Chapter on "Adult Liver Transplantation a Study of the Lived Experience of Patients Waiting"

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The purpose of this development is to instrument a procedure into post-liver patients that involves less of the sedentary lifestyle and more physical activity in order to improve their quality of life.

Chapter Two: Review of Literature

This chapter talks about the search procedure and creates the literature connected to physical activity, sedentary lifestyle and quality of life in the liver transplant patients. Quality of life is described, physical activity is explored as its effect on quality of life, including how the sedentary lifestyle or inactivity can shorten the lifespan. Influential studies are recognized, and studies are conversed in association to certain strategies and results. The power of the material is assessed and request of the results to clinical practice are talked about.

Search Strategy

A literature hunt concerning to the effect of physical activity and sedentary lifestyle QOL in liver transplant patients was done by using the PICO question: In post liver transplant patients (P) how does lifestyle modification such as physical activity (I) compare to sedentary lifestyle (C) affects patient quality of life (O) within 4 months (T) Search terms included: liver transplant, quality of life, exercise, and physical activity. Databases used in the search included ProQuest Dissertations, CINAHL, Psych Info, Thesis and, PubMed, Ebsco and Social Sciences Host using keyword for example "liver transplant and waiting," only exposed studies that concentrated on the lived experience of families and/or patients waiting for on a liver transplant.). This by itself, highlights over 1,000 studies that showed in what way physical a
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nd sedentary lifestyles effected patient's months after they had surgery all of which related to the PICO question. Prohibiting standards were applied to narrow the search to studies that related to the PICO question. Editorials were omitted for reasons as well as wrong patient population (for instance, teenagers or children), research only on quality of life or only on physical organ transplant recipients), research only on quality of life or only on physical activity. The search was additionally limited to English language and those studies conducted among 2012 and 2016. There was not any systematic reviews or clinical practice guidelines discovered that related to physical activity, sedentary lifestyle in liver transplant patients or quality of life in liver transplant patients. There were some older findings are reviewed also that placed the basis for later investigation. A total of eight studies were retained for the determinations of this review. They consisted of a mixture of cross-sectional studies, randomized trial control study, case-control studies, and non-randomized interventional pre-post studies.

Quality of Life in Post Liver Transplant Patient

Quality of life has often been defined as the standard of health, comfort, and happiness experienced by an individual or group. When it comes to the way it is used in healthcare quality of life connects to how a patient is executing in their lives. There is outstanding research that has been done on quality of lifestyle over the years with most of them focusing on physical activity and how this makes a difference in a patient recovery. (Krasnoffa, 2006) utilize the crisis theory framework in explaining quality of lifestyle in transplant patients. By talking about diet and good physical activity after the surgery. Krasnoffa mentions that a successful therapy for end-stage liver disease and acute liver failure helps patients look for a better quality of life. The improved health-related quality of life from pre- to post-has been well documented by the use of subjective questionnaires and lived experiences. Moreover, objective measures of physical working, for example exercise capacity and muscle strength have been exposed to make better pre- to post-transplant (Berbke, 2007). The concept rationales that crisis interferes with this psychological balance, and persons need to call on new ways of managing that may be beyond their comfort level so as to restore balance. The philosophy can be pertained to patients needing physical activity to modify their lifestyles in order to stay healthy (Yang, 2013)

As survival and clinical results of liver transplantation get better, the emphasis has moved to quality of life outcomes after physical activity. This is mainly important because patients' quality of life is already importantly weakened before surgery owing to symptoms, and emotional and social stress and it becomes worse in the post stage if the patient chooses to live a sedentary lifestyle. Numerous patients are more worried about quality of life than longevity, which is important to the standing of quality of life and performing physical activity.

Transplantation events carry important morbidity and potentially serious complications as well as acute or chronic rejection of the donor organ, infections, biliary complications, reoperation and reappearance of illness (Burra, 2015). Assumed the operative illness and long-term immunosuppression necessary, chastely prolonging life may not be the best result for patients.

