Term Paper on "Advertising and Promotion"

Term Paper 10 pages (4560 words) Sources: 0 Style: Harvard

[EXCERPT] . . . .

Advertising and Promotion

Letter of transmittal to CEO

I hope that the analysis will be helpful and the recommendations insightful for the development of the company during the next fiscal year.

Best regards, 2. Title page

Microsoft's approach to PR and advertising. Developing the brand through anew IMC.

Microsoft has managed to obtain its current position of global leader in its functioning area with the help of well integrated communication campaigns. The attributes that have helped the brand become so appealing for people all around the world are creativity, innovation, the belief in people's dreams and potential, the belief that one can do anything. The corporate social responsibility has been a strong point for the development of the brand for both the advertising and the PR campaigns. The present approach to communication underlines the importance of a coherent overall campaign. A future campaign could nevertheless focus on new attributes of the brand, such as its dynamicity in order to increase the popularity of the company among young people. The media best suited for this purpose are television, the internet and the printed media.

4. Table of contents:

1. Executive summary

2.Table of contents

3. Formal introduction

4. Current Advertising and PR activity

5. Main PR / Advertising approach

6. IMC strategy for Microsoft

6.1. Objectives

6.2. IMC mix

7. IMC components

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7.1. Description

7.2. Advantages and disadvantages

7.3. Specific roles

7.4. Media strategy

8. Conclusions and recommendations.

3. Formal introduction

Microsoft is one of the most successful companies in the world. Its success is owned first and foremost to the products which it sells which have become indispensable for the constantly growing number of computer users. Nevertheless, an increased quality of a product can not guarantee the long-term efficacious functioning of a company in the absence of an adequate communication. Communication is needed in order to establish relationships with the potential customers and to maintain the already existing relationships with the actual buyers. Under these circumstances, an integrated communication campaign represents a strategic instrument which can be used in order to touch all the targeted market segments.

4. Part B. Current Advertising and PR activity

Brief background.

Microsoft is known to be a leader at world level in the area of computer software and services. This means that about ninety percent of the computers used in the United States of America and the rest of the world are supported by Microsoft solutions. The concept which is at the basis of the company's identity is represented by innovation. Innovation is the key for development and evolution in all possible areas. Microsoft has so far transmitted an image of itself as an innovator the purpose of which is to make a better life for everybody. The communication campaigns that the company ahs initiated over the internet or in the printed media have transmitted messages according to which Microsoft believes in the potential of people and is doing its best in order to help them achieve it.

Main target markets.

There are several categories which Microsoft considers to be targets for its products and services. One of these targets is represented by the young adults who are interested in using a computer for various purposes, especially for work and self development. The second target is represented by the teenagers and young people who are passionate about computer games. The third target segment which is important for the company under discussion is represented by the business companies who rely on various types of computer software in order to render their functioning more efficient. A fourth market target is represented by adult families which need to buy a one or more computers for their children who need to use them for school and also for other family activities which could be better done with the use of a P.C.

Key segmentation variables.

Communication is a strategic resource for any company, especially for the ones functioning at global level which have the need to achieve performance in different cultural spaces. Such is the case of Microsoft, a company which has so far proved to understand the importance of advertising and Public Relations activities as means of communication with the actual and potential clients. It is nevertheless extremely important to understand who you are sending out a message to, that is the criteria which are used in order to properly segment the market. The main variables that come to mind in the case of Microsoft are age, profession (social status) and the location (a communication campaign made in the U.S.A. will have to differ from the one made in France for example, even if the target is represented by people within the same age range and with a similar social status).

Most likely response hierarchy used by target market.

Taking into consideration the evolution of the Microsoft company so far, while focusing on the market segments which have proven to be the most responsive to the initiated communication campaigns, it could be stated that the target segment with the highest response rate is represented by the young adults who need a personal computer for professional and personal activities. They are the most likely to acquire the largest number of products and services related to the efficient functioning of their P.C. The second market segment that is expected to have a high response quantified in number and value of acquisitions from Microsoft is represented by companies. There is no organization in the world which can function in the area of business (or for that matter, any other area), without the support of computers. The bigger the number of employees, the bigger the demand for Microsoft products. The number of human resources is important, but the complexity of the tasks that need to be accomplished is another factor which can not be ignored. In cases like this, specific software programs and other applications become the most attractive products that Microsoft is to offer. The third position in the hierarchy of response to the Microsoft marketing and communication campaigns is represented by the teenagers and the young people who demonstrate a strong passion for computer games. While there are other companies specialized in the creation of various types of computer games, Microsoft has succeeded to achieve successes in this area as well through its communication campaigns and the concept behind it. Such is the case of the Microsoft Xbox which they managed to sell successfully thanks to the social dimension that was brought to gaming.

