Term Paper on "Alberta Province of Canada"

Term Paper 8 pages (2362 words) Sources: 1+

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There are already high-efficiency automobiles, which only require incentives for manufacturers. There are is a vast area of 100 by 100 miles in New Mexico, covered with solar panels, for all the energy needs of the U.S.A. Only a very few new and clean energy plants should be built to meet the 6% Kyoto target.

Among the countries that have ratified the Kyoto Treaty are the 15 member-states of the European Union, the Czech Republic, Norway and Romania, Japan, Russia, China, India, and New Zealand. The U.S. wanted India and China to sign first and they have. Part of the agreement was for the U.S.A. And Canada to develop the high technology required and then field-tested, to sell to India and China.

Premier Klein should have thought about the problem backwards. He should have thought of reducing emissions by using more efficient cars and machines that will use less oil. Oil reserves, then, will last longer, which, therefore, means that oil producers can continue to make money for longer periods. Alberta's oil companies can still raise oil prices because their customers will have more money because they would be using more efficient vehicles. That will not cost more to produce oil than at present. Hence, the oil producer could and would realize more earnings for the same amount of oil in his reserves (Green).

It is fortunate that the majority of scientists in the world have joined the movement towards cleaning up the atmosphere, although once in a while, a few turn shortsighted or are bribed to try to mislead the public. This happened when industry yelled at restrictions to acid rain, but it was later discovered that acid captured in the smokestacks more tha
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n compensated for the cost of the equipment that would collect it. The pattern happened in Alberta. In each case, capturing and reusing a pollutant, or avoiding it, always turns out to be unexpectedly beneficial. It only points to the fact that politicians do not all understand the science needed to deal with a solid reality like global warming.

What happens to lost business opportunities in Alberta because of the Kyoto Accord? If vehicles used are more fuel efficient, oil companies can charge the same as they do now, but with less oil used. Profits will still increase and reserves will last longer. Alberta oil companies should not lobby or mourn over fuel-inefficient vehicles. They should consider other business that can profit from Kyoto and realize that the more efficient use of energy always results in higher profit in the long run. This is because energy costs are reduced. As oil reserves are used, the prices of oil will go up, according to the law of supply and demand. With or without global warming, there will be a change for energy-efficient machines and vehicles.

The issue to decide is whether Canadians (or any other society) would want to provide or just the buyers of high-efficiency, low-emission technology. The sooner they develop the new technology, the likelier will they become the providers of the technology to the world. As it is, Japan government and Sharp are tiling the roofs of Japan with solar panels in attempting a solution to the energy problem at less than $1 per watt. This is cheaper than hydroelectric or coal/oil-fired electricity. This trend indicates that Japan will dominate the world energy market.

As already mentioned, Kyoto is only a start. Most people fear that cleaning up will be a costly act, but oftentimes, results disprove the fear. There are now very powerful techniques that can triple or even quadruple energy and water efficiency in most building. And with all the potential for energy saving, protecting the world's climate cannot at all be considered costly but, in fact and ultimately, profitable and necessary. Let us ponder over these words by R. Buckminster Fuller:

Pollution is nothing, but the resources we are not harvesting. We allow them to disperse because we've been ignorant of their value." xx


Brown, Jim. 2003: Canada's Chretien Downplays Kyoto Economic Impact. CNEWS. http://cnews.canoe.ca/CNEWS/Politics/2003/10/20/23/511-cp.html

CBCNews, 2002: Consumers Will Feel Pinch of Kyoto, Say Opponents. CBC. http://www/cbc/ca/stories/stories/2002/09/03/ab_kyoto020903

CTV News Staff. 2003:Three-quarters of Canadians Support Kyoto: Poll. CTV.ca. http://www/ctv/ca/servlit/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/10340/4051181_29423251/:hub=Canada

Government of Alberta. 2002: Canadians Divided on Kyoto Ratification. http://www.gov.ab.ca/home/index.cfm"Page=332.

2003: About Alberta. Statistics Canada. http://www.ab.ca/home/Index.cfm"Page=2

Green, Roedy. 2003: Kyoto Accord. Canadian Mind Products. http://mindprod.com/kyoto.html

McMaster, George. 2002: The Kyoto Accord: Where There's Smoke, There's Fire. Express News, University of Alberta. http://www.expressnews.ualerta.ca/expressnews/articles/ideas.cfm?p_ID=2480&5=a

Orrick, Bob. Assisted Suicide, Marijuana and Kyoto Accord. Canadian Senior Years. http://www.senioryears.com/index.html

Paraskevas, Joe.. 2002:Chetien Signs Kyoto Agreement. Calgary Herald. http://www.canada.com/national/features/kyoto/story.html

Reuters. 2992: Canada Alberta Province. Reuters News Service. http://www.planetark.com/avanto/dailynewsstory.com.cfm?newid=17908

Schnee, Paul and Brett Hudson. 2001:Climate Change and the Kyoto Accord, a Resolution. http://www/apha/ab/ca/Resolutions/res02-6.htm

Schneider, Walter H. 2002: Economic Harm for Nothing. Edmonton Journal. http://www.fathersforlife.org/articles/gunter/kyoto=1.htm READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Alberta Province of Canada" Assignment:

My paper is on the the province of Alberta's(a province in Canada)government and its' relationship with the federal government of Canada. The question posed is: What role has Alberta played in federal/provincial relation over the past ten years? This secondary question should be answered along the lines that Alberta has had a tremendous role in federal/provincial relations over the past 10 years. It should give a list of past grievances, successes, and failures in various areas, leading up the main concern of the implementation of the Kyoto Accord This question should be answered in about 2 and half paragraphs with 1 quote or reference at the begining of the paper leading to the primary question of the paper. The primary question for the paper is: What are some of the areas of concern between the federal and Alberta governments? The primary area of concern I would like to address mentioned previously is the implementation of the Kyoto Accord. It is fraught with contraversy. The Alberta government fears it will stifle or halt development of the vast Alberta oilsands and the refining process of that huge amount of oil. Should mention about strategic value of such a vast quantity of oil contained in the far reaches of a northern ally, a safe, reliable source of oil now and in the future. Should mention something about past National Energy Program, another contraversial piece of legislation and a past historical grievance but should focus mainly on the Kyoto Accord and the implications of it's implementation on the province of Alberta and how their relations with the federal government are affected. In should be written 12 point font, double spaced, with comprehensive footnotes and full bibliograpghy

How to Reference "Alberta Province of Canada" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Alberta Province of Canada.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2003, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/alberta-government-federal/6773914. Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

Alberta Province of Canada (2003). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/alberta-government-federal/6773914
A1-TermPaper.com. (2003). Alberta Province of Canada. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/alberta-government-federal/6773914 [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”Alberta Province of Canada” 2003. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/alberta-government-federal/6773914.
”Alberta Province of Canada” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/alberta-government-federal/6773914.
[1] ”Alberta Province of Canada”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2003. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/alberta-government-federal/6773914. [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. Alberta Province of Canada [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2003 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/alberta-government-federal/6773914
1. Alberta Province of Canada. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/alberta-government-federal/6773914. Published 2003. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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