Term Paper on "Academic Integrity Seminar"

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Academic Integrity

I do not believe that it is in the best interest of businesses to be dishonest in any way. It therefore also follows that I do not believe any business or leader who pursues a path of honesty and integrity is in any way naive. Indeed, I am quite in agreement with Alan Greenspan's comments as provided in his Harvard Commencement speech. Indeed, as Mr. Greenspan implies, those business leaders who pursue honesty are more likely to prosper in the long-term than those who do not.

One needs only to consider business giants like Enron and even super-rich individuals like Bernard Madoff for fair warning that dishonest business practices, if found out, will lead to the downfall of even the strongest, tallest giants. Indeed, it is much easier to maintain business honesty to begin with than it is to operate by underhanded methods that are increasingly difficult to hide. Furthermore, the more a company grows or the higher an individual rises, the more likely it is that those individuals who are unable to live with the dishonesty will engage in whistle blowing and expose the individual or business for what it is.

But, as Mr. Greenspan indicates, business honesty is not only based upon escaping capture and loss, but also upon the best possible outcome for all involved. Even centuries ago, those business owners with a reputation for honesty and integrity survived for longer than those who did not. Hence, according to Alan Greenspan: "And beyond the personal sense of satisfaction, having a reputation for fair dealing is a profoundly practical virtue. We call it "good will" in business and add it to our balance sheets."

In shor
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t, it is wise, rather than naive, for business leaders to maintain integrity in their dealings with clients, partners, employees, and others.


In the interview, Roberto Assagioli seems to compare self-control to what he calls the "will." One technique to start at least separating the will from the rest of an individual's inner self is "disidentification." This simply means that a person stops identifying him- or herself with everything that he or she considers as important in life. A person who is very dedicated to a husband or wife, for example, is not less of a person without that love. He or she is not identified as the love, although the love the person experiences is very big. The same is true of other areas of life such as religion or work. A person might say something like "I am a Christian" or "I am a writer." To strengthen self-control, however, it is important to realize that, although we say so, we are not necessarily equal to religion or work. A person must understand that he or she holds a belief or does work. However, if we stop believing or doing certain things, this does not make us less than the people we are.

A strategy that follows this is to affirm what we are beyond the identification of the above things in life. A person must understand that he or she is "self-consciousness." This focus on the consciousness without anything that forms it is a central self-control center that can rule thinking and physical actions. To recognize this strengthens self-control.

The final strategy is visualization. This means that a person should picture very clearly what he or she would be like with a strong will. This picture must be as clear as possible and can be applied to anything, such as the will to control one's temper or the will to strengthen self-discipline for the purpose of studying regularly.

When these techniques are practiced regularly, self-control will become stronger.


I have family members, teachers, and friends, who all deserve a debt of gratitude from me. My parents each played a very important role in my life, especially when I was very young and not yet in school. My mother taught me the value of reading and cooking, while my father taught me the beauty of writing and study. All these skills are now things I use regularly in my life and work.

My seventh-grade English teacher, Mr. Craven, gave me a never-ending passion for expressing myself. He gave me the opportunity to write a composition on my love for nature and to read it in class. When I finished, the class applauded. This gave me confidence in both speaking and writing.

Finally, my best friend, Timothy, deserves a large amount of my thanks. He was always there for me, no matter what I was going through. He always cared for me and always understood, inspiring me to do the same for him.

I therefore offer my thanks to all these important people in my life. They and many others made me the person I am today, and for that, I am deeply grateful.


Joshua Wolf Shenk's thesis is that, while Abraham Lincoln did suffer from depression, as historical and personal records indicate, the general view that this condition hampered his development as a human being and ultimately as a leader should be denied by the actual evidence of his life.

Shenk describes Lincoln's coping strategies, as well as the way in which his life and condition developed, in three major stages: fear, engagement, and transcendence. During the "fear" stage, Lincoln was frequently subject to bouts of melancholy and depression, made worse by personal and financial problems. His major coping strategy here was not to succumb to these, but rather to face his fears. He discussed his personal fears not with family members or friends, but with professionals, such as his law partner, who was in a position to offer practical help.

In the second stage, "engagement," Lincoln worked actively to devise ways in which to live with his condition. While acknowledging that life, for him, was misery, he focused on ways in which he might make life bearable for himself. He did this by investigating his own nature as a human being, the possibility of how he might change, and the extent of the things he would have to endure during this journey. It was therefore a conscious effort to make life better for himself, despite the fact that it was miserable.

In the final stage, transcendence, Lincoln was able to use his depression to help him become a more sympathetic and human leader, to the point where he was able to fight against the established, accepted norm of slavery. This made him one of the greatest leaders of his time, and of all time.


I do not believe that the word "pleasure" can be a good substitute for "happiness." The main reason for this is that the concept of happiness is much wider than pleasure. Pleasure is a simple and short-term thing, such as having a good meal, reading a good book, or listening to good music. Most pleasure comes from physical things or at most from something that we can perceive with our senses. Happiness is much more lasting than this.

Often, to gain happiness, some unpleasant action or commitment is required. To have the happiness of a good job and the pleasure the money could bring for example, a person is required to commit years to study while less than pleasant jobs pay for tuition, books, or the necessities of life. For the happiness of a long-term relationship, a person must often work with a partner through times of insecurity, fights, and other forms of hardship. There is almost no long-term happiness that does not come from some sort of hard work. While the work may often be pleasant, it would be difficult to describe it all as "pleasure." In conclusion, pleasure is therefore not the same as happiness, although it certainly is part of it.

