaching these solutions. While Cherry appears willing to communicate with Giovani, she has found herself unable to penetrate his extreme hostility and abusive behavior.

Mediation Process and role of Mediator

Haynes (15) notes that the mediator has a very specific role in the mediation process. He needs to clarify this role to the disputants at the beginning of the sessions. According to the traditional mediation model, the mediator can only offer mediation services, and not therapeutic or legal counsel (Haynes 14). Indeed, if these are needed, the couple needs to be referred to the appropriate professionals. The mediator's task is only to identify those elements that aid the mediation process itself. As such, he is to avoid where possible elements such as emotive statements, social talk, and legal or therapy questions. Instead the focus is to be only on elements that relate directly to the dispute and its resolution, such as the dispute data, the couple's goals statements, and their bargaining behavior and strategies. This limits the current mediation possibilities for Cherry and Giovani, as the latter still appears to need considerable professional help in order to work through his emotional issues. Only Cherry has shown signs of being ready for mediation. However, her problems in communicating effectively with Giovani may also lead to therapy questions on her part.

In the case of divorce mediation, Haynes (27) acknowledges that complex emotional issues integrate with practical matters when attempting to resolve disputes. For effective mediation, both parties need to distance themselves from the emotions resulting from the past, and focus upon the future to find solutions for their practical concerns. Giovani is however unable to do so in his current situation and the traditional form of mediation cannot proceed. Indeed, the emotional aspects of the situation still very much dominate in Giovani's mind, and he is unable to communicate with Cherry in a cooperative way.

Integrated Resolution

To resolve this problem in a more integrated and targeted way, Pruett and Johnston (in Folber, Milne & Salem 92) suggest two models of mediation and therapy in combination, which could be useful in the Pertucci case, particularly as a young child involved. Indeed, such a combination lends itself particularly well to divorce disputes because of the emotional issues that are likely to be unresolved. While Cherry is worried about the welfare of her child, appearing to care for his well-being, Giovani's focus appears to be on himself and his own feelings. It appears that he wants to claim everything produced by the marriage for himself, regardless of whether this is best for Eduardo or not.

Because of Giovani's apparently unresolved issues, it is therefore suggested that either the mediator refers both Cherry and Giovani for joint and separate counseling, or that one of Pruett and Johnston's combined mediation and therapy models be used. Indeed, Pruett and Johnston suggest that mediation in its traditional form, divorced from therapeutic intervention, has been most effective with couples who both wish to reach amicable solutions that optimize the benefits for both parties. Specifically, according to the authors (Folber, Milne & Salem 92), such couples display four elements to indicate that they are ready for mediation: 1) they made progress with the emotional aspects of their situation, 2) the levels of anger between them are manageable, 3) a willingness to compromise, and 4) an absence of psychopathology or physical abuse. In the case of the Pertuccis, Cherry is displaying a more mature level of the elements mentioned above. She does not appear hostile towards her former partner, or to believe that he is unable to take a significant amount of responsibility for their child. Despite the fact that he was abusive towards her and her new partner, she does not appear to believe that he would level such abuse against Eduardo. She also does not appear unwilling to reach a compromise towards co-parenting with Giovani.

Giovani on the other hand has not dealt with his emotions effectively, as is… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "ADR Alternative Dispute Resolution" Assignment:

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1. The assessment

Students must read the case study below and write an essay covering the main issues that are raised by the case study.

2. Presentation instructions

All submitted work must comply with these presentation requirements *****“ failure to comply may result in work not being marked.

(a) The guideline word limit is 3,500 words with a maximum of 4,000. Footnotes will not count towards word count totals but must only be used for referencing *****“ not the provision of additional text. Bibliographies will not count towards word totals. Unless specifically required in the assessment instructions appendices are not permitted, other than those required under 5(h) below.

(b) A word count total must be provided on each course work submitted. An inaccurate word count may be dealt with as cheating (an attempt to obtain an unfair advantage). See the cheating and plagiarism guidelines in the Course Guide for further details.

(c) If the word limit is exceeded any work beyond the word limit will not be marked and will thus not be awarded credit.

(d) Course work must be submitted in word-processed forms, double-spaced, and correctly paginated.

(e) Standard referencing guidelines must be followed *****“ these can be found in the Course Guide.

3. Assessment criteria

This assessment seeks to assess the following unit outcomes:

(a) This assessment seeks to assess the following areas of knowledge and understanding:

- theories of negotiation and mediation

- principles, boundaries and process of mediation

- issues involved in appropriateness of mediation

(b) This assessment seeks to assess the following legal skills:

- ability to assimilate and evaluate complex literature from a range of sources

- critically evaluate different theories on mediation and negotiation

- show an appreciation of the political, social and economic pressures involved in shaping the process of mediation in different contexts.

(c) This assessment seeks to assess the following transferable skills:

- an***** and evaluate issues relating to a hypothetical case in a mediation context

- plan research, including setting priorities in terms of relevance and importance

- plan and manage work including setting priorities in terms of importance and deadlines

(d) This assessment seeks to assess the following communication skills:

- read and understand multi-disciplinary materials in the field of ADR2

- appreciate communication techniques and strategies appropriate for

mediation and negotiation.

