Chapter on "Addiction and how to deal"

Chapter 14 pages (4156 words) Sources: 0 October 13, 2017

[EXCERPT] . . . .

Daily Log: Resumed Behavior, day 1 - 10/09

Smoking a cigar after two weeks feels like heaven to me. It\'s like I was missing a limb from my body. As I leave the school and heads to the parking lot, I smoke a cigar to pass the time and once in the car. I feel in control of my urge to smoke. It helps me get rid of the exhaustion of the day at a job that I hate. I choose to go have dinner and watch a bit of Monday night football. once I finish dinner at the restaurant I end up going to cigar bar to finish watching the Monday night football and while there I smoke 4 cigars and consume 6 alcoholic drinks. Depression overtakes me as I try to deal with the death of my mentor. I hate Mondays which doesn\'t help me deal with my depressive inclinations. I hate Mondays because I have to go back to a job that I hate. The premature demise of my mentor caused serious problems for my emotions and significantly increased the stress on me. Loneliness and sadness set in accompanied, of course, by longing for cigars. Smoking can be likened to a readily available companion both in good and bad times which is sure to deliver a huge mood boost. Smoking assists me in getting through sad and stressful events.

Daily Log: Resumed Behavior, day 2 - 10/10

I smoke a cigar as I drive away out of the teacher parking lot after a really long day. I feel myself relax with a smoke and find relief in it. I have a regular dinner side entertainment to watch football and that is what I am heading for now. After I finish dinner at the house, it is around 10pm I head out to the patio and smoke 2 cigars and consume a total of 2 alcoholic drinks. my mentor has died and I feel depressed and alone still. I have caught myself sm
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oking, say, two cigars one after the other and said, I didn\'t even realize I had two because I was just talking to someone. This is more common with drinking, I discover that whenever Im drinking, I often smoke a lot, not continuously, but say, each 10 minutes. The link between smoking and drinking was so powerful that drinking, most times, led to smoking for me. Whenever I smoke, I spend ime in certain locations and with certain people who might not necessarily encourage the behaviour but they also don\'t condone it.

Daily Log: Resumed Behavior, day 3 - 10/11

I take a smoke at the end of the school day as I am heading to my car. It helps me relax after working at a job I hate. I have dinner outside with a bit of college football action on the side. it\'s South Alabama vs. Troy. once I am finished with my dinner, I go to cigar bar to finish watching the college football game south Alabama vs troy and I smoke 4 cigars and consume 6 alcoholic drinks. I feel a strong sense of remorse and grief coping with the death of my mentor but I think about the fact that it is hump day and feel happy and rejuvenated knowing that I have completed half the work week. Whenever I smoke, it is always very light i.e. not more than two cigars a day, except when I go drinking at night, during which I take a bit more. Of recent, immediately after smoking, I start to endure very severe anxiety and depression which could last for around 25 minutes. I am sure that this is caused by nicotine and has nothing to do with me being drunk or anything, because it happens almost immediately and for a considerable time frame after smoking.

Daily Log: Resumed Behavior, day 4 - 10/12

I drive out of the teacher parking lot with a cigar in my mouth and feel good about the remainder of the day. It helps me forget how much I despise my job. I indulge in dinner at a restaurant coupled with watching football while I eat. so I continue watching Thursday night football. I head to the cigar bar once again after finishing my dinner so I can watch the rest of the game. I smoke 4 cigars and drink 6 alcoholic drinks. Words cannot describe the sadness I feel at the death of my mentor but going out every once in a while seems to be helping. Being a regular smoker, I am well aware of the exercise. An unexpected and strong yearning for smoking develops soon after a meal. If I leave my workstation for a break, it crops up again, and insistently. There are a few places, foods and times of day which instantly evoke the desire to take a puff. Following a late dinner at home, I relaxed in my patio with a couple of drinks and cigars. The above pattern trigger represents a task I personally link to smoking. Ex-smokers may revert to the habit in instances of happiness. Considering cigars have been connected with pleasure (which is a second impact of dopamine), the brain tends to invariably link cigars and such instances of happiness.

