Research Paper on "ADHD Generation"

Research Paper 5 pages (1605 words) Sources: 6

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ADHD Generation


The Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is characterized through the fact that it involves both an insufficiency in attention and in hyperactivity. The first symptoms of ADHD can normally be observed before the individual reaches the age of seven. The disorder has had several names in the past, as it was known as "minimal brain dysfunction" or hyperactivity. There is presently much controversy regarding the malady, since it is difficult to diagnose and because most clinicians have little experience with it.

There are presently numerous individuals suffering from ADHD, thus making it perfectly natural for researchers to pay special attention to the matter. Even though the disorder has been around for many years, physicians have not recognized it as being a common malady until the recent decades. "Exact figures are not available, but it seems likely that between 3 to 10% of school-age children and 4 to 5% of adults have ADHD" (Wender 4).

Child psychiatrists initially believed that the symptoms in ADHD weakened and eventually vanished in adulthood, this being a main reason for which the disease was not given adequate attention to. Later studies have shown that the malady does indeed last through teenage years and maturity; with the symptoms remaining the same or even growing stronger if it is not treated appropriately. The ADHD term was officially published in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM IV) after psychiatrists identified the malady and its symptoms (Wender 4).

While people around those suffering from ADHD should be instructed so as to be able
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to deal effectively with the victim, an individual with ADHD also has to receive special help from a qualified physician. It is however essential for those in charge of ADHD patients to have basic knowledge of ADHD. Considering that ADHD is the most common mental disorder, the masses should have a better understanding of the disease, of how it manifests, and of how they have to behave toward people with ADHD (Wender 4).

Whereas physicians showed little interest in ADHD in the past century and such diagnostics were only given toward the end of the era, matters are presently different. The incidence rate for ADHD is approximated between 3 and 5% in the DSM IV. However, ADHD is currently diagnosed at a higher rate, as most clinicians have the tendency to send an individual further to mental health experts when they suspect that the respective individual is ill with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. This is especially harmful for the individual because ADHD symptoms are very similar to behavior displayed by individuals who have exceptional intellectual skills. When coming across persons who were reported to "possess high activity levels, have difficulty paying attention, act without much forethought, experience problems persisting on certain tasks, and have difficulty following rules" (Hartnett, Nelson, and Rinn), most clinicians relate to ADHD. Intelligence can also be responsible for undermining one's abilities to create social connections and to perform well in an educational institute.

With time, people with a superior intellectual level are likely to outgrow ADHD-like symptoms they display during childhood and adolescence. These symptoms disappear in most individuals as they enter adulthood. In contrast, people with ADHD continue to exhibit deficiencies in performing certain tasks as they mature (Claude, and Firestone).

ADHD people are exposed to a series of other disorders, particularly during adolescence, when they are exposed to a series of environments that can be damaging for their physical and mental health. Drug and alcohol abuse is apparently among the main difficulties ADHD teenagers have to deal with, since they are less able to cope with their condition and are vulnerable to substance abuse. Also, the fact that most perceive the experience they get consequent to consuming alcohol and drugs as being beneficial makes it even more difficult for them not to fall into addiction.

In spite of the fact that the experiences they go through during adolescence are a major impediment in the development of ADHD persons and can produce affections that are beyond repair, the only disorder that is likely to remain with them throughout their lives is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Increased aggressiveness during childhood raises alarms as regards the potential individuals have to display antisocial behavior later in their lives (Claude, and Firestone).

Depression and drug abuse are yet another reason for which doctors can provide an inaccurate diagnose, as most people refuse to admit the fact that they are depressed or that they used drugs, thus making it harder for clinicians to realize that they are not dealing with an ADHD case (Wilens et al.).

Given that ADHD is a chronic malady, the best that doctors can do is to ameliorate its symptoms, in order for the individual to live as normally as possible. Treatment is complicated because ADHD people put across complex and unconstructive conduct. Most studies related to ADHD refer to children that have not yet reached adolescence, as scholars have focused on this age group because it can be easier to study and to treat. There is little information on ADHD teenagers, most probably because physicians focused on understanding the early stages of the disease (Krueger, and Kendall).

Whereas ADHD children can adapt to various environments, matters are different when it comes to ADHD adolescents. Considering that children with superior intellectual abilities and those with ADHD display similar symptoms, it is likely that the two groups would settle in with great difficulty but that they will eventually adjust to the environments they come across. The first group is expected to experience changes during adolescence, with attention deficit and hyperactivity being liable to decrease in intensity at this time. ADHD teenagers experience greater difficulty in adapting as they grow up, given that the main symptoms in their condition will not disappear (Krueger, and Kendall).

A main characteristic in ADHD adolescents is the fact that they consider themselves unable to change who they are and most are not even willing to change anything about their character. Even though the ADHD incidence in females is smaller than it is in males, girls were reported to be affected by the disorder to a larger extent. Whereas most teenager boys express little interest in their past or in their future, ADHD girls belonging to the same age group appeared to care more about the malady and most believe themselves unable to effectively deal with it (Krueger, and Kendall).

Most ADHD adolescents cannot cope with a situation they do not control and cannot prolong a sense of character. In such circumstances, boys either refuse to admit that it is them who came across a difficulty, or react violently, in hope that this would put an end to the uncomfortable situation. Girls do not employ denial as a means of escaping a condition that involves them losing control, as most tend to become irritated, afraid, or sad (Krueger, and Kendall).

Individuals who are mentally healthy develop a sense of value and compassion as they grow into adults. ADHD teenagers have difficulties in making use of empathy and esteem, thus being less able to join other groups. Boys and girls alike express a need to be self-oriented and show no interest in building relationships. ADHD adolescents feel that they should be the center of interest, but most appear to be indifferent to other people's needs. ADHD boys in particular have shown an increased tendency to believe that they are perfectly well and that it is the rest of the world's problem when they come across an impediment. Every time they received the slightest allusion to their condition, the ADHD boys in Krueger and Kendall's study "either isolated themselves or asserted themselves aggressively" (Krueger, and Kendall).

While ADHD boys in the study were reluctant to accept that it is actually them that have the problem,… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "ADHD Generation" Assignment:


Topic and Content: paper must include a scholarly review of the theoretical and empirical literature on your topic and present a biopsychosocial perspective. (double spaced) and at least four to six (4-6) full-text peer reviewed journals or books (i.e.: American Journal of Psychiatry, Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Psychological Bulletin, etc*****¦).

Research Paper should include:

* body of the paper that includes an in-depth review of literature that shows a sophisticated understanding of the concepts you present and explains, supports, interprets, analyzes, and discusses original conclusions, * a discussion section that summarizes research findings, interpretations, and original conclusions.

Format: Microsoft Word document using: Times New Roman font, 12-point type, double spacing, and 1 inch margins. Number pages in the upper right hand corner. Note: Insert a running head as your header opposite the page number. PLEASE START WITH THE NUMBER 4.

Thank you very much

How to Reference "ADHD Generation" Research Paper in a Bibliography

ADHD Generation.”, 2010, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

ADHD Generation (2010). Retrieved from (2010). ADHD Generation. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”ADHD Generation” 2010.
”ADHD Generation”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”ADHD Generation”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. ADHD Generation [Internet]. 2010 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. ADHD Generation. Published 2010. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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