Dissertation on "Westjet vs. Air Canada Why Westjet Will Win"

Dissertation 50 pages (17068 words) Sources: 75

[EXCERPT] . . . .

airline industry has become increasingly competitive in recent years due in part to the horsewhipping it experienced following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. The ongoing global economic downturn and high energy prices have added further constraints to airline performance. In this environment, it is not surprising that airlines that are agile and nimble in their response to changing market conditions will enjoy a competitive advantage, and this has certainly been the case with WestJet's performance compared to the struggling Air Canada airlines. By providing the flying public with no-frills, low-cost regional and international alternatives, WestJet has not only survived during this turbulent period, it has also gained market share from Air Canada, continuing the bleeding of this former industry leader. The purpose of this study was to examine the relevant literature to identify what WestJet and Air Canada are doing right -- and wrong -- to achieve a competitive advantage in an increasingly competitive marketplace.

Table of Contents


Chapter One: Introduction


Statement of the Problem


Purpose of Study


Research Questions


Importance of Study


Rationale of Study


Overview of Study


Chapter Two: Literature Review


Recent Trends in the Airline IndustryContinue scrolling to

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Air Canada


Chapter Three: Methodology


Description of the Study Approach


Data-gathering Method and Database of Study


Chapter Four: Findings/Data Analysis


Case Studies




Chapter Five: Conclusions and Recommendations

WestJet vs. Air Canada: Why WestJet Will Win


Chapter One: Introduction

In what more than one analyst has likened to a David-and-Goliath battle, the competition between giant Air Canada and its smaller counterpart in WestJet appears to be so lopsided in favor of the Goliath, Air Canada, to preclude any inroads in its market share by the David, WestJet. Indeed, the U.S.-Canada market represents one of the largest air transportation markets in the world today, and Air Canada's already enjoys a transborder network with 59 cities each in the U.S. And Canada ("United Airlines and Air Canada to Form Transborder Joint Venture" 2010). Furthermore, Air Canada is the country's largest domestic and international full-service airline, and it provides scheduled and charter international passenger and cargo air services to more than 170 locations spanning five continents providing scheduled and charter air transportation for passengers and cargo to more than 170 destinations on five continents, with around 31 million passengers each year (United Airlines and Air Canada to Form Transborder Joint Venture 2010). Besides the 118 destinations in its North American market, Air Canada also services 60 destinations throughout the Middle East, Europe, Australia, Asia, the Caribbean, and Latin America; moreover, as part of the Star Alliance which it helped to establish, Air Canada is part of the largest air transportation network in the world, providing air services to almost 1,200 destinations and 181 countries (United Airlines and Air Canada to Form Transborder Joint Venture 2010).

By very sharp contrast, WestJet Airlines Ltd. (hereinafter "WestJet" or "the company") provides scheduled services to a North American and Caribbean network comprised of 69 cities ("Profile: WestJet Airlines Ltd." 2010). Despite its business model that has traditionally focused on low-cost and convenient alternatives, WestJet now features extra legroom, leather seats and live seatback television on its fleet of 87 Boeing Next-Generation 737 aircraft; in addition, as of December 31, 2009, WestJet had leased an additional 10 aircraft (seven 737-700s and three 737-800s), bringing its total of leased aircraft to 33 ("Profile: WestJet Airlines Ltd." 2010).


Statement of the Problem

During the closing decades of the 20th century, global air transportation grew at a steady pace until the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 resulted in a drastic but short-lived downturn in the passenger and cargo traffic. Although the industry has largely recovered since that time, many air carriers continue to struggle during a period characterized by a global economic downturn combined with escalating energy costs. In this regard, Janda, Flouris and Oum emphasize that, "At this juncture, it is important for Canada to examine its medium-term air transport policy options, taking into account the changed and changing industry environment domestically and internationally" (2005:73).

