Thesis on "Adult Education the Ideal Application of Responsible"

Thesis 10 pages (3084 words) Sources: 0 Style: APA

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Adult Education

The ideal application of Responsible Practice:

The basis of all education lies in the application of what one has learned in the form of a social action. Max Weber is perhaps the pioneer of all of the foundations of social action that have been laid down both in psychology and philosophy. He was the first to declare that all of the society's cultures and structures are designed by and developed around the actions of the individuals of the society. Hence, it is perhaps of the highest importance that the adults and individuals of a society learn and are taught how and why they need to be responsible.

Perhaps one of the biggest tasks of responsible practice is to know what you're practicing. Ignorance or lack of sufficient knowledge about a task at hand can not only impact the outcome of the task on the individual and the society but can also impact the overall confidence and esteem of the individual. Hence, it is important that all adult education is not only restricted to the specifications of the dos and don'ts of the subject that is being taught but should also entail the encouragement of the use of common sense and general awareness of the surroundings.

Furthermore, it is imperative for the individual to feel a natural connection and responsibility towards the society that he/she is growing up in. he/she should realize the ethics and morals of the society and not try to divert his actions from the ethical and moral boundaries that have already been set by the society at large. Furthermore, the individual should also feel a sense of obligation to help in the growth of the economy by being loyal to his own field an
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Responsible practice and the adult education that promotes responsible practice needs to also help the individual in creating and sustaining good and efficient relationships with other integral individual, institutions and organizations of the society. Any relationship needs a certain level of cooperation, interdependence, hard work, trust, mutual respect, coordination with all other aspects of life, etc. Similarly, the practice of all educational knowledge needs a high level of hard work and mutual respect between the individual and the institution or the organization of the society. The individual needs to be able to balance his personal life/relationships as well as his/her professional responsibilities. If and when the individual keeps his responsibility and ethics of the society in check with his own abilities and input, the overall attitude and behavior of the individual would reflect his/her choice of responsible practice.

The practical application of Responsible Practice:

In an ideal world, all of the above characteristics would be easily and readily available. The fact of the matter, however, is that the reality of the social structures in the world today makes the ideal scenario a little difficult to consistently and globally exist. I can only refer to my own practical application with full authority and compare the similarities and dissimilarities between the ideal application of responsible practice and its practical application in my life.

I do feel that I am personally a very hard worker, have relentless dedication and am always willing to learn. This was perhaps my biggest advantage when getting my degree, however, in hindsight, I do believe that it has been these three aforementioned traits that have helped me get as close as I could to the ideal of responsible practice. For case in point, I will relate a recent incident when I was part of a media coverage team of an event and had the responsibility of managing a team of 5 people and delegating responsibility. The team was made up of eager interns who were very willing to learn. The early mornings and the late nights, however, were unanticipated parts of the job that they weren't willing to comply with. My own dedication to the work was one of the reasons that I felt it was my responsibility to pick the slack that was caused due to their lack of willingness to burn oil at both ends. However, a week after the pattern of my working at both the early hours of the day and the later hours of the night, I began to see a change in the willingness of the interns on showing up early and staying late. Even though the change wasn't drastic, overnight or one that allowed me to change my pattern of work, it was still enough to unstill in the interns a sense of awareness of their responsibilities as well as a respect for the nature of the job as well as for me.

The one thing that is perhaps more difficult to attain in today's society is the mutual interdependence between the individual and the organization. The current pattern of the business world today is in the consistent fluctuation of resources i.e. employees. This simply means that the belief nowadays is that while the experienced employees are preferred, the new technological advancements force the organizations to move towards the recruitment of fresh graduates. This leaves very little job security for any and every employee. I personally feel that I want to work in an organization that not only appreciates my work but shows it by giving me a good overall working package and improving it with the passage of time. This is one of the main reasons why I have had three different jobs in the past 8 years. In an ideal world, however, the elements of loyalty and interdependence are more important to the success of responsible practice by the individual and organization while in reality responsible practice is no longer a collective action but is more of an individual choice.

Characteristics of Institutions:

In order to understand the characteristics of the institutions that impact the responsible practice of the adults in the society, it is first imperative to understand the meaning and role of the institutions within a society. Normally, the institutions within a society denote the regulations and the restrictions that are imposed within the society to ensure a certain pattern of lifestyle and sustainability. Also, institutions are often used as synonyms for the concept of organizations within a society i.e. schools, businesses, government offices, political groups, public and private companies, etc.