5. Main PR / Advertising approach.

Computers are more and more widely spread throughout the world, representing a market which will surely undergo development in the future. All the computers need a user interface and this is where Microsoft comes in. Its purpose was and is to present itself as the main provider in the world, not only of the needed interface but also of the specific software programs that might prove to be helpful. Starting with the communication campaign that was made in 1998, enhancing the slogan already used in 1994, "Where do you want to go?," Microsoft has positioned itself as the one which opens the doors for everyone. The corporate social responsibility was a fundamental component of all the PR and advertising campaigns. The company has thus meant to create and support an identity for itself which allows it to be perceived as the instrument par excellence which helps people achieve their potential and fulfill their dreams (the description of the TV spots dating from 1998 is to be found in the appendix).

The main approach nowadays focuses on the same fundamental concept: Microsoft cares about people and is doing everything in its power to support their efforts for achieving their goals and making their dreams come true. Innovation is a key concept used in the company advertising (see appendix). Microsoft presents itself as the company which provides people with the needed technological support that they need in order to let their creative loose and feel free to invent in a secure environment. Expertise, the possibility to do anything, exploration, inventions, these are the main ideas which are transmitted through the advertising campaigns.

As far as the Public Relations campaigns are concerned, Corporate Social Responsibility is again an essential factor. The company is already using an integrated communication campaign, as the advertising which it pays for in a variety of media supports not just the promotion of the brand itself, but the social campaigns that Microsoft is sustaining as a means of PR. Among this, one can mention the Microsoft Partners in Learning Initiative or the Microsoft Imagine Cup, the Microsoft Emerging Business Initiative. The use of media is intensive, and Microsoft ads are to be found in the specialized printed press (journals, magazines), in papers, but also on the internet (the company website, forums, blogs, etc.) and on the TV. As one can easily notice, the approach is a 360 degrees one.

What are the strengths and weaknesses?

There are numerous strengths that the current approach to advertising and PR presents.… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Advertising and Promotion" Assignment:

This assignment asks you to review the marketing communication material (focussing on the

organisation*****s advertising and PR material) produced by an organisation, an***** it and

suggest an improved IMC strategy for that organisation.

Assignment Details

For this assignment, you should assume that you are the advertising manager for a specific

product, service or campaign produced by an organisation within the industry you have been


You are to an***** the existing advertising and PR used by an organisation, then develop an

integrated marketing communications plan for the financial year 1 July 2008 *****“ 30 June 2009.

This plan will focus only on advertising and PR.

You are required to prepare a formal report that includes the following:

PART A Introduction

1. Letter of transmittal to the CEO (1 mark)

2. Title page (1 mark)

3. Executive summary (3 marks)

4. Table of contents (1 mark)

5. Formal introduction (1 mark)

PART B Current Advertising and PR Activity

6. Brief background (4 marks). Provide a description of the main target markets

(consumer or business) on key segmentation variables and identify the most likely

response hierarchy used by the target market when processing messages for the

product, service or campaign.

7. Current Advertising and PR Activity (10 marks). Describe the main advertising/PR

approach used by the organisation to target the primary market segments you have

identified. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the current promotional

approach? Where feasible (e.g. by scanning), put copies of advertising/PR you refer to

in an appendix. Otherwise describe the details of the advertising and PR used, in the


PART C IMC Strategy for Organisation

8. Develop four (4) overall IMC objectives based on the relevant response hierarchy (4

marks) (Note that good objectives are specific regarding what you want to achieve

and who the target market is, quantified, measurable, and time-framed (SMART).

9. IMC mix (25 marks). Which elements of the IMC mix will be used? Justify your

decisions. (18 marks) and how will the elements be integrated to achieve synergy

and a consistent theme? (7 marks). IMPORTANT: Due to time and word limit

constraints, you should focus on only advertising and PR.