Liver transplantation is the single curative intervention for fatal liver disease. Accurate long-term quality of life information are required in the context of improved surgical outcomes and growing post-transplant survival. Also after the transplantation, quality of life is improved by physical activity or decreased by a sedentary lifestyles (Yang, 2013). The authors reviewed many research studies that included a total over 3,000 patients and utilized consistent quality of life scales. Previous reviews have established significant improvements in post-transplant quality of life, but patients look as if to have continuing shortfalls when compared to healthy controls. (Yang, 2013) To date there has been not been any systematic review on the long-standing results on quality of life. This is serious in consequence evaluation, in evaluating the complete health position of transplant recipients and the cost-efficiency of the process. Quality of life data permit clinicians to inform soon-to-be transplant recipients of the likely projector of their post-operative quality of life and aid in their decision to assume surgery.


According to Lucey (2013) LT is the treatment of choice for patients that are suffering from acute liver failure, decompensated cirrhosis, small hepatocellular carcinomas, or acute liver failure. The accomplishment of LT has meant that there is an increasing regiment of LT recipients all over the world. From 1985 through 2011, approximately 100,000 persons in the United States underwent LT (Lucey, 2013). On December 30, 2011, there were 30,000 LT recipients who were alive and had survived at least 5 years, and there were more than 16,000 recipients with 10 or more years' survival due to having some kind of physical activity in their daily lives (Lucey, 2013). Research shows that these long-term survivors are the ones that are at risk of early death and increased illness. The perseverance of this guideline is to support in the management of adult recipients of LT, recognize the barricades to upholding their health, and make endorsements on the ways to best stop or ameliorate these blockades. This guideline emphasis on management outside the ?rst 80 days after transplantation.

Quality of Life for Those with Liver Issues

Studies have examined patients' quality of life and experience before and after liver transplantation, discover that persons undergo phases of doubt, control, social provision and holiness (Bhugra, 2005). This research likewise found the importance of family, physiological, psychological and socio-economic aspects of life on the individual's quality of life (Bhugra, 2005). A lot of these studies were reflective and directed after a patient established a transplant, enlightening that these patients were exceedingly troubled with their health care, social support quality of life, and fiscal characteristics of their life (Berbke, 2007). Even though these studies are accommodating in observing the lived experience, the fact that these studies employed a backward-looking design could be observed as a limitation, assumed that memory of the experience of an occasion, could not hold true to the portrayal of an event one could have had in the current second.

Persons with end stage liver disease could go through vital illness while living an inactive life compared to those that get active after surgery. Illness distress linked with end stage liver disorder and transplantation affects every single aspect of a person's life, as well as their mental, social, spiritual and physical health, even though impacting upon their complete quality of life (Bhugra, 2005). The important distress qualified by persons not merely affects their own life, but then again the life of their caregivers, wives and family associates. Psychosocial grief can be well-defined as "the overall idea of maladaptive mental operative in the expression of demanding life proceedings" but is found more in those that sit around, choosing not to engage in any kind of physical activity (Betcher, 2010). How and in what means these persons and their families purpose in the face of psychological distress has some implications for their entire quality of life. However, this allows some gives reason that goes in for much further studies looking into this difficult waiting time. With added information into this mental burden experienced by the person and their family associates that are waiting for their liver transplant, more suitable and proper mental and counseling services can be provided that will give some kind of a better understanding that… READ MORE

How to Reference "Adult Liver Transplantation a Study of the Lived Experience of Patients Waiting" Chapter in a Bibliography

Adult Liver Transplantation a Study of the Lived Experience of Patients Waiting.”, 2016, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Adult Liver Transplantation a Study of the Lived Experience of Patients Waiting (2016). Retrieved from (2016). Adult Liver Transplantation a Study of the Lived Experience of Patients Waiting. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Adult Liver Transplantation a Study of the Lived Experience of Patients Waiting” 2016.
”Adult Liver Transplantation a Study of the Lived Experience of Patients Waiting”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Adult Liver Transplantation a Study of the Lived Experience of Patients Waiting”,, 2016. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Adult Liver Transplantation a Study of the Lived Experience of Patients Waiting [Internet]. 2016 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Adult Liver Transplantation a Study of the Lived Experience of Patients Waiting. Published 2016. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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