Term Paper on "Academic Autobiography"

Term Paper 5 pages (1242 words) Sources: 0 Style: MLA

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Academic Autobiography

For the past ten years I have worked in a psychiatric division of a local hospital where I have worked with dual diagnosis patients. Every day I find myself using something I learned from my college education when working with these patients. Whether it is a theory from a Psychology and Play course or a method of organizing and conducting group counseling sessions, it is clear that without my higher education I would not be able to succeed on a daily basis in my current employment environment.

My undergraduate education, in which I pursued and successfully earned my bachelor degree, gave me the diverse and all-encompassing education I needed to succeed as a drug and alcohol rehabilitation counselor. As I look back on my journey to my bachelor degree, I see that the courses I took, the books I read, the papers I wrote, presentations I gave and discussions I engaged in developed me as an individual. Not only did this journey develop me as an individual, it developed me as a college educated individual. My undergraduate education, whether I was aware of it at the time or not, instilled into me the knowledge, insights skills and convictions that make me who I am today. To me, being a college educated person means more than having earned a piece of paper that proclaims your success at obtaining a degree. No, to me being a college educated person means much, much more. To me, being a college educated person means that you are a well-rounded person who has the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in any situation. This fact is evidenced by the courses I took along my educational journey, or from my Academic Autobiography.

As with any p
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ursuit, my academic journey began with acquiring the basic skills that I would need in order to later succeed in the courses for my counseling concentration. Thus, my journey begins with English Composition 101. Here I was able to develop the strategies of college level writing and critical thinking by studying and learning various rhetorical methods that would be applicable both in my later studies and in my counseling career. Being a student whose primary language is not English, this course was both challenging and rewarding. Although I struggled with learning the finer concepts of English rhetoric, I knew that it was essential for my academic and personal success. Thus, I also learned the skill of discipline and hard work as I spent hours working on mastering these important skills. In the end, I succeeded and was able to walk away with such essential skills as composition writing, academic research, persuasive essays and proper citation forms. Without these skills, I would not have been able to succeed in my concentration courses that used these skills as a foundation for more specialized study.

Likewise, Speech and Communication 101 also provided me with the basic academic skills of giving speeches and presentations based on my research. The main advantage that I took away from this course, and one that has helped me immensely in both my later academic studies and my counseling work, is that it gave me the practice, and therefore the confidence, to give speeches in front of public audiences. Prior to this course my limited English prevented me from having confidence to speak in front of groups. However, with a combination of the skills I gained in both this class and my English Composition course, I was able to give well-researched and in-depth presentations and lead dynamic group discussions. This has been extremely beneficial in my career as I am regularly required to give public presentations as a drug and alcohol counselor.

With this strong foundation of the basics for… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Academic Autobiography" Assignment:

I would need an Academic Autobiography which is a reflective essay that requires some information about some specific aspects of my journey toward my bachelor degree completion.

I am being asked to reflect upon 5 general classes and 5 classes for my major and all of the knowledge that I have gained, and over the skill sets that I have acquired and now practice.

It is more than a collection of courses taken over a period of time. It is a photo album of my academic journey. These courses represent a body of college level learning that will qualify me for a bachelor*****s degree.

These courses have provided me with knowledge, insights, skills and convictions that may have become so integrated that I have ceased to recognize them. This is my opportunity to look back over your journey and reflect on the broad philosophical purposes of higher education, on what it means to be a college educated person.

The description of the task of writing the Academic Autobiography that follows may help me in this reflective and integrative exercise. As I review the information again, keep in mind that your Academic Autobiography must address:

♦ The credits that have been used to meet my general education requirements

♦ The credits that have been used to meet your concentration.

This should be about 5 pages double space. This paper should flow.

General Courses:


Develops strategies for college-level writing through the critical study of various rhetorical modes. Emphasizes the development of carefully reasoned essays that cite appropriate evidence to support conclusions. Develops library and research skills required for composition and communication. Students will write a number of short expository papers and a longer research paper incorporating MLA documentation techniques. (Because English is my second language, this class help me with my writing skills and techniques).


This course is a survey incorporating intrapersonal, interpersonal, and

public speaking. Students will acquire theory and develop skills in gender communication, workplace communication, interviewing, informative and

persuasive speaking. (This course help me with getting the fear out and learn how to speak in public, which is what I do as a drug/alcohol counselor at my job)


Studies how and why drug abuse impacts both the human body and society. Students are introduced to the process of neurotransmission and learn how each class of psychoactive substances alters neurotransmission and homeostasis. The course examines the consequences of short- and long-term substance use, abuse, and addiction on all major bodily systems and the fetus. (This class help me understand the biology of addiction in dual diagnosis patients at work, it help understand how addiction can be insidious).