Daily Log: Resumed Behavior, day 5 - 10/13

Q I drive out of the teacher parking lot with a cigar in my mouth and feel good about the remainder of the day. I especially feel like a there\'s a skip in my walk as I feel giddy about it being Friday and hence the last day the work week. It helps me forget how much I despise my job. I indulge in dinner at a restaurant coupled with watching a high school football game while I eat. I had friends with me at the dinner and I smoked a few cigars with my company. It felt good to not only smoke but smoke around people who didn\'t give me negative vibed for smoking. Words cannot describe the sadness I feel at the death of my mentor and it is a coinstant reminder even at the dinner. However, I head out to a nightclub with my friends once the game is over to party and relax. The mood was fun and I was able to smoke a few more cigars which lightened my mood further and I was in batter uplifted state than before. I feel like I am more productive and happy when I am able to smoke cigars and esspecially since i have restarted. I would keep saying I love it and had full faith in my justification. An addict constantly struggles with maintaining his/her serum nicotine levels (which is a limited range of bloodstream nicotine). Whenever this level drops below the minimum limit, a smoker experiences early withdrawal signs. Chain smokers understandably attempt to convince themselves and others that they do not actually suffer from any dependency issues, or only have a bad habit, or are, simply, slightly addicted. They typically compare their condition with other nicotine/drug dependents, rationalizing that it is not that bad. The best addiction comparison standard may be: smokers nicotine consumption frequency or tolerance level.

Daily Log: Resumed Behavior, day 6 - 10/14

I feel good smoking the cigar and forget about the week that I have had at work. The connection between smoking and job stress can be described majorly based on two factors. The first is; persons can self-medicate physiological reactions (e.g. suppressed serotonic, catecholamine secretion and elevated cortisol) caused by stress via smoking cigars to attain internal stability aka homeostasis. Cigars could equally serve as anti-anxiety or anti-depressant agents reducing the effect of workplace stress. The second; job stress could lower a persons self-control making it hard for smokers to lower smoking intensity or quit smoking completely and it could also cause former drinkers/smokers to fall back to their old ways. I feel like I undergo both these stressors at different point in my job which is why I feel completely dissatisfied with it and look for solace in smoking. I feel happier and calmer when I smoke more. I plan dinner with friends who come over and we watch an interesting game of college football this Saturday. Cognac and cigars go round after dinner is finished and I recall my mentor and how I sometimes took his input in my life for granted when he was alive. I reminisce and my mood goes down a notch. So once the match is over, to help elevate my spirits, my friends offer to head to a night club for some partying. I am up for it and once there, I indulge in drinks and smoking even more cigars. My spirits are lifted and I feel better.

Daily Log: Resumed Behavior, day 7 - 10/15

I light up a smoke and feel relaxed and calmed. I get a sense of filtration when I smoke so it allows my brain to drain out the negativities… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Addiction and how to deal" Assignment:

You are to do stage 3 I will provide you with a guide to inform about what each entry so focus on.

If there are to many errors I will ask for a rewrite

If every entry is not one complete page I will ask for a rewrite

remember you are middle school social studies teacher and all of you student have emotional behavior disorder and hate your job

the behavior you are resumsing is smoking cigars

Behavior Reduction Exercise and Report The Behavior Reduction Exercise will aim to have each student identify and eliminate (or at least reduce) a specific substance or behavior for a period of 6 weeks (see dates on this syllabus) involving three stages. The students should consider the use of the substance or the activity harmful, compulsive, or otherwise self-destructive or not beneficial. If there is difficulty identifying a substance or behavior, please contact the instructor to discuss what might be a challenge for you to give up for this time. Students will be placed into groups with fellow students who will be the sources of support during the time in the exercise (i.e., a mutual aid group). Stage 1: Baseline Period (two weeks). During the first two weeks of the exercise, you are required to examine the extent of your involvement with the substance or activity. Note information such as amounts consumed, amount of time engaged in activity, number of times engaged in activity, where acts occurred, times acts occurred, and any physiological, psychological, or sociological stressors. You required to write a “Letter to my Substance/Behavior” – written in the first person to the substance/behavior from which you are abstaining, will be due before the abstinence period begins.

Letter to my Substance/Behavior This 2-3-page paper is to be written to the substance or behavior from which you are abstaining. This is to be written in the first person (e.g., “caffeine, you have always been there for me in the morning…”) and should cover the following 5 areas: 1.) How my addictive substance/behavior is loved and is considered a “friend” 2.) How my addictive substance/behavior is sensual (appeals to my senses) 3.) How my addictive substance/behavior provides “healing” or is a “balm” to my emotional wounds 4.) How my addictive substance/behavior controls and promotes my feelings of helplessness and entrapment 5.) How my addictive substance/behavior is hated – what it has “cost” me

Stage 2: Reduction Period (two weeks). During this stage, the students will attempt to withdraw from the substance or activity and maintain a log of their experiences. This log will describe feelings and reactions, especially focusing on times you “lapse” or experience temptation. It is especially important to indicate times when it was both difficult and easy to abstain, as well as those specific circumstances during which you “slipped” (e.g., birthdays, holidays, and weekends seem especially difficult). Daily entries are required; one entry per day. The log needs to be computer generated, and a minimum of one a page per entry. In all, there will be 14 entries.

