Thesis on "Al-Qaeda and Their Attack"

Thesis 4 pages (1314 words) Sources: 5

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Al-Qaeda and Their Attack on the United States

On September 11th, 2001, Americans across the country added a new name to their common vocabulary -- Al-Qaeda. As the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center crumbled, the Pentagon smoldered, and a plane lay embedded in the middle of a Pennsylvania field, it became abundantly clear that America had a new enemy. With this realization came new questions. Who is Al-Qaeda? What ideology do they follow and what are their religious beliefs? What were Al-Qaeda's motivations for their attacks on America on September 11th? Lastly, who does Al-Qaeda consider to be their enemy?

Al-Qaeda Overview, Ideology and Religious Beliefs:

Osama bin Laden's Al-Qaeda network formed from a decade-long conflict in Afghanistan between the years 1979 and 1989. When the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, Afghan Islamist extremists, from around the world, came together to fight in the jihad against the invading Soviets. One of these extremists was a then 23-year-old Muslim from Saudi Arabia, then named Usama bin Ladin. He was the son of a wealthy construction magnate who had become devoutly religious following the sermons of Abdullah Azzam. Although bin Laden generously funded the jihad against the Soviets, bin Laden's plans were more global.

bin Laden established the 'Golden Chain', an international financial support network, that would eventually help fund Al-Qaeda proper. Using the money acquired from Saudi Arabia and Persian Gulf states, bin Laden and his religious mentor, Azzam, created a 'Bureau of Services'. These services helped bring in recruits for the Afghanistan jihad. In addition, the United States and S
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audia Arabia were giving billions of dollars in secret assistance to rebel forces in Afghanistan

, further funding the organization that would evolve into Al-Qaeda of today.

In early 1989, as the Soviets retreated from Afghanistan, bin Laden and Azzam made the decision that their organization should remain intact. They established Al-Qaeda as the general headquarters for future jihad. However, not all was a differing opinion as to the direction of Al-Qaeda between bin Laden and Azzam. Azzam wanted to continue to fight in Afghanistan until a true Islamist government was in place. bin Laden, on the other hand, thought Al-Qaeda should be training for jihad anywhere globally. bin Laden took over full control of Al-Qaeda in 1989, following Azzam's murder, setting Al-Qaeda's path in stone.

Al-Qaeda's ideological and religious beliefs are intricately intertwined. It was bin Laden's studies with Azzam, as well as his experiences in Afghanistan that would lead him to the belief that effective military action could be undertaken by Muslims, centering on select Islamic principles. Al-Qaeda's ideology, based on bin Laden's personal belief system, involved a puritanical Salafist Islamic reform in all Muslim societies.

Al-Qaeda believes that there is an imbalance between Muslims, Christians and the West, and there needs to be global equality achieved.

This includes armed resistance, when necessary, in the face of perceive aggression. Al-Qaeda views this concept to be a communally binding principle of Islam, known as 'defensive jihad'. These views were expressed following the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, in 1990. bin Laden was vehemently opposed to the introduction of foreign military forces into Saudi Arabia. He characterized the presence of non-Muslim military forces (including American forces) as a cause for a renewed commitment to defensive jihad. bin Laden also said this non-Muslim military presence was reason to encourage violence against both the Saudi government and the United States.

This military resolve was further strengthened with the United States' deployment of troops to Somalia, with which bin Laden disagreed.

Motivations for September 11th Attacks:

As discussed briefly, the motivations for Al-Qaeda's attack on America, on September 11th, stems from the United States' continued involvement in matters in the Middle East. America's non-Muslim involvement in the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait was inexcusable, in the mind of bin Laden. This motivation to attach America was escalated with the United States' entry into Somalia. Again, Al-Qaeda saw these as offensive meddlings by… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Al-Qaeda and Their Attack" Assignment:

I need a 4 page BRIEFING PAPER on why Al-Qaeda attacked the United States on September 11, 2001. This is a briefing to the American people to help them understand al-Qaeda better. What motivated them? What is their ideology and religious beliefs? Who do they consider to be their enemies? Etc...

It needs five credible sources. Wikipedia cannot be used as a source.

How to Reference "Al-Qaeda and Their Attack" Thesis in a Bibliography

Al-Qaeda and Their Attack.”, 2009, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Al-Qaeda and Their Attack (2009). Retrieved from (2009). Al-Qaeda and Their Attack. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Al-Qaeda and Their Attack” 2009.
”Al-Qaeda and Their Attack”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Al-Qaeda and Their Attack”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Al-Qaeda and Their Attack [Internet]. 2009 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Al-Qaeda and Their Attack. Published 2009. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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