Research Proposal on "How Will the Aging Baby Boomers Affect Health Care?"

Research Proposal 8 pages (2239 words) Sources: 10 Style: APA

[EXCERPT] . . . .

Aging Baby Boomers Affect Health Care

The objective of this work is to examine how the aging baby boomers will affect the health care system in the coming years.

INTRODUCTION recent report published by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) stated that unless "decisive action is taken, total U.S. health care spending will double to just over $4.5 trillion by 2017 or nearly 20% of the nation's gross domestic product." (Bio-Medicine, 2008) it is estimated by Tefen USA that "this figure could be considerably higher, based on its assessment of data that people over the age of 65 experience nearly three times as many hospital days per thousand as the general population, and that sixty-two percent of 50-64-year-olds report having at least one of six chronic health conditions: arthritis, high cholesterol, cancer, diabetes, heart disease and hypertension." (Bio-Medicine, 2008) This problem is only compounded by a "sharp decline in hospital capacity...[as] the number of community hospitals decreased from 5,384 to 4,915 between 1990 and 2000. During the same time period, the number of beds per 1,000 of population decreased from 4.2 to 3.0. This reduction in capacity, Tefen points out, has been accompanied by a sharp increase in hospital staffing. Between 1995 and 2000, full-time equivalent personnel increased from about 3,420,000 to about 3,911,400. At the same time, hospitals have spent almost $100 billion in facility and infrastructure improvements." (Bio-Medicine, 2008)


The study reported by Tefen USA states the following facts for the health care system outlook in the coming years:

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1) the problem of uninsured Americans will escalate, as employers seek to reduce the burden of retiree health care coverage, trim their contributions to health care premiums and, in some instances, eliminate the health care benefit entirely;

2) Health care quality will suffer, with wide variation in treatments and big differences in death rates and surgical complications.

3) Federal spending on Medicare and Medicaid will skyrocket, forcing politicians to raise taxes or severely curtail a wide range of other government programs;

4) State budgets will suffer under the crush of soaring Medicaid costs, compromising support for education and other local initiatives; and 5) the nation as a whole will have fewer and fewer dollars to spend on education, environmental protection, scientific research and national security.


It is reported that approximately "14 million baby boomers, or 18% likely will develop Alzheimer's disease or some other form of dementia, a development that could cost the U.S. health care system as much as $160 billion by 2010." (Medical News Today, 2008) the 2008 Alzheimer's Disease Facts & Figures states that without a cure "the U.S. will have about 500,000 new cases of Alzheimer's in 2010 and almost one million new cases by the middle of the century." (Medical News Today, 2008) Medicare spent the amount of $91 billion on Alzheimer's treatment in 2005 along with treatment for other dementia and the estimates state that spending will likely be around $160 billion on the same treatment by 2010 and approximately $189 billion by 2015. Approximately seventy-percent of individuals with Alzheimer's and other such dementia live at home with family members and friends providing their care. In total approximately "10 million U.S. residents ages 18 and older provided about $89 billion in 8.4 billion hours of unpaid care to Alzheimer's patients in 2007." (Medical News Today, 2008)


The work of Thomas H. Dennison entitled: "Political Science Perspectives on Aging Policy: A Policy Oriented Curriculum Component" states that the health care system "...must begin preparing to meet the needs and the demands of these boomers. Not only will there are more of them, they will be older. By 2030, life expectancy for women will be approaching 90 and life expectancy for men will be approaching 80. The change in the profile of the elderly has a significant effect on the patterns of morbidity and, therefore, the profile services that will be needed. The service profile will, of course, drive costs." (2008)

The increases " life expectancy in the United States are "inevitably accompanied by an increased prevalence in disability and decline in health status and quality of life. Even though we have observed decreases in the prevalence of disability associated with chronic disease among older adults, advancing age is associated with an increase in the number of health conditions that can lead to disability." (Dennison, 2008) it is necessary to understand "the nature of the impairments that the elderly will planning for effective services." (Dennison, 2008) Services that are developed in the health care system must necessarily "reflect these disabilities." (Dennison, 2008) Furthermore, the services that are developed "must reflect a few other realities" according to Dennison (2008) who states: "First of all, when elders develop disabilities that disrupt routine activities, they have traditionally not turned to the health care system. They turn to the informal support system of adult children, other relatives, friends and neighbors. While we can probably expect that this tendency will continue, changes in the structure and size of families and an increasing number of women in the workforce will likely have an effect on the availability of informal supports." (2008)