Provides students with the experience of spending 15 hours per week in a substance abuse treatment facility under the joint supervision of the DARC program and a credentialed supervisor at the facility. Students will observe the treatment process from intake to discharge. Students will observe, practice and develop competency in the 12 core functions of addiction counseling. As students develop increased competence, they will progress from active observers to co-counselors and then to counselors. To enhance the field experience, students will continue academic study during a weekly seminar. Students will be expected to reflect on their fieldwork, participate in clinical supervision as well as peer group interaction and continue their research in support of counseling theories.

Note: This internship help me with my employment intent of running groups and writing progress notes in patient*****s documentation. Also it helps me with understanding how to admit a patient and discharge patients.


Learn, practice, and develop counseling such skills as attending, reflecting, active listening, and mirroring. This course presents the fundamental theories of addiction counseling and the relationship of theory to skills. Students reflect on their roles as counselors and define the qualities, knowledge, and skills essential to become a competent, ethical, culturally-aware counselor-in-training. Combines didactic and experiential learning. (This was the beginning*****¦how to become a counselor)


An examination of play as a medium for cognitive, social-emotional and physical growth. Particular emphasis will be placed on the creative aspects of play and its relation to fantasy and emotions, as well as to the contrast with more structured experiences for children.

(This helps me understand adolescences patients that I work with at the hospital and the importance of play among children*****s).


An overview of the theoretical, empirical, and applied psychological literature related to gender. Learners critically analyze research on gender and psychology; describe constructivist and essentialist perspectives to psychological issues related to gender; and relate course content to their own gendered experiences. Topics include sex and gender differences and similarities in physical development, mental abilities, mental health issues and coping, spirituality, personality, social behavior, gender socialization in the context of ethnicity and class, sexual orientation, health, workplace, and media portrayal.


This course uses the major concepts and theoretical approaches in social psychology to provide adult learners with a deeper understanding of how people relate to and are changed by the social contexts in which they find themselves. This social psychological perspective is in turn used to critically investigate the concept of deviance: the violation of social norms.

Social psychology is a broad and ambitious field. It captures the complexities of our everyday existence and brings these complexities into sharper focus. Through the study of social psychology, we sometimes discover that certain areas of our social lives that we might have taken for granted, those areas that seemed unimportant, might in fact be the foundation upon which our lives are built. This course capitalizes on the intuition and experiences of adult learners to bridge a more complete understanding of the social experience of individuals. We will also examine the concept of deviance through the lens of the social norms.


This course will be an examination of the fundamental principles of behavioral science research. There will be an overview of the conceptual need for research and an analysis of the methods or designs commonly employed and the procedures utilized to collect and analyze data. Students will review and design research in their areas of interest.

Quantitative psychological research is defined as psychological research which performs statistical estimation or statistical inference. This definition distinguishes it from so-called qualitative psychological research; however, many psychologists do not acknowledge any real difference between quantitative and qualitative research. The validity of the distinction is discussed in the article about qualitative psychological research.

(This course show me how to analyzed and research. It also help me re-do the survey application where I work)


Abnormal psychology is the scientific study of abnormal behavior in order to describe, predict, explain, and change abnormal patterns of functioning. Abnormal psychology in clinical psychology studies the nature of psychopathology, its causes, and its treatments. Of course, the definition of what constitutes 'abnormal' has varied across time and across cultures. Individuals also vary in what they regard as normal or abnormal behavior. In general, abnormal psychology can be described as an area of psychology that studies people who are consistently unable to adapt and function effectively in a variety of conditions. The four main contributing factors to how well an individual is able to adapt include their genetic makeup, physical condition, learning and reasoning, and socialization. (This course helps me understand abnormal behaviors among psych patients at the hospital)

My job is working with dual diagnose (patients with two or more disorder i.e. patient with addiction to drug, alcohol and psych disorders) Patients at a psychiatric hospital for 10 years.


How to Reference "Academic Autobiography" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Academic Autobiography.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2007, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/academic-autobiography-past/447876. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Academic Autobiography (2007). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/academic-autobiography-past/447876
A1-TermPaper.com. (2007). Academic Autobiography. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/academic-autobiography-past/447876 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Academic Autobiography” 2007. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/academic-autobiography-past/447876.
”Academic Autobiography” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/academic-autobiography-past/447876.
[1] ”Academic Autobiography”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2007. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/academic-autobiography-past/447876. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Academic Autobiography [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2007 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/academic-autobiography-past/447876
1. Academic Autobiography. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/academic-autobiography-past/447876. Published 2007. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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