Term Paper on "Library Search"

Term Paper 10 pages (3039 words) Sources: 1+ Style: MLA

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A landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision regarding abortion occurred in 1973: Roe vs. Wade. The Supreme Court decided that abortion in the U.S. is legal during the 1st trimester of pregnancy. The pregnant woman has the legal right to decide to keep or terminate her pregnancy. "The basis of the Court's decision in this case was the Ninth Amendment, in stating 'the enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people,' protected a person's right to privacy" (Lewis, 1999).

Impact on Male and Female Sexuality

Abortion obviously takes the lives of young infants, but it can also ruin the lives of their mothers. Many women, post-abortion, experience great levels of depression. They realize the implications of what they have done, but it is too late. They have already killed their unborn child, and they are emotionally scarred for life. Though uncommon, there have been cases in which mothers committed suicide after they had an abortion, because they would not be able to go through life with their own infant's blood on their hands. Also, the mother can by hurt physically due to having an abortion. A bad doctor could leave a woman in great pain, or the mother could even die in rare occasions. In some cases, the mother will not be able to have children anymore, even when she decides that she is ready for that kind of responsibility.

How the Topic Has Changed Over Time

In the Holy Bible, it states over and over that it is against the law of God to take another person's life. "Abortion is the spontaneous or induced therapeutic expulsion of th
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e products of conception from the uterus before fetal viability (fetal weight of less than 171/2 oz (500g) and gestation of less than 20 weeks)" (Springhouse Corporation, 1989, p.911-912). Even if the fetus is too little to be seen with the naked eye, it is still a living being. Every child that is conceived is one-of-a-kind, and it has characteristics of humans. This proves that the little "thing" inside the mother is indeed already a human being. People in our country take credit for things that only God can do; only God has the wisdom to determine who will live and who will die. It is considered murder when someone kills a newborn; therefore, it should also be murder when it occurs inside the mother.

Status Today

In the past few years, there has been an ongoing debate in the United States over the topic of abortion. There have been many advances in the procedures involved in abortions, but many people think that these procedures should not be put into practice. Our country is split into two factions. Those that support abortion, the Pro-Choice; and those that are against abortion, the Pro-Life. There will be a struggle between those that are Pro-Life and those that are Pro-Choice for years to come; that is, until the government steps in and passes a statute forbidding it.

Birth Control Pills

Origin of the Topic

According to infoplease.com, birth control devices started to become more popular in 1870, and a wide variety of them became available to the public. In 1873 Anthony Comstock and other lobbies lobbied congressmen voted on a bill that made the distribution or trade of birth control information and devices illegal nationwide, and through the mail. Abortion was also made illegal in most states. According to answers.com, the bill was called the Comstock law. The trade in birth control devices continued, mostly at the postal level, because postal agents were lacking the enforcement of the law, so most of those trades were not punishable. Margaret Sanger is the main figure of the Birth Control Movement. She had a degree in nursing, and as newly married she moved in to New York in 1911, and joined the socialist party. She has opened the first birth control clinic in the United States on October 16, 1916, it was in Brooklyn - New York, and ran by her sister Ethel Byrne, the clinic provided birth control devices as well as information. It was closed by the New York City police ten days after its opening for violation of the Comstock law. Sanger was arrested and received a thirty day jail sentence. A year later in 1917, Sanger helped in the organization of the Nation Birth Control League, the next year in 1918 a judge from the Court of Appeals of New York named Frederick Crane stated in his decision that doctors are allowed to prescribe birth control to women for the cure or prevention of a disease, six years after in 1923, she started another birth control clinic, with a physician which also was in New York.

Impact on Male and Female Sexuality

Most widely used birth control pills are combination of the hormones estrogen and progesterone to prevent ovulation (the release of an egg during the monthly cycle). A woman cannot get pregnant if she doesn't ovulate because there is no egg to be fertilized. The Pill also works by thickening the mucus around the cervix, which makes it difficult for sperm to enter the uterus and reach any eggs that may have been released. The hormones in the Pill can also sometimes affect the lining of the uterus, making it difficult for an egg to attach to the wall of the uterus.