10. Advertising and PR Components (40 marks). You are to discuss one (1) types of

advertising AND one (1) type of PR that would be used to promote the product,

service or campaign. You must provide a clear rationale for each type being used

(deal with each one at a time):

*****¢ Briefly describe the media that will be used (2 x 2 marks =4 marks)

*****¢ What are the advantages of the media and how do these apply to your situation

(product, target market, and response process)? (2 x 3 marks = 6 marks)

*****¢ What are the disadvantages of the media and how do these apply to your

situation? (2 x 3 marks = 6 marks)

*****¢ What are the specific objectives for the media? Write *****˜good***** objectives. That is,

what is the specific role/purpose of the media within the overall IMC? (2 x 5

marks = 10 marks)

*****¢ Describe the media strategy. Be specific here re what it will look like, what form

it will take, what it way say, how it will say it etc. (2 x 5 marks = 10 marks)

*****¢ Option: EITHER present an illustration of the media (that is, create a dummy or

prototype) OR discuss how the audience for the media will be measured (2 x 2

marks = 4 marks)

11. Conclusions and recommendations (4 marks), based on conclusions (2 marks) and

summary of recommendations (2 marks).

12. List of references (1 mark)

13. Presentation (5 marks). Presentation marks will also be awarded for correct report

format, spelling and grammar, in-text referencing, labelling of table, figures and

appendices etc.

Advertising and PR examples should be placed in an Appendix. If it is not possible to scan in

or otherwise include the examples, give a verbal description.

Notes on Assignment:

*****¢ You can access information on this product and company via the Internet or by

published sources . You are not to contact the firm under any circumstances.

Please note that the objective of this assignment is to assess your knowledge of the

theory and your ability to apply the theory to the case. If a piece of information is not

readily available from public materials (observation, the Internet, company

information and reports, brochures, research reports and publications) then please use

your common sense and make realistic assumptions. If you make an assumption,

please state in brackets (assumed) after the assumption has been made. However, it is

expected that there be no more than five (5) assumptions in any completed report as

you are required to be able to develop effective research skills.

*****¢ The Harvard style of referencing MUST be followed

*****¢ At this stage of your academic careers you need to be relying on much more than

merely your prescribed text and Google or a wiki site. It is expected that you will

have at least six (6) sources of information beyond your prescribed text and

company/product information sources

*****¢ Wikipedia is NOT to be used, nor are any other blogs or wikis

*****¢ Apart from the advertising and PR examples you find, industry and trade publications

should form no more than 20%, text books should form no more than 20% and peerreviewed

academic journal should form at least 60% of the cited sources of

information used in this assignment.

*****¢ Diagrams and tables are effective for presenting information more succinctly.

Diagrams and tables are not included in the word count. They must be labelled and

numbered appropriately and included in the table of contents. Diagrams and tables

that are central to the report should be retained in the body of the report (not placed in

the appendices) and must be accompanied by an explanation of the key points.

Sources of Information:

Local trade press (Ad News, B&T and Marketing), as well as the marketing columns of

newspapers contain details of campaigns and advertising spending. Market research

companies often release information on media usage and spending.

Regarding conducting research for this assignment it must be noted that you are

university students completing an educational but real world application of marketing theory

and you are acting as a consultant for a real company. While your opinions are great and

insightful, in a piece of assessment like this (and for that matter in a report that goes to your

employer) your opinions are not enough *****“ you need to support your writings with fully

referenced research.



How to Reference "Advertising and Promotion" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Advertising and Promotion.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2008, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/advertising-promotion-letter/3883. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Advertising and Promotion (2008). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/advertising-promotion-letter/3883
A1-TermPaper.com. (2008). Advertising and Promotion. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/advertising-promotion-letter/3883 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Advertising and Promotion” 2008. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/advertising-promotion-letter/3883.
”Advertising and Promotion” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/advertising-promotion-letter/3883.
[1] ”Advertising and Promotion”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2008. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/advertising-promotion-letter/3883. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Advertising and Promotion [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2008 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/advertising-promotion-letter/3883
1. Advertising and Promotion. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/advertising-promotion-letter/3883. Published 2008. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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