Research Paper on "Affordable Care Act (ACA)"

Research Paper 10 pages (3107 words) Sources: 7

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Among individuals getting subsidies, the subsidies are anticipated to be valued at an estimated cost of $6,000 for every family unit, which would viably discount the anticipated cost of protection by two-thirds (Pinger & Kotecki, 2012). Insurance cover will not just be cheaper for purchasers, but will likewise save the federal government cash by reducing the cost associated with subsidies.

For the impact on health protection premiums, the CBO alluded to its November 2009 investigation and expressed that the impacts will "likely be truly comparative" to that prior dissection. The examination figures project that premiums for all individuals will expand by close to thirteen percent by 2016. However, more than half of the insured might gain subsidies that will reduce premiums to below premiums charged within the unreformed law (Sadeghi, 2013). For the little group market, thirteen percent of the business sector, premiums may be affected by up to three percent and eleven percent of those accepting subsidies. For the substantial aggregation market including seventy percent of the business sector, premiums might be affected by up to three percent (Sadeghi, 2013). The examination was influenced by different variables like the expanded profits under the non-group segment, many obligated to the insurance cover, regulatory efficiencies identified with the health exchanges, and insured under high-premium plans diminishing profits from the tax response (Davidson, 2013).

According to the Associated Press, people falling in this "donut gap" might save at least forty percent as an aftereffect of ACA's laws concerning the gap in Medicare Part D coverage. Practically, the saved funds came
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with respect to brand name drugs because ACA granted pharmaceutical companies' discounts. This change profited more than two million individuals, the majority of them in the working class (Dietrich & Anderson, 2012).

Larry Levitt, an analyst of health policy from the Kaiser Family Foundation, discovered that individual business makes only six percent of the under 65 as of now (McDonough, 2011). As such, it is unnecessary for anybody to demand huge cost expands in the employer field where most Americans get their health protection. Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of State Human, and Health Services also demonstrated that the private sector anticipates some costs to bounce up because the standard of protection permitted in the insurance exchanges might be higher quality than the current accessible frameworks. The federal subsidies provided to ensure that the coverage is affordable are directed to offset this impact.

In 2013, the Kaiser Family Foundation commissioned a study monitoring real experience under the new ACA Act as it influenced individual market buyers. The study discovered that the Medical Ratio of Loss sections of the Act had rescued some customers approximately $2.2 billion in 2011 and another $4.1 billion in 2012. This is an expense decreased by about eight percent. The heft of the savings funds were in lessened premiums for individual protection. However, some hailed from premium discounts paid to shoppers by insurance agencies that had neglected to meet the prerequisites of the ACA Act (Hanson & Levin, 2013).

Will all aspects of the Law be implemented on schedule?

The Affordable Care Act will change the landscape of policy where public health is exercised. The enactment will take years to actualize, and its full significance can just be conceptualized right now. However, January 2014 is almost near. Public health experts and policymakers seize the chances introduced by this fundamental change in strategy while working to subsidize and look for available financing opportunities. These opportunities are essential to societies all through the world. The response from public health agencies and aid to local neighborhood coalitions will be fundamental. In the meantime, these parts of the Act may be a reflection of familiar public health practice turf, from a practical and conceptual perspective (McDonough, 2011).

The other intriguing questions emerge from the nuanced changes emerging from the new insurance coverage and administrative environment in which public health arrangement making and practice will occur. The law requires not-for-profit clinics to participate in major local health arranging; doctor's facilities likewise will be required to exhibit how their resource investment into the groups they serve reflects the necessities held in their plans (Sadeghi, 2013). Communities and agencies should guarantee optimal utilization of the resources put into these community plan exercises and the outcomes on health care facilities' community profit expenditures. In a comparable vein, State Medicaid offices, plus state-based health insurance Exchanges plans to spend the coming few years grappling with the gigantic challenges included in enrolling millions of individuals. Many citizens will never have had health insurance: many will be difficult to reach, some will not have English as their first language, and another will be limited by their mental capacity.

What variables are in play in the political debate over the impact of the ACA on cost, access, and quality of care?

The debate about reforms in healthcare insurance have been a political issue for many years, centering after expanding coverage, reducing costs, and the burden of social insurance, reforms in insurance, and the theory of its funding, provision, and government participation. There is a critical debate in regards to the nature of the U.S. health care framework in respect to those of different nations. Medical practitioners for a National Health Program, an advocacy group comprising of politicians have guaranteed that a free market solution for health insurance gives a low-level quality of health care, with higher death rates than publicly financed frameworks. The quality of maintaining healthcare organizations and managed care continue to be criticized by similar groups (Institute of Medicine, 2011).