This problem is especially acute for countries such as Canada where its large geographic size means that the airline industry plays an important role in its economic performance. As Janda and his associates emphasize, "Transportation has been a cornerstone of Canada's national political and economic policy since before Confederation and continues to be vitally important to this country's future" (2005:73). Because it is vitally important, major successes and failures in the transportation sector have a very real impact on the economy of Canada and its neighbors. In this environment, identifying which factors contribute to the success of Canadian air carriers represents a timely and valuable enterprise, an enterprise that is also directly tied to the purpose of this study which is discussed further below.


Purpose of Study

The purpose of this study was three-fold as follows:


To determine the historic performance of Air Canada and what factors have contributed to its successes and failures.


To determine the historic performance of WestJet and what factors have contributed to its successes and failures.


To develop a qualitative synthesize based on the foregoing findings to identify the superior performer and what steps are being used to achieve this superior performance.


Research Questions

The study was guided by the following research questions:


What has Air Canada been doing that has contributed to its successes? Its failures?


What has WestJet been doing that has contributed to its successes? Its failures?


Are there any airline industry best practices that can be identified which can be used by Air Canada to improve its performance?


Importance of Study

Taken together, the foregoing trends and the importance of the issues that are involved create a real need for informed policies for the Canadian airline industry. For instance, Janda et al. also note that, "Given the global restructuring of the aviation industry that is well underway, it is critically important that Canada chart a clear course for Canada's airlines and air service providers" (2005:74). Although a number of steps have been taken to help the Canadian airline industry become more competitive and technological innovations have contributed to its efficiency, these initiatives and technological innovations have been balanced by the increased need for security procedures and the potential for terrorist threats throughout the world in recent years. Indeed, although the airline industry in general has regained some of its strength, many carriers have experienced difficult times and some have even folded as a result of increased competition combined with a wide range of external factors that have made competing in the 21st century airline industry even more challenging. Consequently, the importance of this study directly relates to the need to determine what business models are providing the best results, and these issues are discussed further below.


Rationale of Study

According to Flouris and Walker (2005), the new business models represented by low-cost airlines such as Canada's WestJet managed to outperform legacy carriers even following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Moreover, following deregulation of the airline industry in North America, new business models are increasingly required to compete more effectively, particularly during turbulent political and economic periods. Therefore, identifying what works best so that more of this can be done by others just makes good business sense.


Overview of Study

This study used a five-chapter format to achieve the purpose stated above; chapter one introduced the topic under consideration, a statement of the problem, the purpose and importance of the study, as well as its scope and rationale. Chapter two provides a critical review of the relevant and peer-reviewed literature concerning the regulatory and competitive environment in the North American airline industry in general and the Canadian airline industry in particular, and chapter three describes more fully the study's methodology, including a description of the study approach, the data-gathering method and the database of study consulted. Chapter four consists of the case studies of WestJet and Air Canada as well as the meta-analysis of recent media reports concerning these two airlines. Finally, chapter five presents the study's conclusions together with a summary of the research and salient recommendations.

2.0 Chapter Two: Literature Review


Recent Trends in the Airline Industry

Following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, many observers were heard to venture that, "Things would never be the same" and in many ways, they were right. Because of its enormous impact on the airline industry, this date does serve as a useful demarcation point for before-and-after types of analyses. In this regard, just prior to the 9/11 attacks, there were about a dozen or so low-cost carriers that were competing in the United States besides the industry leader, Southwest Airlines (Doganis 2001). In these halcyon days for the legacy carriers, these low-cost carriers did not represent much of a threat and while major airlines continued to enjoy… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Westjet vs. Air Canada Why Westjet Will Win" Assignment:

Title of dissertation) Westjet vs. Air Canada: Why Westjet Will Win!

The duopoly in Canada known as Westjet and Air Canada is locked in a battle for passenger supremacy.

Westjet will win because it has closely aligned its business model with one of the world*****s most successful airlines, Southwest Airlines.

More importantly, it will succeed because of its corporate culture: Very passenger friendly, fun and customer -centric

Highlighting contrasting business models, aircraft, corporate culture, employee morale, code sharing and alignment with international carriers, reservation systems, application of theories such as Porter*****s Five Forces and many other relevant MBA theories may be incorporated etc. etc. etc.) will constitute part of the entire argument for the dissertation .

