Term Paper on "Techniques Used to Sell a Toy in a Commercial"

Term Paper 6 pages (2014 words) Sources: 5 Style: APA

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Advertising Ad Analysis: Undifferentiated and Intense Persuasion in Children's Advertising

But all of the other kids are getting one!" Every year, around Christmas time, normally sensible parents will devote themselves to spending hours in the toy stores, in malls, or online, to find a must-have toy for their child. The parents may defend their actions by stating that the toy is educational, encourages the child's creativity, or simply that one is only a child once. Their real collective motivation for engaging in such behavior is often referred to by marketers and adults alike as the "nag factor," or the fact that children often influence the purchasing decisions in a household.

A child's desire can be so powerful, parents find it almost impossible to resist, especially when dealing with advertising for children's products like toys. "The path to purchase is less direct than for adult products," than for children's products, notes Richard Briesch, Eileen Bridges of Kent State, and Chi Kin (Bennett) Yim of The University of Hong Kong. Their study entitled "Advertising Decisions and Children's Product Categories" found that the nag factor is effective and frequent brand switching is common for households with children, in comparison to a control group of households without children.

The study concluded: "advertising directed at adults, for adult products, tends to aim at building brand loyalty, focusing on product characteristics that are perceived to be of long-term value. On the other hand, children's products must be updated frequently, reflecting the latest theme or character in order to grab attention. Advertising aimed at children does not focus on
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brand loyalty, but on the new and exciting features and tie-ins that are available."(Briesch, Bridges, & Kim, 2004) This study did not focus on children's products, but on all products in the household in general, noting that even in terms of decisions like eating out, buying breakfast cereals and toothpaste, and other decisions that affect the health habits of the entire household, children have a powerful influence. This influence is magnified, however, with products that are exclusively used by the child, perhaps because the parental will is less stalwart when dealing with products that are child-exclusive.

The analysis of Briesch, Bridges, and Kim (2004) proves highly instructive when examining the recent campaign for the toy-manufacturing brand Lego. Lego has been promoting a robotic spider as part of its Exo-Force line of toys. Lego is a well-known toy company, with a reputation for producing high quality products demanding constructive ability upon the part of children. On the parent's section of the website, Lego proclaims: "Children's natural curiosity forms the foundation of every Lego product. We foster creative development by encouraging children both to role-play and to build anything they can possibly -- and impossibly -- imagine! ("Parents," 2006, Official Lego Website) Lego toys do not merely sit on the shelf and collect dust, the website states. Using Legos requires creative intellectual engagement on the part of the child, and thus the message of this section of the website proclaims that parents should feel good about buying Lego products for their children.

However, the recent incarnation of Lego product commands children's rather than parental attention with the tie-ins with the downloadable Internet movies and comics on the site, and its popular Japanese mangia advertising style. The television commercial for the most recent installment of the Exo-Force line begins with laying out the latest installment in the Exo-Force drama, beginning with the ominous voice-over words: "Beware the evil robot-spider, striking venom!" (As opposed to a friendly, cuddly robotic spider, presumably.)

Rather than showing children playing with the Lego toys, constructing the spiders, and using their imagination to give them different voices or different personality characteristics (an image that might attract a parent) the television advertisement shows a cartoon, animated spider in the style of the Exo-Force Japanese mangia motif, attacking a fortress which the good Exo-Forces are suppose to protect. The commercial ends briefly with a depiction of the real toy.

The salience of the advertisement is created by the detailed, highly kinesthetic illustration of the cartoon characters. The child's engagement with the constructed plot line, rather than with the plastic toy itself creates the visual attraction and interest of the ad. In print advertising, "salience is created through relative choices in color, size, sharpness and placement." (Sells & Gonzalez, 1996) Here, the dark colors of the supposedly evil creature and the swirling cartoon motions of the tale create the salience, or attraction and desirability of watching the drama, qualities which are then transferred to the toy at the end of the advertisement.

The story of the Exo-Force is also used to sell multiple toys at a time. If the child purchases several toys, the ad tells him or her that he can use one of the other created machines "to fly and defeat the evil robot spider." (Of course, only Exo-Force toys can accomplish this, not toys from other product lines.) Still, it might be argued that these ads, however melodramatic, do enforce some of Lego's core values, values that make it popular with patents as well as adults. For example, during the advertisement, the machine is shown annihilating a bridge where the evil robot spider is perched, and as the spider falls into an abyss of fog, which it then starts to claw its way out, the announcers says that "the fate of humanity is in your hands: "You decide."