Dennison states that another "set of realities involves changes in consumer preferences. Nursing home utilization, on a per capita basis, has declined over the past ten to fifteen years. Some of the reasons for this decline include lower levels of disability among the elderly, expansion of home care and availability of alternative options such as assisted living. We can expect that consumerism will play even a larger role in the choice of care options as the baby boomers, with a history of individualism, enter the long-term care system." (Dennison, 2008) Dennison relates that alternative program options with a blend of "acute and long-term care" and integration of Medicare and Medicaid financing "such as the Program for All-Inclusive Care of the Elderly (PACE) which is a model of managed care, have been developed. However, the mainstream of health care remains in two separate camps, each with their own financing stream and each with their own paradigm of service." (Dennison, 2008)

Dennison states that this "structural fragmentation is underscored by the poorly integrated education and training of the professional involved in the delivery of health care services." (2008) Required in coping with the "range of medical and social needs of the elderly" is a multidisciplinary perspective. Presently, physicians and nurses along with other personnel are educated in what Dennison terms "splendid isolation." (2008) it is necessary that individuals be educated and trained to work with other health care professionals in order to bring more efficiency and effectiveness to health care of the large population of baby boomers.


One of the policy issues is related to acute care services and this issue is one that "revolves around affordability." (Dennison, 2008) According to Dennis the issue of prescription drugs is important since "most Medicare enrollees do not have adequate coverage for outpatient drug expenditures as Medicare covers only drugs prescribed for inpatient use." (Dennison, 2008) a larger part of the problem is that the delivery of acute care for the elderly is that geriatric medicine has tended to focus mainly on the "management of acute ad chronic diseases, with much less emphasis on health promotion and prevention of disease." (Dennison, 2008) Needed is a view focused on preventative care is likely to have more consistency in viewing the demands that the baby boomer population will place on the health care system in the years to come.


Also a policy issue is that of long-term care. Dennison (2008) report that the Medicaid spending in 1996 on "nursing homes and home care represented approximately 35% of total Medicaid spending. The costs of long-term care are essentially divided between the Medicaid program and private patient payments, with Medicare and private long-term care insurance representing only a small portion. However, Medicare and Medicaid spending for home and community-based care varies widely from state to state. The financing structure of Medicare and Medicaid creates incentives for the states to shift spending to Medicare and encourages the federal government to develop approaches to shift spending to Medicaid." (Dennison, 2008) if the reduction of the cost of long-term care "to the public purse is to be reduced, the burden will increasingly fall on the individual. Individuals and their families will have to plan and pay for more care through either traditional retirement savings or through the acquisition of risk pooling mechanisms like long-term care insurance." (Dennison, 2008)


The solution is stated to be something other that a "single-payer system" and additionally stated is "while socialized medicine provides some advantages from an access standpoint, it does not address the underlying cost and quality issues that threaten… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "How Will the Aging Baby Boomers Affect Health Care?" Assignment:

AHS 411 Bio-Psycho-Social Issues of Aging

Written Report

A 6 to 15 page research paper is required for this course. This does not include the reference pages or any graphs you may wish to include. The student should use the APA style. The topic for the paper should be How Will the *****Baby Boomer***** Generation Affect HealthCare. You should consider the following topics for inclusion: (This list is not to be considered all-inclusive.)

Please remember that you are all at least college juniors. Critical thinking and logic are expected of you. Please use this opportunity to present a rational, well-researched paper. You should work alone; plagiarism is not tolerated.

The *****Baby Boomer***** generation includes all persons born between 1946 and 1964. They grew up on Mustangs, Rock*****n*****Roll, and Bonanza. They questioned the status quo and stopped a war. They fought for civil rights, experimented with drugs and sex, and joined the Peace Corps. Schools had to be built to accommodate their expanding ranks, and they filled colleges and universities, becoming the best educated Americans in history. Today they are our government and corporate leaders, Bill ***** and George Bush are both older *****baby boomers*****. They also wield enormous buying power and own most of this country*****s wealth. They are, paradoxically, both more health conscious and fatter than there predessors. As they start to retire and begin experiencing problems associated with age such as heart disease and arthritis, they threaten to overload our healthcare system. They are predicted to live longer than their predecessors and with more chronic health problems.