Please kindly follow the required format below explicitly!

15,000 words MINUMUM do not short and/or overrun, 300 words per page use line space of 1.5 see below in format.

WARNING :This paper will be submitted through Turnitin and therefore must be 100% original!!

I also have two more elective papers totaling 2,500 words, both will be submitted by October 11th.

What kind of special total price can you offer for the dissertation and two papers?

I would also prefer the same author for all three if possible, so give me your absolute best!

Thanks kindly.



In this section of the guidelines we set out the requirements for the document that

you are required to produce.


The following standard is required for the submitted dissertation.

The dissertation is to be typed in a permanent and legible form.

Only one side of the paper should be used and the page setup should be portrait for

the main body of the dissertation. A left hand margin of 40 mm should be used all

other margins being 20 mm. Line spacing of 1.5 or 2 should be used for typescript,

except for indented quotations where single spacing may be used. A font size of 12 is

required and you are encouraged to use a clear font design such as Arial, Times New

Roman or Courier New.

Pages must be numbered consecutively throughout the text. Page numbers shall be

located centrally at the bottom of each page.

Any abbreviations used should be those in normal use. Where necessary a key to

abbreviations should be provided.

Where it is felt that the contents of the dissertation would be of interest to a wider

audience it is hoped that course members will consider publishing their

dissertations either in total or in an edited form.


A typical dissertation is likely to include the following:

title page (see Appendix B)

contents list (see Appendix C)


executive summary


literature review


findings/data analysis






Contents list

A table of the various chapters and sections of the dissertation must be included

together with clear page references to each of these. Well documented contents will

quickly show any reader the scope and direction of the work. See Appendix C for


Executive Summary

The final dissertation will need an executive summary, which emphasises the main

findings of the study. In particular this executive summary should contain:

an introduction telling the reader what the dissertation is about, its objective,

terms of reference and a description of the approach used

a summary of the information collected and analysis undertaken

details of the conclusions, recommendations and any action plans

This executive summary should only be written after the dissertation is completed.

It is often very difficult to write an effective summary as it should contain a

complete overview of the whole dissertation. It needs to provide an informative

outline of contents, conclusions and recommendations of the dissertation. There

should also be some indications of the methods used. It must be presented in a

coherent form ��*****" not as a list of headings or topics.


The introduction is essential in order to tell the reader what the dissertation is

intended to provide ��*****" it is more than just the first section of the dissertation. It

should include a statement of the purpose or objectives of the inquiry, the terms of

reference, the sources of information on which the dissertation is based and how it

was collected.

The introduction sets the scene and puts the whole inquiry into its proper context. It

should explain why the research was carried out and outline the significance of

related work on the topic. The introduction may provide necessary background, but

only if it is relevant and brief. It may also inform the reader how the subject will be


It is likely that the main body of the dissertation will contain several

chapters/sections and sub*****sections. All such divisions should be identified using a

decimal notation system whereby major sections are given single numbers 1, 2, 3

and so on in sequence. The first level of sub*****section will follow a decimal point, for

example 1.1 and the first sub*****section under this sub*****section will repeat the process,

that is 1.1.1 and so on. Be careful to avoid too many sub*****sections as this will simply

lead to confusion and reading difficulties.

Literature Review

The research question must be seen to relate and informed by the literature. You are

encouraged to use the various electronic search facilities, journal articles and texts

to identify and understand both well*****established and more recent thinking in the

area pertinent to your topic. It is important that your literature review is both

comprehensive and up*****to*****date. There is a wide range of potential sources which you

can use to put together your literature review. The most recognized in academic

terms are monographs (books reporting original research) or journal articles, but

you can also use:


reports (e.g., from Mintel or national government)

conference papers


radio programs

television programs.