In other words, the act of creative play with Legos engages the imagination of the child. If the child has the toy, the child becomes empowered with the ability to alter the script of the toy's life and the entire world of the Exo-Force. This is an effective selling technique from the parent's point-of-view, as it is likely to make the parent feel less guilty about purchasing a plastic toy of no redeeming educational value. It makes the child feel as if he or she is empowered during his or her play, or even as if the world's fate does hang in the balance, as the child contemplates whether he or she should let the spider die or be brought back to life.

Regardless, the ad is persuasive on two levels, as the child needs more than one toy to engage in the story of the world created in the advertisement. The nag factor is thus increased twofold, even while it could be argued that by allowing the child to ask the question, does the spider die, he or she is more intellectually engaged than simply being encouraged to possess the toy. The child participates in the comic, or drama of the tale, but it is a drama that is created by Lego and serves to generate the need to buy more products. Furthermore, the evolving storyline of the advertisements generates greater novelty and interest, key factors in encouraging children to buy products, even more so than adults who tend to be more brand-loyal, than novelty seeking, a trend that increases with consumer age.

The Lego ads, though, it could be argued, through the use of the cartoon-to real world format and secondly through the empowering language of 'you decide' allow Lego to 'cover its bases,' by generating excitement and the nag factor in children, but still promoting its reputable brand that encourages children to create with blocks, a factor reinforced in the end of the advertisement, which returns the world of the Exo-Forces to 'real life.' The real life interpolation enables the children and the parents to identify the toys in the toy store as well.

Another persuasive factor that makes the ad effective is its 'busyness' or heavy use of action, which makes it difficult, at first, to figure out that it is an ad and not simply a cartoon. If a child saw this ad while watching cartoons, the confusion of focus and intent would no doubt be magnified. Analysis of consumer behavior amongst salespeople noted: "When an ulterior persuasion motive is highly accessible, both cognitively busy targets and unbusy observers use persuasion knowledge to evaluate the salesperson. When an ulterior motive is less accessible, cognitively busy targets are less likely to use persuasion knowledge, evaluating the salesperson as more sincere than are cognitively unbusy observers." (Campbell & Kirmani, 2000, p.69) The targeted use of persuasion techniques such as saliency, for example, or appeals to brand recognition, can be deliberately filtered and ignored when the consumer is focused, but when attention is diverted to, for example, following the story of the ad, the consumer is actually more rather than less open to influence because he or she is likely to be less critical and use his or her intellect to evaluate the motivation of the salesperson.

The difficulty of gaining focused attention from children, and children's difficulty in separating reality from fiction is confirmed, not only in anecdotal evidence from parents and teachers (although there is certainly a great deal of this!) but also in a recent study commissioned by the American Psychology Association. "The six-member… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Techniques Used to Sell a Toy in a Commercial" Assignment:

here is what the paper is supposed to be like.

Analyzing the effectiveness of a T.V. advertisement, also to demonstrate the ability to locate and effectively use empirical research findings to support your arguments.

Analyze the effects of the specific ad your assigned. Specifically, identify and analyze TWO important features of the ad that you think would have an impact on whether or not the ad is effective for the particularly the targeted audience. You may choose persuasion- related features, such as source characteristics (e.g., fear appeal, use of a kind of evidence) or you may choose features that come from course topics such as perception (e.g., attention- getting features like salience or factors that influence impression formation) or mass communication. Discuss how these features would be effective as well as how might they fall short, and make an argument ultimately about how persuasive you think the ads would be.

Analyze the broader effects of these kinds of ads. Specifically, using the concepts and theories of mass media effects discussed in readings make an argument about the potential kinds of effects (or lack of effects) that ads like this would have on their viewers.

Uses out side research. In addition to supporting your arguments with clearly defined courses concepts / theories. And concert examples from the ads, YOU must find and discuss the findings of at least TWO published empirical studies to support your arguments about the effectiveness (or lack of it) of these kinds of ads. The empirical studies must examine in some way the specific features of the ads that you discuss (e.g., a particular source or message characteristics you analyze) and/ or the more general media effects that argue (or one of each), the studies must be ones that you find on your own (not findings summarized in a textbook or other summary. The studies must be from academic journals (not news reports of studies)

For each study briefly describe what the study did and what it found, and apply the study*****s findings to the ads you analyzed (e.g. does the study suggest that a particular use of the feature in the ad would be effective or ineffective? why who? Since you need to provide arguments both for and against the effectiveness of the ads, your best use of the studies is to use one of them to provide evidence that a particular feature or type of ad IS effective at persuading/ affecting viewers and the use the other study to provide evidence that the ads might not actually have much effect. Ultimately, you*****ll need to draw some conclusions, based on the support/ arguments/ evidence you have provided, as to what kinds of influence (or not) you think the ads might have.

