Case Study on "Al Qaeda Training Manual"

Case Study 3 pages (1234 words) Sources: 4

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Al Qaeda Training Manual

The manual was certainly written after 1990 as it refers to the failed assassination attempt on Egyptian Minister of the Interior Abdel-Halim Moussa, in which the parliamentary Speaker Rifaat el-Mahgoub was killed instead. However, the technological sophistication seems to support a date not far in excess of 1990. "Some modern devices, such as the facsimile and wireless" (p.31) are referenced as higher levels of technology which "the Islamic Military Organization cannot obtain," (p. 41). There is no mention of internet, cellular phone, or even pager technology, which were gaining popularity in the west in the early 90s, and had possibly made beach heads on under-developed shores. If not proper internet technology, however, it is presumable that technologies such as fax machines were widely available even in the under-developed Middle East by 1995. Therefore, at best estimate, the manual was first written sometime in the early 1990s.

In so far as the intelligence, weapons, and operational methods taught by this manual follow the basic wisdom of these trades, well distilled through the decades, they must be said to closely coincide with American practices. Advice like keeping communications short, practicing proper grip on a rifle, compartmentalization of information, and the simple substitutional codes taught are less tools of the trade and more just well-tried common sense, and are likely used by all intelligence organizations including western ones.. However, as the techniques move into the more intricate tradecraft, they seem to lag behind western standards. Certainly the simple codes presented would easily be broken by any determined cryptographer,
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and, presumably, are not used for anything important in the west. At best estimate, Al Qaeda methods are similar to the west, in so far as all operational methods of this sort follow a basic root, but are adapted to the lower levels of sophistication available to the mujahidin of the early 90s.

3. The advantage of Al Qaeda is the extreme difficulty which any westerner would have in directly infiltrating their organization. Though the question of how thoroughly candidates are vetted is left in doubt by this manual, it is difficult to see how anyone without a lifelong commitment to Islam would make the cut. Also, as per the techniques described through the agent recruitment sections, it is likely that brothers are recruited from the associates and friends of established brothers. Any western infiltrator would have to be in place for years before being approached in such a way. Finally, the manual makes hints at certain 'tests' -- such as a test for resistance in the face of torture -- which would directly put any infiltrator in harm's way.

4. Overall, the level of sophistication seems to be low. While an intense paranoia is maintained throughout -- a well-reared paranoia rooted in life under harsher regimes than those found in the west -- in many cases that paranoia is not carried through to a logical end. There is an over-reliance on forged documents, which, for instance, are expected to deliver the brother from the police in the event of a raid (p.36); there is also an over-reliance on the integrity of a brother through his faith, by which he is expected to preserve himself from turning informer (p.130). Discussion of poisons is limited to simple agents, with low fatality rates, readily available in most garden stores (p.116). In some cases the dosage and fatality rates of these poisons are incorrectly stated. There is also little evidence of efforts to obtain sophisticated technology to support the cell. Nonetheless, it must be mentioned, that the weapons and explosives techniques are well developed.

An Overview of the Organization

On the basis of the captured manual, Al Qaeda in the early… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Al Qaeda Training Manual" Assignment:

I will provide a pdf translation of an Al Qaeda training manual captured in a police raid in the UK. It came to public view when it was introduced into evidence at a terrorism trial in New York.

After reviewing the information, please answer the following questions in detail:

1) When do you think the document was written? Why?

2) How do Al Qaeda operational methods compare to ours?

3) Why would it be difficult for westerners to infiltrate their organization?

4) How would you rate their level of sophistication? Why?

Additionally, include a report, as the lead investigator, that you would use to give your staff an overview or profile of the organization. This information will be used to assist your team in understanding, identifying and apprehending the members of this group.

Your report should be 1,000 words in length and follow APA formatting for any sources, including the manual itself.

Your work will be graded as follows:

Quality of content*****70% of points

Organization and cohesiveness of work*****20 % of points

Proper APA citation, grammar, spelling *****10% of points

Note: Point deductions beyond this rubric can be made if un cited material is present and/or the minimum word count is not met.


How to Reference "Al Qaeda Training Manual" Case Study in a Bibliography

Al Qaeda Training Manual.”, 2010, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Al Qaeda Training Manual (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Al Qaeda Training Manual. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Al Qaeda Training Manual” 2010.
”Al Qaeda Training Manual”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Al Qaeda Training Manual”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Al Qaeda Training Manual [Internet]. 2010 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Al Qaeda Training Manual. Published 2010. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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