A 2000 research by the World Health Organization openly supported frameworks of modern countries using less money on health care both at a rate of their GDP and per capita. This was informed by the satisfactory social insurance results (Washington Post Company, 2010). Besides, conservative reporter David Gratzer and the Cato Institute, a libertarian research organization have both questioned the WHO's comparison strategy for its biasness. The WHO study checked nations with private or expense-paying health medicine. It later appraised nations by examining their expected medicinal services execution instead of equitably analyzing healthcare quality. The United States uses a higher extent of its GDP on medical services than any possible nation on the planet, with the exception of East Timor. Companies offering health insurance covers to their employees have reduced significantly. Costs for employment-based health protection are rising quickly. Since 2001, a noticeable expansion of family coverage premiums was evident by close to eighty percent while compensation reached twenty percent consistent with a 2007 research steered by the popular Kaiser Family Foundation (McDonough, 2011).

Private protection in the U.S. fluctuates just as the insurance covers related to healthcare. The Commonwealth Fund in their study approximated that sixteen million U.S. adults lacked insurance covers as of 2003. The same study confirmed that such individuals were more probable to do without health care services, report financial stretch because of hospital expenses, and come across gaps for things like physician recommended drugs compared to those with sufficient protection. The study discovered that underinsurance lopsidedly influences those with lower wages- seventy-three percent of such people had yearly incomes below two hundred percent of the government poverty level (Sadeghi, 2013).

Experts have recognized that the Affordable Care Act is in fact easing access to health insurance and controlling the rapidly increasing healthcare costs. This significant development was the intended primary goal of the ACA. The new structural changes in the delivery of healthcare continue to generate remarkable state savings. However, emerging data suggests that some changes in how providers are being paid for healthcare delivery, prior to new ACA reforms, have a positive impact. The reduction in costs of healthcare has taken shape in both government and overall rate of health spending.

Such a trend of slowing the growth of healthcare costs could increase the economic output significantly. In addition, it could lead to higher incomes for employees and expand room for productive investment. While it is expected that critics of ACA will pour cold water on this tremendous development, it is evident that the law has changed the cost curve in the delivery of healthcare.


The new Affordable Care Act marks a new transformation in the healthcare system. In this context, its implementation is expected to confront a series of challenges ahead. However, there are unparalleled opportunities for mammoth developments in health practice and policy. The new Act reflects a single opportunity for transforming care, coverage, and revives the basic mission of public health in countries with universal coverage. Affordable Care Act has changed the way healthcare is being paid for and delivered and this is already benefiting millions of American families. Some of ACA's greatest reforms will be felt in early 2014 as the Act is geared towards improving care millions of families in America.


Davidson, S.M. (2013). A new era in U.S. health care: Critical next… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Affordable Care Act (ACA)" Assignment:

Please prepare an original ten (10) page research paper (not counting the cover pager or footnotes), double-spaced, with at least five (7) references from independent professional journals, government and think tank reports, and independent academic researchers. All references must be cited using APA style.

The topic is the following: What is the likely impact of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) on healthcare access, cost, and quality?

7 questions that should be addressed in this research are:

1. Who is newly covered and how is this achieved?

2. What are exchanges and how are different States approaching them?

3. What does the Medicaid program have to do with the ACA?

4. How will health insurance premiums be affected?

5. Will all aspects of the Law be implemented on schedule?

6. What variables are in play in the political debate over the impact of the ACA on cost, access, and quality of care?

7. On balance, is the ACA a good or bad law? Provide a clear, fact-based, non-emotional justification for your conclusion.

Keys points to look into: Read summaries of the ACA and official updates about the status of its implementation from the Kaiser Family Foundation. Follow the major debates through searching Google News and think about how different political perspectives may be affecting the interpretation and predications about different elements of the law. Then, applying what you have learned from your findings in at least five journal articles written after the passage of the ACA, develop a clear and compelling analysis of what you think its actual impact will be on access, cost, and quality of health care in the USA.

Please make sure the following is included in the paper:

*****¢ Paper presents a clear and correct understanding of the basic elements of the ACA

*****¢ Paper clearly address the impact of the ACA on the three major areas of access, cost, and quality in a logical and coherent fashion

*****¢ Paper demonstrates an understanding of the some of the challenges facing state and national government in the implementation of the Law

Please make sure it in APA style.

How to Reference "Affordable Care Act (ACA)" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Affordable Care Act (ACA).”, 2013, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Affordable Care Act (ACA) (2013). Retrieved from (2013). Affordable Care Act (ACA). [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Affordable Care Act (ACA)” 2013.
”Affordable Care Act (ACA)”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Affordable Care Act (ACA)”,, 2013. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Affordable Care Act (ACA) [Internet]. 2013 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Affordable Care Act (ACA). Published 2013. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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