Stage 3: Final Stage, follow-up period (two weeks). During the final stage, you can resume your baseline use of the substance/ activity. During this period continue to maintain your log and include your consumption and activity patterns as discussed above. Daily entries are required; one entry per day. The log needs to be computer generated, and a minimum of one a page per entry. In all, there will be 14 entries.

Daily Log: Resumed Behavior, day 1 - 10/09 • Speak about you smoking a cigar first time in two weeks • Speak about smoking one cigar at end of the school day as soon as you left teacher parking lot • Speak about how smoking cigars help you cope with your job dissatisfaction • Speak going to a restaurant to eat dinner and watch the Monday night football • Speak about after you finish your dinner at the restaurant you went to cigar bar to finish watching the Monday night football and while there you smoked 4 cigars and 6 alcoholic drinks • Speak about being depress due to the untimely death of your mentor • Speak about how you hate Mondays because you have return to work at a job you hate

Daily Log: Resumed Behavior, day 2 - 10/10

• Speak about smoking one cigar at end of the school day as soon as you left teacher parking lot • Speak about how smoking cigars help you cope with your job dissatisfaction • Speak about after you finish your dinner at house at about 10pm you went to patio while there you smoked 2 cigars and 2 alcoholic drinks • Speak about being depress due to the untimely death of your mentor • Speak about how you hate the fact you have return to work in the am to a job you hate

Daily Log: Resumed Behavior, day 3 - 10/11

• Speak about smoking one cigar at end of the school day as soon as you left teacher parking lot • Speak about how smoking cigars help you cope with your job dissatisfaction • Speak going to a restaurant to eat dinner and watch the the college football game south Alabama vs troy • Speak about after you finish your dinner at the restaurant you went to cigar bar to finish watching the college football game south Alabama vs troy and while there you smoked 4 cigars and 6 alcoholic drinks • Speak about being depress due to the untimely death of your mentor • Speak about you hate the fact you have return to work in the am to a job you hate • Speak how are happy a little because it hump day and you have completed half the work week

Daily Log: Resumed Behavior, day 4 - 10/12

• Speak about smoking one cigar at end of the school day as soon as you left teacher parking lot • Speak about how smoking cigars help you cope with your job dissatisfaction • Speak going to a restaurant to eat dinner and watch the thursady night football • Speak about after you finish your dinner at the restaurant you went to cigar bar to finish watching the Thursday night football and while there you smoked 4 cigars and 6 alcoholic drinks • Speak about being depress due to the untimely death of your mentor • Speak about you hate the fact you have return to work in the am to a job you hate

Daily Log: Resumed Behavior, day 5 - 10/13

• Speak about smoking one cigar at end of the school day as soon as you left teacher parking lot • Speak about how smoking cigars help you cope with your job dissatisfaction • Speak about being depress due to the untimely death of your mentor • Speak about going to a nightclub with friends after the high school football game is over to have drinks and party and being able to smoke a few cigars again while partying • Speak about going to a high school football game at night with friends and how good it felt to be able to smoke a few cigar again at the game • Speak about how your sprits are uplifted because its Friday and it is the last day of the work week • Speak about how you feel you were able to enjoy yourself more because you were able to smoke cigars again

Daily Log: Resumed Behavior, day 6 - 10/14

• Speak about how you feel you were able to enjoy yourself more because you were able to smoke cigars again • Speak about your friends coming over your house to watch the college football games on Saturday and how good it felt to be able to smoke a few cigars again while watching the games and drinking cognac • Speak about being depress due to the untimely death of your mentor • Speak about going to a nightclub with friends after college football games are over to have drinks and party and being able to smoke a few cigars again while partying • Speak about how your sprits are uplifted because you don*****'t have to go to work today

Daily Log: Resumed Behavior, day 7 - 10/15

• Speak about how you feel you were able to enjoy yourself more because you were able to smoke cigars again • Speak about your friends coming over your house to watch the nfl football games on Saturday and how good it felt to be able to smoke a few cigars again while watching the games and drinking cognac • Speak about being depress due to the untimely death of your mentor • Speak about going to a nightclub with friends after nfl football games are over to have drinks and party and being able to smoke a few cigars again while partying • Speak about how your sprits are uplifted because you don*****'t have to go to work today • Speak about how smoking cigars help you cope with your job dissatisfaction • Speak about how Sunday are bittersweet because on one hand you don*****'t have to go to work today but on the other hand you have to return to work on Monday morning