Here is a description of the commercial that I was assigned to watch and analyze.

Robot spider / Lego x -o force www.exo-force.com

They totally lay out a plot- story line and the commercial starts by saying *****beware the evil robot-spider , striking venom***** he is attaching a fortress which your suppose to protect. Half the commercial is computer animated mini cartoon but they show real toy. Starts off that way then shows actual toy. There is another toy promoting the other a series of toys. *****Use your machine to fly and defeat the evil robot spider***** this machine is a separate toy to kill other. The machine takes out bottom of a bridge that the evil robot spider is on and the spider falls in to fog abysses then they show the robot spider start to claw its way out of fog they then say *****the fate of humanity is in your hands***** *****You decide***** leaves you with option. Does he die? Spider man right when they shows his claw appear from fog abysses they say *****You decide*****


Research Says That Children Are Unable To Critically Interpret Advertising Messages

WASHINGTON *****“ Research shows that children under the age of eight are unable to critically comprehend televised advertising messages and are prone to accept advertiser messages as truthful, accurate and unbiased. This can lead to unhealthy eating habits as evidenced by today*****s youth obesity epidemic. For these reasons, a task force of the American Psychological Association (APA) is recommending that advertising targeting children under the age of eight be restricted.

The Task Force, appointed by the APA in 2000, conducted an extensive review of the research literature in the area of advertising media, and its effects on children. It is estimated that advertisers spend more than $12 billon per year on advertising messages aimed at the youth market. Additionally, the average child watches more than 40,000 television commercials per year.

The six-member team of psychologists with expertise in child development, cognitive psychology and social psychology found that children under the age of eight lack the cognitive development to understand the persuasive intent of television advertising and are uniquely susceptible to advertising*****s influence.

*****While older children and adults understand the inherent bias of advertising, younger children do not, and therefore tend to interpret commercial claims and appeals as accurate and truthful information,***** said psychologist Dale Kunkel, Ph.D., Professor of Communication at the University of California at Santa Barbara and senior author of the task force*****s scientific report.

*****Because younger children do not understand persuasive intent in advertising, they are easy targets for commercial persuasion,***** said psychologist Brian Wilcox, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology and Director of the Center on Children, Families and the Law at the University of Nebraska and chair of the task force. *****This is a critical concern because the most common products marketed to children are sugared cereals, candies, sweets, sodas and snack foods. Such advertising of unhealthy food products to young children contributes to poor nutritional habits that may last a lifetime and be a variable in the current epidemic of obesity among kids.*****

The research on children*****s commercial recall and product preferences confirms that advertising does typically get young consumers to buy their products. From a series of studies examining product choices, say Drs. Kunkel and Wilcox, the findings show that children recall content from the ads to which they*****ve been exposed and preference for a product has been shown to occur with as little as a single commercial exposure and strengthened with repeated exposures.

Furthermore, studies reviewed in the task force report show that these product preferences can affect children*****s product purchase requests, which can put pressure on parents***** purchasing decisions and instigate parent-child conflicts when parents deny their children*****s requests, said Kunkel and Wilcox.

Finally, in addition to the issues surrounding advertising directed to young children, said Kunkel, there are concerns regarding certain commercial campaigns primarily targeting adults that pose risks for child-viewers. *****For example, beer ads are commonly shown during sports events and seen by millions of children, creating both brand familiarity and more positive attitudes toward drinking in children as young as 9-10 years of age. Another area of sensitive advertising content involves commercials for violent media products such as motion pictures and video games. Such ads contribute to a violent media culture which increases the likelihood of youngsters' aggressive behavior and desensitizes children to real-world violence,***** said Dr. Kunkel.

According to the findings in the report, APA has developed the following recommendations:

*****¢ Restrict advertising primarily directed to young children of eight years and under. Policymakers need to take steps to better protect young children from exposure to advertising because of the inherent unfairness of advertising to audiences who lack the capability to evaluate biased sources of information found in television commercials.

*****¢ Ensure that disclosures and disclaimers in advertising directed to children are conveyed in language clearly comprehensible to the intended audience (e.g., use *****You have to put it together***** rather than *****some assembly required*****).

