Assessment on "Addiction This Project Gives a Complete Summary"

Assessment 7 pages (2406 words) Sources: 7

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This project gives a complete summary of the valuation, history, chemical abuse, and therapy references of student that is in college that goes by the name of Jay W. that is battling with alcohol and grades that are dropping low. The information was gathered by doing some thorough research and also participating in interviews that involved Jay's parents, and Jay himself. The project also involved intensive researching of many different films and manuals that involved the treatments and hypotheses of substance abuse. With that said, this paper will observe the genetic, spiritual, and psychosocial features of Jay's conduct. The assessment will give a proper evaluation to see rather or not if Jay is involved in addictive cycles, and will display if there are some possible co-happening matters. Jay W. assessment makes a recommendation founded on the purpose of Jay's present essentials. This assessment will provide some particular stages that are important if the recovery process is going to be successful.

REASON for ASSESSMENT: suspicious of / alcohol abuse and addiction

SOURCES of INFORMATION: Interviews that were done with the parents of Jay, which are Don and Beth W; and also information from the patient named Jay W.

BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Jay's DOB was on 5/2/199. His parents are married and when she was pregnant with Jay, she had a normal pregnancy and birth. Both of the parents have what is considered to be high level of academic achievement by means of primary education. Each of the parents has a family history which involves addictive behavior which includes people like the father, Don, also the maternal grandfather
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, and paternal grandfather. Jay started experimenting with alcohol when he was 12 years old. When he was 16 years old, he suffered an alcohol-related vehicular accident which resulted in his suspension of driver's license and DUI. Because of this, he has to attend some AA meeting which would las for at least 3 months.

CURRENT STATUS: Recently, Jay had a very difficult and stressful break up with his girlfriend that he had been going with for roughly two years. In his freshman year of college, he started to fail his subjects which resulted in him flunking out of college. While he was in college, Jay was spending somewhere over 30% of his monthly income on alcohol alone. Jay has made up his mind and has made the decision to start attending some counseling sessions in order to "win" back his girlfriend but not admitting to alcohol dependency or alcohol-linked consequences. Parents are having been threatening financial removal of support for both his living expenses and school.


Attitude and Behavior of: Jay appears to be showing an attitude that is reluctant and displaying signs of deflection and denial. Jay has now started putting the blame on everyone that has been around him for the consequences that he is going through and not showing any kind of signs of recognizing his role. Jay clearly refuses to take responsibility for his actions. Jay appears to find ways of making is issues appear worse that what they really appear. He knows how to minimize the consequences of his utilization of alcohol and makes the point "a lot of his peers have also been losing lost their licenses either because of drugs or alcohol related." Jay also claims that his peers have drinking patterns that are similar and they "help him drink the alcohol" he is buying. He also makes the point that alcohol is not the reason of the his falling off in his academic achievement, but puts the blame on the professors for being "uninteresting" and making class "dumb."

According to all of the psychological theories of drug dependence, they make the point people who are alcoholic satisfies some vital need in their life. Psychoanalytic theories are what focus on unconscious needs whereas behavioral theories put the focus on the role of tension reduction to account for alcohol abuse (Lewis, 2011). This basically explains the reason why, since Jay discovered the effects of alcohol to be enjoyable, according to the previous theory, he will more than likely just be tempted to repeat the exact process over and over again.

Something else to add as factual information is Jay's prospects as a constituent of using alcohol. The person's anticipation for alcohol use has been discovered to be a strong impact on the way that Jay has been able to configure the outcomes of alcohol. According to the research, all of these anticipations start when they are usually teenagers as an outcome of multiple issues, for instance influences that come from his inner circle such as his friends and Jay's contact to publicity of drugs and alcohol (Hill & Sendashonga, 2003).

Social Functioning of Jay. People that are considered to human beings are social by nature. Jay's decision to get involved or to not get involved with alcohol comes strictly from the environment that he chooses to hang around. Of course this atmosphere is created within the social group. These social settings can cause a person that is dependent on alcohol to become worse. They become worse because the social setting make the person become frustrated and then they could lash out and cause more issues than what has already been created. The use of alcohol use can become the center of focus, thus causing some arguments.

