Term Paper on "African-American History What Was the Philosophy"

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African-American History

What was the philosophy that informed African-American campaign and why was it so effective?

The American Civil Rights Movement was the movement which was started by the African-Americans in the South for gaining equality. The movement symbolizes a crucial episode in world history. The constructive modifications it brought to voting and civil rights are being experienced across the U.S. And a major part of the globe. (on Violence and Nonviolence: The Civil Rights Movement in Mississippi) the Civil Rights Movement points to the political, social, and economic fight back of the African-American to benefit from complete citizenship and ethnic equality. (the Civil Rights Movement in 1955) Leaders belonging to the crusade embarked upon addressing a particular nature of domination - racism paying attention mainly to racial separation. The Civil Rights Movement achieved its objective of acquiring equal rights for non-white people in the U.S. The importance of the Movement's achievement cannot be exaggerated. (Sexism in the Civil Rights Movement: A Discussion Guide)

The bigger Civil Rights Movement can point its achievement to the policy of nonviolence complementary with the revelation of violence inclined policemen, sheriffs, vigilante groups, and other supporter of the status quo. Nevertheless the ploy of equipped self-protection was crucial to safeguard people's lives and property as the courts and legal enforcement officials frequently remained a mute testimony or gave shelter to the people who committed the acts of racial violence. Therefore, the Blacks and their supporters were constrained to combat the ills of isolation with non-
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violence as also through forcible methods. Whereas, this might appear absurd, it succeeded in advancing their fight for freedom, equality and justice. (on Violence and Nonviolence: The Civil Rights Movement in Mississippi)

What organizations were at the forefront of the campaign and what tactics did they utilize?

The Civil Rights Movement had participation by numerous college and high school students. These students experienced an urgency to constitute their own organization to activate and aid the natural uprisings which were gathering momentum at every place. The outcome of this was the constitution of Student Non-Violent Coordination Committee. The S.C.L.C and S.N.C.C emerged to be the front ranking organizations in the Southern states. (the Civil Rights Movement: The Immigrant Heritage of America) Martin Luther King founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference or SCLC in 1957 to extend the nonviolent fight back opposing racism and discrimination was at the vanguard of the crusade. (the African-American Journey: King, Martin Luther, Jr.) SCLC was a campaigner for the ploy of civil disobedience, the non-violent battle opposing unfair rules: that non-violence constitutes to be a potent and right mace that cuts without hurting and ennobles the man who exerts it. The SCLC campaigners planned protest rallies, embargo, and voter registration movements and refrained from abiding by the laws, which they were aware to be improper and unfair. The non-violent types of dissent on the part of SCLC campaigners were frequently encountered with cruel intimidations, taking into custody, thrashing, and worse than that. (Heroes of the Civil Rights Movement)

SCLC preferred the ploy of nonviolence as an instrument for destroying institutionalized racial isolation, prejudice, and unfairness. Certainly, they abided by Martin Luther King Jr.'s leadership ideologies of nonviolence and inert opposition. They had anticipated that segregationists would take extreme steps to ensure that their coercion and influence over Blacks are continued. As a result, they thought some alterations might be performed in case sufficient people external to the South were spectators of the violence Blacks had encountered since decades. (on Violence and Nonviolence: The Civil Rights Movement in Mississippi)

The well-organized passivity of the civil rights activists and the fundamental decorum of their demands aided in building an environment which was favorable to judicial openhandedness. The consequence was not just a gainful changeover in the substantive rules of racial associations, but a burgeoning of libertarian subjects in the First Amendment jurisprudence. (Martin Luther King's Constitution: a Legal History of the Montgomery Bus Boycott) C.O.R.E. - Congress of Racial Equality pursued with the extremist angle of the resistance in Northern urban centres, and it concerned a lot of northern liberals in their battle with the novel direct action means and chose a greater degree of conventional pressure tactics and legal ploys. It certainly got entwined on a larger degree in extending legal aid to the numerous protestors who were detained for a lot of legal infractions like making a protest rally without having a parade restriction, upsetting the tranquility, and for encroachment. (the Civil Rights Movement: The Immigrant Heritage of America)

In some measure, the N.C.C.P. disliked the reality that it had to shoulder the financial load for the legal actions arising from these mass demonstrations, whereas the other organizations gained all the exposure and major chunk of the financial assistance motivated by that exposure. (the Civil Rights Movement: The Immigrant Heritage of America) the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party was a political party that was founded in the U.S. state of Mississippi in the year 1964, during the civil rights campaign that was also a part of the campaign. It was organized by the black and white Mississippians, with help from the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee to secure seats at the 1964 Democratic National Convention for a group of delegates elected by the black Mississippians who has been disenfranchised and white sympathizers. (Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party)

What was the role of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. In the campaign?