*****¢ Investigate how young children comprehend and are influenced by advertising in new interactive media environments such as the internet.

*****¢ Examine the influence of advertising directed to children in the school and classroom. Such advertising may exert more powerful influence because of greater attention to the message or because of an implicit endorsement effect associated with advertising viewed in the school setting.

APA Task Force on Advertising and Children: Dale Kunkel, Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara; Brian Wilcox, Ph.D., University of Nebraska; Edward Palmer, Ph.D., Davidson College; Joanne Cantor, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, Madison; Peter Dowrick, Ph.D., University of Hawaii; Susan Linn, Ed.D., Harvard University.

According to J. Van Evra, author of Television and Child Development, young children are particularly vulnerable to the influence of commercial advertising. They do not have the capacity to evaluate it critically, and as a result parents are pressured to buy products such as cereal and toys.


Thesis II

Psychologically children are easily influenced and helplessly at the mercy of advertising, because they are not yet able to differentiate between advertising and edited television programmes.

There are several reasons why advertising and its influence on children's behaviour takes up public and political discussion to such a pronounced extent:

1. Advertising is universally present and it is salient; one is affected by it and can only evade it to a very limited extent. The numerous stimuli and their intensity automatically result in emotional reactions of sympathy or antipathy: the subject matter of the mass media determine both the relevant political and private discussion.

2. Every advertisement is an exaggerated and emotionally highly charged brief burst of information, which is always directed at one specific target group. Advertising reaches everybody but is always only aimed at one specific market segment. Polarisation of opinion is therefore a precondition and with it an affective, emotionally charged aversion to advertising. There isn't anybody who has not at some time been enraged about a certain advertisement or commercial spot: all forms of aversion to advertising stem from this affective feeling.

3. In naive everyday comprehension, advertising is always perceived to be equivalent to the effect advertising has - in the sense of influencing behaviour. The demand for bans on advertising is based on the naive assumption - conviction - ,which is not scientifically tenable, that there are mono-causal links between advertising and the effect advertising has on behaviour. The central psychological assumption of all political discussion is that advertising aims at influencing and *****˜leading astray*****. This naive theory of everyday psychology on the effectiveness of advertising has nothing to do with current scientific knowledge.

4. The diversity as well as the increase in child and juvenile misbehaviour (aggressiveness, crime, school failure, health risks) as well as the increase in psychosomatic illnesses calls for interpretative research. However, in the quality of interpretative research there is a drastic difference between scientific psychology and the psychology of laymen - and this also includes politicians. In naive everyday psychology quite specific mechanisms of attributing causes to critical developments can be proved. In a study with mothers we have been able to prove that above all mothers consider *****˜excessive media consumption, ozone, nuclear power, drugs, narcotics, genetically engineered crops, air pollution, chemical residues in food as well as accidents***** to be risk factors for child development. Only a minority of mothers are sensitive to the risk factors within their own area of responsibility (smoking, alcohol, malnutrition, hygiene, lack of vaccination), i.e. responsibility for developing wrong behaviour patterns is to a great extent considered to be in outside conditions (external causal attribution). The love of a *****˜no risks***** society increasingly results in substituting scapegoats outside one's own sphere of influence for self-responsibility. Due to its universal presence, advertising is one of these scapegoats; also because - in the naive theory of the effect of advertising - it is attributed to have a direct effect on behaviour, it thus provides psychological relief from the strain of self-responsibility.

How to Reference "Techniques Used to Sell a Toy in a Commercial" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Techniques Used to Sell a Toy in a Commercial.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2006, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/advertising-ad-analysis-undifferentiated/92350. Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Techniques Used to Sell a Toy in a Commercial (2006). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/advertising-ad-analysis-undifferentiated/92350
A1-TermPaper.com. (2006). Techniques Used to Sell a Toy in a Commercial. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/advertising-ad-analysis-undifferentiated/92350 [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Techniques Used to Sell a Toy in a Commercial” 2006. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/advertising-ad-analysis-undifferentiated/92350.
”Techniques Used to Sell a Toy in a Commercial” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/advertising-ad-analysis-undifferentiated/92350.
[1] ”Techniques Used to Sell a Toy in a Commercial”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2006. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/advertising-ad-analysis-undifferentiated/92350. [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Techniques Used to Sell a Toy in a Commercial [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2006 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/advertising-ad-analysis-undifferentiated/92350
1. Techniques Used to Sell a Toy in a Commercial. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/advertising-ad-analysis-undifferentiated/92350. Published 2006. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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