How will this generation affect our health care system?

· What demographic trends will affect your health care organization and the economy in general? When and where will the greatest healthcare resources be used?

· What about generational trends and conflicts? Will tax money be funneled to the elderly or will elderly appropriations be cut by those persons in younger generations? Is the baby boomer generation stretching the healthcare resources? Who has the political power and who is expected to use it?

· Is the morbidity curve being further compressed? How healthy are the elderly? Are there differences in the health status between the sexes? Or between the races? Or between the wealthy and the poor? Explain

· What about the mental status of the elderly? Is senile dementia and Alzheimer*****s disease increasing? How are these persons being treated? Have there been drug breakthroughs?

· How are organizations coping with these trends? Are new providers for care of the elderly being developed? What about the traditional nursing homes? Have they changed? Who cares for the long-term care patient? Is there more emphasis being placed on home care? Hospice care? Wellness programs? . How are seniors being encouraged to take care of their health?

· Are there new health care professions being created to work with the elderly? Are more therapists being demanded? Do we have new specialties in medical school? In nursing school? In allied health?

· Is there new technology which is affecting elder care? What about new drugs? Do these new technologies positively affect long-term care or is the technology simply prolonging persons with poor qualities of life?

· Have health care ethics caught up with the gains in health care? How are we dealing with physician-assisted suicide or euthanasia? How do we handle DNR*****s and the issue of *****death with dignity*****?

· What financing mechanisms are in place to pay for elder care? What about Social Security? Is it still viable? Has the number of persons with long-term care insurance policies rising? Is more elder care being paid through managed care?

The report should be text-processed in 12-point font, double-spaced, and include a cover page. MS Word must be used. Margins should not exceed 1 inch in any direction. Reports will be graded using the attached criteria. APA style is considered appropriate. A minimum of 10 references is expected.

Reports will be graded using the attached Written Assignment Grading Criteria. Reports are due by the date indicated on the class schedule, although they may be submitted earlier. Submit the report through the assignment drop box.

Plagiarism is not allowed. This is easily detected through certain computer programs. Any student who plagiarizes a paper will be given a *****zero***** for the paper.

Written Report Grading Criteria


70 points

Contains all correct information requested; well developed and in logical sequence, i.e., introduction, body, conclusion. Addresses the assigned topics: primary lessons learned about oneself from the course, and application of learning. At least six pages of text.

65 points

Contains all correct information requested. Somewhat developed.

60 points

Contains most information requested. May lack some accuracy.

0-59 points

Contains inaccurate or incomplete information. Does not address the assigned topics.


10 points

Evidence of thoughtful serious consideration of topics.

1-9 points

Moderate amount of consideration.

0 points

Superficial treatment of topics.


8 points

Written in correct English. Well developed sentence structure. Correct punctuation.

6 points

Fair/good use of English language. Few errors in punctuation or sentence structure.

4 points

Average use of English language. Several errors in punctuation and/or sentence structure.

0-2 points

Written in poor English. Many errors in sentence structure and/or punctuation.


6 points

Neatly typed/printed. No misspelled words or spacing errors.

5 points

One misspelled word

4 points

Two (2) misspelled words.

2 points

Four (4) misspelled words.

0-1 point

Handwritten. Six (6) or more misspelled words.


4 points

Very creative. Use of illustrations, etc.

3 points

Some creativity

1-2 points

Contains minimal creativity.

0 points

No evidence of creativity.


2 points

Presented with properly designed title page giving finished, professional look.

1 point

Plain title page (title only).

0 points

Presented without title page.

How to Reference "How Will the Aging Baby Boomers Affect Health Care?" Research Proposal in a Bibliography

How Will the Aging Baby Boomers Affect Health Care?.”, 2008, Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

How Will the Aging Baby Boomers Affect Health Care? (2008). Retrieved from (2008). How Will the Aging Baby Boomers Affect Health Care?. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”How Will the Aging Baby Boomers Affect Health Care?” 2008.
”How Will the Aging Baby Boomers Affect Health Care?”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”How Will the Aging Baby Boomers Affect Health Care?”,, 2008. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. How Will the Aging Baby Boomers Affect Health Care? [Internet]. 2008 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from:
1. How Will the Aging Baby Boomers Affect Health Care?. Published 2008. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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