A critical evaluation of the literature in your chosen field of study is required to

produce clear and logical arguments that inform and reflect on your research

questions and objectives. During this process you will need to identify the

appropriate theories, models and conceptual ideas. A literature review does not

simply relate relevant concepts, but provides some form of critical judgment of

these concepts/perspectives in deciding how they will inform the research to be

conducted. This research might then not only say something empirically, but also

about the literature that underpinned it. As a broad guide, the *****˜typical***** literature

review will be between 3,000��*****"5,000 words in length.


The methodology should provide a justified and informed account of how you

approached the research. It should provide detail of epistemological and ontological

issues relevant to your study. The methodology should also explain the role of

primary and secondary data in addressing the research questions and detail how

data was collected and analyzed. This will include discussion of instruments used

and sampling strategies employed. Students are expected to reflect upon the ethical

issues within the research design and conduct of the research. As a broad guide, the

*****˜typical***** methodology will be between 2,000��*****"3,000 words in length.

Data Analysis

This chapter an*****s and evaluates your findings and is often combined with the

actual description of the results. You should position your own results against the

background of previous research covered in the literature review, and against your

original research questions. The final paragraph of this section should point to the

conclusions section. As a broad guide, the *****˜typical***** data analysis will be between

3,000��*****"5,000 words in length.


The conclusions must be drawn from the body of evidence presented in the main

sections of the dissertation. Each separate conclusion should be acknowledged ��*****"

possibly by numerical sub*****sections. The conclusion should be seen to flow clearly

from the proceeding analysis and should also indicate any problems that had been

identified and which will be the subject of recommended solutions.


This section will suggest ways of solving the problems, how the recommended

courses of action will help to achieve the aims of the dissertation, the benefits and

cost of implementing the recommendations, the program of work that is

required, the timescale involved and the resource implications. Recommendations

should flow logically from the conclusions of the research indeed they are

sometimes combined under a joint heading.


This section will contain an analysis and evaluation of the research process ��*****"

particularly an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the dissertation, any

problems or constraints encountered during the dissertation and how these

difficulties were resolved. In addition, an evaluation of the effectiveness of the

chosen methodology can be expected together with an assessment of how individual

management competencies have been developed. The following questions may be

useful in providing a framework for this section:

were the dissertation objectives well defined and fulfilled?

how did the outcomes compare with initial expectations?

was the research well planned and executed?

what went well and what would have been done differently?

how sensitive was the researcher to the abilities and contributions of others?

what was learnt in terms of management experience and the development of

specific management competencies?

what would be your recommendations for improving the dissertation in the

light of your experiences?


References serve two purposes. They enable the reader to check information from

external sources and to follow up those sources if further information is required.

References also acknowledge the debt of the reader to other *****s whose work

has been used. References include all sources which have actually been referred to

in the body of the dissertation. References do not include peripheral readings. In

order to clearly and accurately identify a particular source it is necessary to have

certain minimal information. This information primarily consists of the name of the

author, the year of publication, the title of the publication, the place of publication

and the name of the publisher.

Further specific information is dependent upon the nature of the publication being

referred to. There are a number of ways in which bibliographical data can be

presented. It is important, however, that consistency in referencing is maintained by

keeping to a single system.

How to Reference "Westjet vs. Air Canada Why Westjet Will Win" Dissertation in a Bibliography

Westjet vs. Air Canada Why Westjet Will Win.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2010, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/airline-industry-become-increasingly/402857. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Westjet vs. Air Canada Why Westjet Will Win (2010). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/airline-industry-become-increasingly/402857
A1-TermPaper.com. (2010). Westjet vs. Air Canada Why Westjet Will Win. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/airline-industry-become-increasingly/402857 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Westjet vs. Air Canada Why Westjet Will Win” 2010. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/airline-industry-become-increasingly/402857.
”Westjet vs. Air Canada Why Westjet Will Win” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/airline-industry-become-increasingly/402857.
[1] ”Westjet vs. Air Canada Why Westjet Will Win”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2010. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/airline-industry-become-increasingly/402857. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Westjet vs. Air Canada Why Westjet Will Win [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2010 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/airline-industry-become-increasingly/402857
1. Westjet vs. Air Canada Why Westjet Will Win. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/airline-industry-become-increasingly/402857. Published 2010. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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