There are many different kinds of institutions all with different kinds of characteristics and structures that impact the individual and society at different levels and in different ways. For example, the two main forms of institutions when understanding them as regulations are: 1) personal 2) social. Both are independent of each other i.e. The personal institutions structure the abilities, hobbies, likes and dislikes, opinions and attitudes of the individuals while the social institutions are responsible for the social interaction of the individual within a specified and controlled environment. Yes the personal institution of an individual may have an influence on his/her social institution but that is not always true as the social institutions includes organizations like schools and businesses which serve as teaching outlets for the individual to fully explore their potential. So in essence, the personal and social institutions separately can teach the individual different methodologies of how and why they should practice what they have learned in responsible manner.

The barriers however posed include the context in which social institutions work. The main downside for most educational institutions, for instance, nowadays is that they take into account the level of adjustment that an individual within the realm of a subject and promote the individual into excelling in that subject alone. For example, a mathematical genius is never asked or expected to improve his/her overall communication, writing or art skills just like a mass communication major is never asked to sharpen his/her mathematical understanding. This restricts the abilities of the individuals within the spheres that are determined by the parents, families or teachers of the individual and not individual.

Furthermore, it is important to note here that the legislature of a society is also an institution, and, while the political parties and economic groups all have formal rules and regulations in place, these formal laws promote certain norms and practices in the society that affect their approach towards acting responsibly in different scenarios. This can help in the consistent growth of awareness and astute application of the tasks and responsibilities of the different sectors within the society. So while these laws and their implementation helps in creating a consistency and stability in the activities of the society as well as provides a sense of security in monotony, it does simultaneously take a toll on the financial settings of a society. This simply means that the maintenance of institutions can be very costly and hence can also result in low-income jobs. This can result in individuals slacking or being ignorant of the responsibilities that they have towards themselves as well as the society at large.

Characteristics of the Organization:

The organizations within a society comprise of departments that are made for the provision of basic services… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Adult Education the Ideal Application of Responsible" Assignment:

This assignment should be in a narrative format. In other words, *****˜do not submit your response merely by answering each question posed,***** although you may want to use the main questions as headings for different sections of your paper. There is a specific limits on length, 10-pages is a good guess at how long a comprehensive assignment would be. *****Please integrate references from the readings as appropriate to support your ideas.***** Use APA format. Do Not Use Other Sources, Only Use the Sources that was Provided!

Part I *****“ What does it mean to teach adults (or practice) responsibly?

1. What does it mean to you*****”in the ideal*****”to teach adults (or perform your education-related practice) responsibly?

In answering, you should consider, but are not limited to, the following questions:

*****¢What purposes and or/goals do you believe responsible practice in adult education context should entail?

*****¢What personal values should responsible practice express?

*****¢What and what kinds, of relationships should responsible practice reflect? (examples might be: loyalty to my organization; a mentoring relationship with students (or those you serve); a healthy relationship between different aspects of my personal life)

*****¢What behaviors should express responsible practice?

2. How closely do you believe your own practice (adult education) matches the ideal you*****ve described above? Be specific in discussing in what ways your practice reflects the ideal and in what ways it does not.

Part II *****“ Reasons for the gap between the ideal and the reality

1. What characteristics of your institution (adult education) affect your ability to practice responsibly, as you*****ve defined responsible practice above?

You should consider, but are not limited to, the following questions:

*****¢What characteristics support you in practicing responsibly?

*****¢What characteristics are barriers to responsible practice?

2. What characteristics of your organization affect your ability to practice responsibly, as you*****ve defined it above?

*****¢What characteristics support you in practicing responsibly?

*****¢What characteristics are barriers to responsible practice?

3. What personal or identity characteristics affect your ability to practice responsibly, as you*****ve defined it above?

*****¢What characteristics promote your ability to practice responsibly?

*****¢What characteristics are barriers to responsible practice?

4. Sometimes it*****s not any one set of characteristics that are at issue, but rather the interactions among them or contradictions between them, as illustrated by the familiar saying, *****I*****m between a rock and a hard place.***** What interactive or contradictory forces (institutional, organizational, and/or personal) influence your ability to practice responsibly?

Part III *****“ Closing the gap between the ideal and the reality of responsible practice

What opportunities do you see to bring the reality of (adult education) practice closer to the ideal? Describe one area of your practice in which it would be possible to make a change or changes that would have this result. In addressing this question, identify specific institutional, organizational, and/or personal factors that will affect and be affected by this change.

How to Reference "Adult Education the Ideal Application of Responsible" Thesis in a Bibliography

Adult Education the Ideal Application of Responsible.”, 2008, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Adult Education the Ideal Application of Responsible (2008). Retrieved from (2008). Adult Education the Ideal Application of Responsible. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Adult Education the Ideal Application of Responsible” 2008.
”Adult Education the Ideal Application of Responsible”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Adult Education the Ideal Application of Responsible”,, 2008. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Adult Education the Ideal Application of Responsible [Internet]. 2008 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Adult Education the Ideal Application of Responsible. Published 2008. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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