How the Topic Has Changed Over Time

There has been a sudden change and sharp increase of birth control prices, particularly in college health centers and community clinics. These health facilities used to offer birth control to students and community members for as little as $5-15 dollars a month. However suddenly, these costumers are seeing the price sky-rocketed to as much as $50.

Status Today

The Prevention Through Affordable Access Act is a bill that has recently been presented to the House and the Senate. The bill asks for the restoration of discounted contraception prices in colleges and low-income clinics. In addition to this bill, Planned Parenthood is sponsoring a petition to send to lawmakers to re-establish the status quo in regards to contraceptives.


Origin of the Topic

One of the earliest recorded instances of prostitution can be traced to the temple prostitution that existed in Babylon and other ancient civilizations. For example, all unmarried Babylonian women, before being allowed to marry, were required to prostitute themselves to the first man who approached them in certain designated religious temples. Inasmuch as this custom was a universal pre-condition of marriage, it appears that the participants were not stigmatized in any way (Decker, 1966, p. 30). However, the actual organization of this practice illustrates several interesting points about the role of women in Babylonian society. Although men who wished the services of temple prostitutes had to offer some financial consideration, it did not have to be significant. Further, the fact that temple prostitutes were not permitted to refuse a customer, combined with the fact that it was required of all women, suggests that its primary purpose was to reinforce the notion that women were the property of males. It is also likely that temple prostitution facilitated the double standard which allowed men greater sexual freedom than women.

Impact on Male and Female Sexuality

The best place to start any discussion of prostitution is by examining why women enter prostitution. Much of the social-psychological research on prostitution portrays prostitutes as young, poorly educated women who turn to prostitution because of significant personal problems (Shaver, 1993). In this scenario, they are likely to be addicted to drugs and come from backgrounds where they were physically and sexually abused. Thus, they suffer from low self-esteem and are easily manipulated by other participants in prostitution, including customers and pimps

How the Topic Has Changed Over Time

Over time, sociologists have attempted to redefine "prostitution" to exclude relationships which are longer term and/or in which there is a pretense of an emotional relationship. Thus, many sociologists would limit the definition of prostitution to those activities in which sex is exchanged for immediate financial reward, and in which that there is no ongoing emotional and/or social relationship between the participants. In addition, the sociological definition of prostitution also stipulates that there must be a more or less indiscriminate selection of partners before a woman is considered a prostitute (Gomme, 1993).

Status Today

Prostitution represents one of the most frustrating and contradictory social and political dilemmas facing today's society. The roots of this dilemma stem both from the ambivalent attitudes towards prostitution expressed by the public, and the difficulties inherent in attempting to control prostitution so as to minimize the negative aspects of the prostitution trade. In this respect, there is little doubt that prostitution is an activity that many members of the public consider deviant and undesirable. At the same time, there is increasing evidence that both the public and many politicians feel that prostitution is impossible to eliminate and that the best course of action… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Library Search" Assignment:

Please respond to each of the following five (5) questions.

Your response to each question must be supported with at least two (2) references, cited in APA format. At least one of these must be a *****primary reference***** (a primary reference is most often a peer-reviewed journal or periodical research article, not a magazine). Accessing and citing on-line journal articles is fine, but the citation must be in APA format. For the second reference you may cite any reputable on-line source that you wish, but once again the full citation must be in APA format. Please refer to the course home page for more information on APA style requirements. Each of the questions must have unique references (in other words you can not use the same reference twice). Thus, you will end up with a total of 10 references for your five questions. If you cite your textbook that is fine, but this must be a third reference.

It is anticipated that you will need at least two full pages to adequately respond to each question. Thus, your completed assignment will be approximately ten double *****spaced pages total. Please use 1-inch margins and 12-point font, Times New Roman.

1.Religion and Sex

Religion plays a powerful role in regulating sexuality and influencing how we think about and experience sex. Identify a topic related to religion and sex (examples include but are not limited to: celibacy, virginity, sex as sinful, Adam and Eve, pro-creation, birth control, abortion, etc.). Then, using the two required references, explain the origin of the specific topic you have chosen, its impact on male and female sexuality, how the topic has changed over time, and its status today.