(e) Credit will be awarded for this assessment based on the following criteria:

- clear and coherent answer

- well-structured work

- relevant answer in relation to the case study

- thoughtful answer about the issues raised

4. Guidance

(a) In attempting this assessment candidates may want to have particular regard to the following issues:

- limitations of mediation

- principle of mediation

- skills used by mediators

- the mediation process

- theory of mediation and negotiation

(b) In attempting this assessment candidates may want to have particular regard to the following useful sources:

- the materials in the unit guide and in the teaching guide

- any materials additionally provided by lecturer

- additional research done by students in the library and on the web

(c) In attempting this assessment candidates should be aware of these common errors

and should try to avoid them:

- Uncritical repetition of arguments found in textbooks or consultation papers

- Poorly structured or irrelevant work

- Misreading of the facts of the hypothetical case

5. Submission instructions

(a) Submission date, time and place: Please consult the assessment timetable


(i) Maximum extension - the maximum is 2 weeks. Extensions must be obtained before the submission deadline. Only in very exceptional circumstances will an extension be granted for this maximum length of time. See the Course Guide for further details.

(ii) If an extension has not been obtained assessed work submitted up to 2 weeks after the deadline can only be awarded credit up to the pass mark applicable. After 2 weeks the work will receive a mark of zero. See you course guide for further details.

(c) Return date: This is a final assessment and students will not get it back. You will receive the results as always after the exam board.

(d) Candidates must indicate clearly on the front of the coursework their seminar group and seminar tutor (part-time students - class lecturer).

(e) Candidates must not put their names on the course work *****“ student numbers must be used.

(f) Candidates must retain a copy of the assessment submitted *****“ both hard copy and on disk. Further copies of assessed work may be required by the Course Director or Exam Board.

(g) All quotations must be credited and properly referenced. Paraphrasing is still regarded as plagiarism if a candidate fails to acknowledge the source for the ideas being expressed. Candidates are referred to the cheating and plagiarism guidelines in the Course Guide.

(h) Candidates are required to attach to their submitted assessments a copy of the first page of each article cited as a source. This applies whether the article is from a hard copy or downloaded from the Internet. This requirement does not apply to law reports (unless specifically requested in the assessment instructions). Copies of articles referred to must be retained. Candidates may be required to produce these articles if there are concerns about the use of source materials.

6. Feedback

Generic feedback about common errors and good practice will be provided on black board after the results are published in the summer.


Giovanni and Cherry Pertucci have been married for 8 years. They have come to a mediation service and have had separate intake sessions.


He is 45 years old, and the couple have one child, Eduardo, who is 9 years old.

GIOVANI was born in England but his parents are from a small village in Sicily. He is a self-employed barrister.

The relationship with cherry began to break down when his work became more successful and he spent more and more time away from home. Cherry began studying to become a solicitor and then pursued a legal career in television. She had an affair with a work colleague and he cannot forgive her and wants nothing more to do with her. He says that the relationship between the two at the moment is very hostile and they argue ferociously every time they talk about Eduardo.

He does not want this new man to replace him as Eduardo*****s father and he thinks the boy is better off living with him. He does not want the new man moving into the house he has worked so hard to have.


Cherry is 40 years old. She was born in Nigeria, but was sent to boarding school in England from the age of 11. She studied law in an English University where she met Giovanni, whom she later married.

She put her career on hold for a while until Eduardo was old enough for school, but found that Giovanni was away from home more and more and only interested in his work. She became lonely and depressed and therefore decided to study to become a solicitor. She got a job with Channel 4 and her life opened up in a very exciting way. She met many interesting people and one man in particular who made her feel very special.

She fell in love and began an affair, and has found that her life is so mu8ch happier with him than the lonely existence she had with Giovanni. Eduardo is her priority still, but feels that as a boy he will need his father more and more as he grows. She wants Eduardo to have his base with her, in the matrimonial home, seeing Giovanni regularly and frequently.

She believes they can be friends and can work things out for Eduardo so that he has a good relationship with both of them.


An appointment has been set up for the couple at the mediation service. At the appointment, the mediator listens to both of them separately for a short time, whereby they can tell him/her their issues.

During the separate sessions Cherry says that there have been two incidents where Giovanni became abusive and angry towards her and her new partner. On the second, she says that her new partner, Richard, came between them and Giovanni hit him in the face. Eduardo saw this as he came out of his room to see what the commotion was. Giovanni and Cherry have not spoken since. She is worried about Eduardo.


Please read the facts carefully. Then note any issue that you think arte raised by them - e.g. domestic violence? *****“ then discuss how the mediator/s could deal with the issues that are raised. Of course you have to refer to research and writings on mediation - family mediation *****“ to be able to consider what are issues and what mediators should be aware of and could do to deal with issues.


Thelma Fisher

Marion Robert

John Haynes and 6 other sources.

The Family Law Journal is also a useful source of information.

Please be careful to read as widely as possible before attempting to answer in any depth and ensure that you turn completed work to turnitinUK to check the originality of your work.

How to Reference "ADR Alternative Dispute Resolution" Term Paper in a Bibliography

ADR Alternative Dispute Resolution.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2008, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/alternative-dispute-resolution-adr/192836. Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

ADR Alternative Dispute Resolution (2008). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/alternative-dispute-resolution-adr/192836
A1-TermPaper.com. (2008). ADR Alternative Dispute Resolution. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/alternative-dispute-resolution-adr/192836 [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”ADR Alternative Dispute Resolution” 2008. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/alternative-dispute-resolution-adr/192836.
”ADR Alternative Dispute Resolution” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/alternative-dispute-resolution-adr/192836.
[1] ”ADR Alternative Dispute Resolution”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2008. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/alternative-dispute-resolution-adr/192836. [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. ADR Alternative Dispute Resolution [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2008 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/alternative-dispute-resolution-adr/192836
1. ADR Alternative Dispute Resolution. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/alternative-dispute-resolution-adr/192836. Published 2008. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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