The actions of King put him at or close to the eye of the hullabaloo which remarkably modified the country's legal scenery. (Martin Luther King's Constitution: a Legal History of the Montgomery Bus Boycott) King's civil rights activities started with a dissent of the Montgomery's isolated bus system in 1955. In the same year, a black passenger named Rosa Parks was detained on the charges for not abiding a city law which imposed that blacks must vacate their seats on buses when whites desired to occupy their seats or in the same row. The Black leaders in Montgomery insisted the blacks to keep off the city buses. The leaders constituted a group to implement the prohibition, and request King to act as the President. (the African-American Journey: King, Martin Luther, Jr.)

Martin Luther attaining leadership of the civil rights movement was not without difficulties, which made him so special -it was the manner in which led spearheaded the crusade. The campaign wherein his part was so crucial - produced, as Harry Kalven Jr. At one point retorted, 'the first revolution in history came to an end, so to speak, on the advice of the council.' King showed attentiveness towards legal symbolism in his inaugural address which he delivered as a civil rights leader. Motivating the blacks of Montgomery, Alabama to keep off the city's buses to dissent racially provoked maltreatment, he called upon legal and religious idols to encourage their group non-cooperation. King had a faith in peaceful confrontation as a tactical measure and as a philosophical as well - both as means and end.

King had since accorded substantial thinking to the issue of the optimum way to attain social change, and more crucially, to accomplish it within the perspectives of moral law. His encounter with direct action methods in Montgomery aided him to corroborate and to detail his thinking further. He has been moved by the writings of Henry Thoreau and Mahatma Gandhi with the outcome that he came out with a philosophy of nonviolent battle. Akin to the beliefs of Mahatma Gandhi, King desired to make it transparent that nonviolence and nonresistance are different. On the philosophical plane, King stated that peaceful confrontation was the answer to creating a new world. Right through the annals of history, humans have faced violence with violence and hatred with hatred. He regarded that solely nonviolence and love could put an end to this perpetual sequence of vengeance and reprisal. (the Civil Rights Movement: The Immigrant Heritage of America)

King harbored the expectation that the Negro, by way of using the philosophy of nonviolent confrontation could assist to bring about the creation of a fresh day. In his beliefs, love is the most fundamental and Christian meaning, did not need that the register had to experience a gush of impulsive emotion, however, it conveyed the meaning that the he had made an intense and genuine promise to the opposite person's maximum interest. Taking into account this viewpoint, aiding to liberate a racist from the fetters of his own intolerance was interpreted to be in his best interest and, and thus an act of love. King made it obvious that peaceful opposition was involved with morality and justice and not just with attaining particular targets. At the time when laws, in themselves were unfair, peaceful opposition could act in civil disobedience as a means of confronting those regulations. Civil disobedience was not to be comprehended just as infringing the law.

On the other hand, King stated that it was founded on a philosophy in law and even in a philosophy the… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "African-American History What Was the Philosophy" Assignment:

Between 1955 and 1955, African Americans waged a successful campaign to end racial segregation and disfranchisment in the American South. What was the philosophy that informed their campaign and why was it so effective? what organizations were at the forefront of the campaign and what tactics did they utilize? What was the role of Dr. ***** Luther King, Jr. in the campaign?

How to Reference "African-American History What Was the Philosophy" Term Paper in a Bibliography

African-American History What Was the Philosophy.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2005, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/african-american-history/656723. Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

African-American History What Was the Philosophy (2005). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/african-american-history/656723
A1-TermPaper.com. (2005). African-American History What Was the Philosophy. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/african-american-history/656723 [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”African-American History What Was the Philosophy” 2005. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/african-american-history/656723.
”African-American History What Was the Philosophy” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/african-american-history/656723.
[1] ”African-American History What Was the Philosophy”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2005. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/african-american-history/656723. [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. African-American History What Was the Philosophy [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2005 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/african-american-history/656723
1. African-American History What Was the Philosophy. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/african-american-history/656723. Published 2005. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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