Daily Log: Resumed Behavior, day 8 - 10/16 • Speak about you smoking a cigar first time in two weeks • Speak about smoking one cigar at end of the school day as soon as you left teacher parking lot • Speak about how smoking cigars help you cope with your job dissatisfaction • Speak going to a restaurant to eat dinner and watch the Monday night football • Speak about after you finish your dinner at the restaurant you went to cigar bar to finish watching the Monday night football and while there you smoked 4 cigars and 6 alcoholic drinks • Speak about being depress due to the untimely death of your mentor • Speak about how you hate Mondays because you have return to work at a job you hate

Daily Log: Resumed Behavior, day 9 - 10/17

• Speak about smoking one cigar at end of the school day as soon as you left teacher parking lot • Speak about how smoking cigars help you cope with your job dissatisfaction • Speak about after you finish your dinner at house at about 10pm you went to patio while there you smoked 2 cigars and 2 alcoholic drinks • Speak about being depress due to the untimely death of your mentor • Speak about how you hate the fact you have return to work in the am to a job you hate

Daily Log: Resumed Behavior, day 10 - 10/18

• Speak about smoking one cigar at end of the school day as soon as you left teacher parking lot • Speak about how smoking cigars help you cope with your job dissatisfaction • Speak going to a restaurant to eat dinner and watch the the college football game south Alabama vs troy • Speak about after you finish your dinner at the restaurant you went to cigar bar to finish watching the college football game memphis vs houston and while there you smoked 4 cigars and 6 alcoholic drinks • Speak about being depress due to the untimely death of your mentor • Speak about you hate the fact you have return to work in the am to a job you hate • Speak how are happy a little because it hump day and you have completed half the work week

Daily Log: Resumed Behavior, day 11 - 10/19

• Speak about smoking one cigar at end of the school day as soon as you left teacher parking lot • Speak about how smoking cigars help you cope with your job dissatisfaction • Speak going to a restaurant to eat dinner and watch the thursady night football • Speak about after you finish your dinner at the restaurant you went to cigar bar to finish watching the Thursday night football and while there you smoked 4 cigars and 6 alcoholic drinks • Speak about being depress due to the untimely death of your mentor • Speak about you hate the fact you have return to work in the am to a job you hate

Daily Log: Resumed Behavior, day 12 - 10/20

• Speak about smoking one cigar at end of the school day as soon as you left teacher parking lot • Speak about how smoking cigars help you cope with your job dissatisfaction • Speak about being depress due to the untimely death of your mentor • Speak about going to a nightclub with friends after the high school football game is over to have drinks and party and being able to smoke a few cigars again while partying • Speak about going to a high school football game at night with friends and how good it felt to be able to smoke a few cigar again at the game • Speak about how your sprits are uplifted because its Friday and it is the last day of the work week • Speak about how you feel you were able to enjoy yourself more because you were able to smoke cigars again

Daily Log: Resumed Behavior, day 13 - 10/21

• Speak about how you feel you were able to enjoy yourself more because you were able to smoke cigars again • Speak about your friends coming over your house to watch the college football games on Saturday and how good it felt to be able to smoke a few cigars again while watching the games and drinking cognac • Speak about being depress due to the untimely death of your mentor • Speak about going to a nightclub with friends after college football games are over to have drinks and party and being able to smoke a few cigars again while partying • Speak about how your sprits are uplifted because you don*****'t have to go to work today

Daily Log: Resumed Behavior, day 14 - 10/22

• Speak about how you feel you were able to enjoy yourself more because you were able to smoke cigars again • Speak about your friends coming over your house to watch the nfl football games on Saturday and how good it felt to be able to smoke a few cigars again while watching the games and drinking cognac • Speak about being depress due to the untimely death of your mentor • Speak about going to a nightclub with friends after nfl football games are over to have drinks and party and being able to smoke a few cigars again while partying • Speak about how your sprits are uplifted because you don*****'t have to go to work today • Speak about how smoking cigars help you cope with your job dissatisfaction • Speak about how Sunday are bittersweet because on one hand you don*****'t have to go to work today but on the other hand you have to return to work on Monday morning

How to Reference "Addiction and how to deal" Chapter in a Bibliography

Addiction and how to deal.”, 2017, Accessed 4 Oct 2024.

Addiction and how to deal (2017). Retrieved from (2017). Addiction and how to deal. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Oct, 2024].
”Addiction and how to deal” 2017.
”Addiction and how to deal”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Addiction and how to deal”,, 2017. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 4-Oct-2024].
1. Addiction and how to deal [Internet]. 2017 [cited 4 October 2024]. Available from:
1. Addiction and how to deal. Published 2017. Accessed October 4, 2024.

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