2.International Human Sexuality Issues

Different countries sometimes have very different beliefs and practices related to human sexuality. Identify a topic related to international human sexuality issues (examples include but are not limited to: female genital mutilation, prostitution, gender roles and expectations, female vs. male offspring, virginity, fertility, birth control, etc.). Then, using the two required references, explain the origin of the specific topic you have chosen, its impact on male and female sexuality, how the topic has changed over time, and its status today.

3.Ethical Issues and Human Sexuality

There are numerous moral and ethical issues related to human sexuality which collectively define our boundaries and limitations both as individuals and as a society. Identify a topic related to ethical and/or moral issues with human sexuality (examples include but are not limited to: sexual behaviors, sexual orientation, atypical sexual behavior, sexual coercion, sex for sale, abortion, sex as a weapon of war, etc.). Then, using the two required references, explain the origin of the specific topic you have chosen, its impact on male and female sexuality, how the topic has changed over time, and its status today.

4.Multicultural Human Sexuality Issues

Different cultures sometimes have very different beliefs and practices related to human sexuality. Identify a topic related to multicultural human sexuality issues (examples include but are not limited to: multicultural relationships, gender roles and expectations, virginity, fertility, birth control, socioeconomic status, abortion, etc.). Then, using the two required references, explain the origin of the specific topic you have chosen, its impact on male and female sexuality, how the topic has changed over time, and its status today.

5.Journal Article Review

Choose an article from a standard research journal (such as Journal for Sexuality Research). In your own words, provide a brief summary of the article. Using this article and the second required reference, explain how this specific topic relates to human sexuality in today*****s modernized world. Please discuss this topic as it relates to religious, international, ethical, and multicultural human sexuality.

Please note, many topics could be covered in one or more of the questions above. For each question, please choose a topic that is different from a topic you have already chosen.


Each of your five (5) questions is worth 40 points, for a total of 200 points for the entire project. Each question will be graded as follows:

Original questions were re-typed into the report, and proper headings were utilized to separate each topic and major points. A new page was used to start each new question. The Library Research Project was formatted and organized in an easy to read, easy to understand manner, approximately two pages per question, and submitted electronically to the instructor according to the instructions above

10 points

A minimum of two (2) references were cited for each question, according to the instructions above, and utilizing APA format

10 points

Your responses to all topics and questions were thorough, accurate, and insightful.

20 points


(Your name)

Library Research Project


1. Religion and Sex

Religion plays a powerful role in regulating sexuality and influencing how we think about and experience sex. Identify a topic related to religion and sex (examples include but are not limited to: celibacy, virginity, sex as sinful, Adam and Eve, pro-creation, birth control, abortion, etc.). Then, using the two required references, explain the origin of the specific topic you have chosen, its impact on male and female sexuality, how the topic has changed over time, and its status today.


Origin Of The Topic

(your response here)

Impact On Male And Female Sexuality

(your response here)

How The Topic Has Changed Over Time

(your response here)

Status Today

(your response here)

Additional Information

(your response here)


1.(list your first reference here in APA format ***** remember at least one reference must be a primary reference)

2.(list your second reference here in APA format)

(Start next question at the top of a new page)

How to Reference "Library Search" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Library Search.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2013, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/abortion-landmark-us-supreme/9858016. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Library Search (2013). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/abortion-landmark-us-supreme/9858016
A1-TermPaper.com. (2013). Library Search. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/abortion-landmark-us-supreme/9858016 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Library Search” 2013. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/abortion-landmark-us-supreme/9858016.
”Library Search” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/abortion-landmark-us-supreme/9858016.
[1] ”Library Search”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2013. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/abortion-landmark-us-supreme/9858016. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Library Search [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2013 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/abortion-landmark-us-supreme/9858016
1. Library Search. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/abortion-landmark-us-supreme/9858016. Published 2013. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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