6. (a)

The story begins with the final realization that Ivan Ilych makes as he lies on his death bed: "Ivan Ilych's life had been the most simple and most ordinary and therefore most terrible." The majority of the work relates Ivan's life as pleasant, but unremarkable. What was remarkable, however, was that Ivan was not aware of being unhappy. In fact, he enjoyed his life and his work. When his home life made him unhappy, he simply escaped into his work. It was only when he became ill and had to spend most of his life at home that Ivan became unhappy. His desire to be cared for and pitied while he was dying brought home to him the idea that this might have been possible if he had lived life differently. Had he been a more loving and caring family man, his family would have reciprocated by loving him on his deathbed. His colleagues, who liked him, could not fulfill this role.

6 (b).

Ivan stopped screaming because he realized that he could still fix the mistake of his life: "Yes, it was not the right thing…but that's no matter. It can be done. But what is the right thing?" he asked himself, and suddenly… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Academic Integrity Seminar" Assignment:

1. Is it naive for business leaders to try to be honest?

Please pay particular attention to Alan Greenspan*****'s Harvard Commencement Speech. Provide a key quotation from the speech. You are not obligated to agree with any perspectives in Mr. Greenspan*****'s speech, but you are expected to consider the question with care; state a clear conclusion; and support your conclusion with convincing arguments.

2. Please read and think about this quotation:

*****"The mind is fickle and flighty, it flies after fancies and whatever it likes; it is difficult indeed to restrain. But it is a great good to control the mind; a mind self-controlled is a source of great joy.*****"

--Buddha*****'s Teachings (Penguin Classics, p. 8).

Identify three strategies you use (or recommend) to strengthen self-control. Please see this reading for ideas: An interview conducted with Roberto Assagioli by Sam Keen

3. Please read Book One of the Meditations of Roman Emperor and Stoic philosopher Marcus Aurelius. Then write a concise statement of gratitude (400 words or less) identifying the ethical and intellectual debts you owe to family members, teachers, or friends. Fictitious names are permitted, but the statement of gratitude should be genuine.

4. What is the thesis of Joshua Wolf Shenk*****'s article about Abraham Lincoln? Identify three of Lincoln*****'s coping strategies (skills, habits, or ways of thinking) that helped him use depression to achieve his greatness.

5. The Declaration of Independence refers to the *****'*****'pursuit of happiness.*****'*****' Should the word *****'*****'pleasure*****'*****' be substituted for *****'*****'happiness*****'*****'? Why/why not? Explain your answer.

6. Read Tolstoy*****'s The Death of Ivan Ilyich. Respond to each of the following questions, identifying the appropriate number and letter in front of your answer (e.g. the first question is *****'*****'5 (a)).*****'*****'

6 (a). Why did Ivan conclude his life *****'*****'was not the real thing?*****'*****' (Consider Ivan*****'s interests, values, aims, and his relationships with his family).

6 (b). Why did Ivan stop screaming? (Provide a specific quotation).

6 (c). What does Tolstoy have to say about the attractions of materialism? (Give an example from Ivan*****'s life.)

7. Read the *****'*****'sample dialogue*****'*****' and answer questions 6 (a), (b), and (c), referring to the appropriate question number and letter at the beginning of your answer.

7 (a). What do you find convincing in the dialogue? Why? What is unconvincing? Why?

7 (b). On a scale of 1-10 (10 being excellent), how would you rate the dialogue? Please explain your answer.

7 (c). Pick any one of the dean*****'s answers or comments in the dialogue. Rewrite the answer or comment to reflect a better argument, from the dean*****'s point of view.

8. What is the single most important thing the University can do to promote academic integrity on campus? Please explain your answer.

9. Please review the assigned excerpts from An Anatomy of Life in the Death Camps by Terrence Des Pres. Kindly respond to this question:

*****"Does Terrence Des Pres think the human moral sense is an idealistic illusion or an evolutionary survival strategy?*****"

Please explain your answer, agreeing or disagreeing with Des Pres*****' analysis. Cite at least one of the numbered paragraphs for support.

10. How is a good life defined, and what is your plan to achieve it? Please refer to the assigned readings (above) to support your answers

please give concise, thoughtful answers to all of the questions below. Your answers should be appropriately numbered and placed

Please make reference to the readings in your answers. IMPORTANT: We*****'ll want to see, for example, that you*****'ve given careful thought to Alan Greenspan*****'s views about the *****'*****'value added*****'*****' characteristic of business ethics.

There are no length requirements, although high quality will be expected.

This is for my Academic Integrity Seminar.

Answers should be Thoughtful and serious.

Also, use easy English Because I speak English as a Second Language.

No bibliography needed aparted from assigned readings if a ***** just citate or paraphrase from outside sources,I will

request a refund.

you shoudld write anwers in your own word.

I will post reading materials in additional resources file.

You should write and answer the paper based on the readings that I have posted,

You must read my reading materials that I have posted before you answer ans write the paper.


How to Reference "Academic Integrity Seminar" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Academic Integrity Seminar.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2011, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/academic-integrity/7785. Accessed 28 Sep 2024.

Academic Integrity Seminar (2011). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/academic-integrity/7785
A1-TermPaper.com. (2011). Academic Integrity Seminar. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/academic-integrity/7785 [Accessed 28 Sep, 2024].
”Academic Integrity Seminar” 2011. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/academic-integrity/7785.
”Academic Integrity Seminar” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/academic-integrity/7785.
[1] ”Academic Integrity Seminar”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2011. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/academic-integrity/7785. [Accessed: 28-Sep-2024].
1. Academic Integrity Seminar [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2011 [cited 28 September 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/academic-integrity/7785
1. Academic Integrity Seminar. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/academic-integrity/7785. Published 2011. Accessed September 28, 2024.

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