Essay on "ACA Code of Ethics"

Essay 4 pages (1293 words) Sources: 1

[EXCERPT] . . . .

("ACA Code of Ethics," 2013)

How to resolve the ethical issue and the best way the scenario with the counselor and client could have been handled.

The best way to deal with this ethical issue is to immediately suspend Dr. Franklin. This is pending an investigation into his relationship with Deborah and what happened. Once the results are released, is when the ACA and the Medical Board will determine if he should be allowed to keep his license. Based upon the information that was presented, this will be challenging for Dr. Franklin. As he knowingly violated the ACA Code of Ethics and engaged in tactics to cover up what happened. This resulted in added amounts of harm to the patient from his influence. ("ACA Code of Ethics," 2013)

Deborah will be immediately assigned to another therapist. They will not have any kind of relationship with her or Steve. Instead, their only interest is in maintaining a sense of objectivity at all times. Moreover, some type of outside support will be offered to Deborah and Steve in order to address their marital problems. In the future, the best way these kinds of scenarios could be handled is to prohibit any kind of relationships where the therapist may know the individual or family member prior to offering assistance. This will reduce any conflicts of interests and prevent these kinds of events from occurring again. ("ACA Code of Ethics," 2013)

Problem Identification: clearly identify the ethical violation and a rationale as to why it was an ethical violation.

The ethical violation is the romantic relationship Dr. Franklin is having with his client and colleague's wife. This is i
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n direct defiance of section A5. Moreover, the personal relationship that he has with her husband Steve prior to this is a conflict of interest. This means that Dr. Franklin cannot provide objective advice. At the same time, he is exerting undue amounts of pressure on Deborah to cover up their romantic relationship. This is going against the provisions from section A4. As a result, it is clear that Dr. Franklin understands the damage he is causing and does not care (based upon his own personal interests). ("ACA Code of Ethics," 2013)

Application of Ethical Code: clearly articulate the section of the ACA or ASCA Code of Ethics that was relevant to the ethical dilemma/violation.

Like what was stated previously, the most relevant sections from the ACA Code of Ethics include: A4 and A5. This is from the inappropriate relationship that existed between the therapist and the family before he started helping Deborah. Then, there was romantic affair. This had a negative impact on all stakeholders. While at the same time, Dr. Franklin was exerting undue amounts of pressure on Deborah to hide the relationship and continue with the status quo. ("ACA Code of Ethics," 2013)

Resolution of Issue: using the ethical decision making model, demonstrated a possible outcome to resolving the ethical issue. Basically describe how you would apply the decision making model to avoid the ethical violation and situation.

The ethical decision making model is showing how the process must be evaluated and analyzed in contrast with the ACA Code of Ethics. This is achieved by examining the situation and possible violations. Once this occurs, is when a consultation will take place with legal counsel. They will provide insights about possible breaches of the law and how to handle them. During this process, different actions and their consequences will be carefully examined. This is when the best course of action will be selected and the individual is notified. As a result, the most effective way to avoid these ethical violations, are to prohibit these kinds of professional relationships. This means requiring the person to recuse themselves when these situations arise. ("Ethical Decision Making… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "ACA Code of Ethics" Assignment:

Apply both the ACA Code of Ethics and the ethical decision making model in a practical scenario, by selecting a particular section of the ACA Code of Ethics and creating an ethical situation/scenario involving a counselor and client, that violates that section of the professional ACA code of ethics. Within the scenario, include a brief profile of the client, the ethical issue, site the code that is violated, a description of why this is an ethical violation and how to resolve the ethical issue as well as a ethical way the scenario with the counselor and client could have been handled. *****

How to Reference "ACA Code of Ethics" Essay in a Bibliography

ACA Code of Ethics.”, 2013, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

ACA Code of Ethics (2013). Retrieved from (2013). ACA Code of Ethics. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”ACA Code of Ethics” 2013.
”ACA Code of Ethics”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”ACA Code of Ethics”,, 2013. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. ACA Code of Ethics [Internet]. 2013 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. ACA Code of Ethics. Published 2013. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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