Even Jay has given this statement some merit because he clearly states that the peer pressure at these social events does make his situation worse because then he feels more entitled to continue drinking. Jay has also shared that there were parties going on that lasted all week. These were social gatherings that he did not miss. Jay does not hide the fact that he does recognize that a lot of his friends appear to have the same problem that he does. Jay also explains and appears to be in great grief regarding the breakup of his girlfriend which happened like 2 years prior. He makes the point that he is head over heels for this girl but the relationship went south because she does no enjoy the company that he is keeping.

Occupational Functioning of Jay: Jay attends a college so he is a full time student. He lives on campus and with all of his friends. Even though, Jay used to be a great student in school that made straight a's in all of his subjects and was even part of the gifted and talented program, he struggled in college because of the alcohol. Jay desires to be a doctor, but his first year if school did not go over so well. Hanging around the wrong group in getting into a lazy state has caused Jay to not be feeling school anymore. When things get tough for Jay, he runs for his friends and the alcohol because he believes that will help him not worry about his problems that are mounting around him. Jay dealing with all of this is called tension reduction. According to Swartz (2003) another important theory for alcohol abuse is that alcohol drinking is reinforced because alcohol reduces tension. Proposed the Tension Reduction Hypothesis is considered to be a model for alcohol drinking. The model makes the assumption that alcohol is able to reduce tension and persons like Jay begin learn to drink alcohol to reduce or avoid unpleasant pressure. Clinical explanations and studies seem to bring some support to this theory.

Financial Aspects of Jay: Jay has had financial issues because of the abuse of alcohol. It has obviously created many current financial difficulties much more badly and then caused new ones, such as: because he has spent most of his money on alcohol, he does not have anything left for his necessary expenses such as food and clothing. Jay appears to have neglected all of his bills but has produced additional expenses, for instance fines, or car repairs, extra medical costs, fines, and car repairs. Jay W. documents spending close to $100.00 dollars a week on beer so by the time it gets to the end of the month, he has no money. Jay blames all of this on his parents because they refuse to give him enough money. There is a rising level of spending by the alcohol addict in order to endure his habit. Gradually, on account of the limitations that the family revenue enforces, the alcoholic addict begins borrowing money from everybody to support their addiction (Gilron & Downie, 2007).

Familial Relationships of Jay: The relationship that is among an alcohol abuser and his family is difficult. A lot of families that deal are dealing with family members suffering from alcohol abuse have to deal with things such as the shame, embarrassment, anger, fear, grief and isolation because of the existence of an alcohol addict in the family. Families are repeatedly exposed to sensible to severe methods of aggravation, clashing with the abuser and stressed atmosphere when they oppose their alcohol-abusing family member drinking behavior (Gilron & Downie,… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Addiction This Project Gives a Complete Summary" Assignment:

Please no plagiarism

Read the assignment and psych history of Jay W. very closely before you begin writing

Using the Assessment Template provided and information gleaned from reading Jay W.*****s history, the student will thoroughly assess Jay W.*****s clinical needs. The assessment will need to address the spiritual, genetic, and psychosocial aspects of Jay*****s behavior, ascertain if Jay is in use, abuse, or addictive cycle, and if there are any co-occurring issues

Read Jay*****s history several times attending close to the information that has clinical significance, what is he using, how often, how long has he used, longest periods of time without use, consequences of use, and so on. Also pay close attention to the family history provided, what is reported about family, are there genetic indications, environmental influences, and how might his spiritual condition affect his recovery?

Strong literature support means using outside academic sources

Your paper must be written in APA style (font, margins, citations, references, etc.), have a title page and a reference page.

How to Reference "Addiction This Project Gives a Complete Summary" Assessment in a Bibliography

Addiction This Project Gives a Complete Summary.”, 2013, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Addiction This Project Gives a Complete Summary (2013). Retrieved from (2013). Addiction This Project Gives a Complete Summary. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Addiction This Project Gives a Complete Summary” 2013.
”Addiction This Project Gives a Complete Summary”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Addiction This Project Gives a Complete Summary”,, 2013. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Addiction This Project Gives a Complete Summary [Internet]. 2013 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Addiction This Project Gives a Complete Summary. Published 2013. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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