Essay on "Abortion Including Rape and Incest"

Essay 4 pages (1381 words) Sources: 3

[EXCERPT] . . . .

Abortion, Including Rape and Incest:

One of the major, contentious moral issues facing the modern American society is the practice of abortion that attracted huge debates and controversies. Much of the debates and controversies have been based on the elective assumption in which pro-choice abortions are the only kind. However, there are other types of abortions such as those performed for therapeutic reasons. The main examples of the therapeutic abortions are those performed when the pregnancy poses a serious threat to the mother life or the mental stability of the pregnant women. Nonetheless, there are serious concerns and debates that emerge when considering the issue of abortion in cases of rape or incest. Actually, a Republican Congressional Candidate recently became the center of increased criticism for comments he made regarding exceptions for abortions such as cases for rape and incest.

Suggestions for Exceptions for Abortions:

In the past few years, many individuals including those who main goal is to assist girls and women who are victims of sexual abuse and assault believe that abortion is the best alternative or solution in situations where pregnancy occurs as a result of sexual abuse or assault. This is despite of the fact that research indicates that many women who become pregnant through such incidents don't want abortion since they consider abortion as a measure that only compounds their trauma (Sobie par, 2). However, there is a general agreement between both sides of the debate that many women who become pregnant through sexual abuse or assault want abortions. This premise is based on the argument that women in such incidents say that t
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hey want abortions since it will help them in putting the assault or abuse behind them. The women also argue that abortions would help them to recover more quickly and avoid the extra trauma that emerges from giving birth to the child of a rapist.

The argument for abortion in cases of incest pregnancies is even stronger as research indicates that incest victims rarely voluntarily agree to abortion. Rather than considering the pregnancy as unwanted, the victim of incest is more likely to view the pregnancy as a means of getting out of the incestuous relationship. These victims do not voluntarily agree to abortion because they consider birth of the child as a means of exposing the incestuous sexual activity. Furthermore, the pregnant woman is likely to see in her pregnancy the hope of bearing a child with whom she can develop a truly loving relationship than the exploiting relationship she has been trapped to.

However, the main concern with the girl's or woman's perspective of the pregnancy as an alternative for releasing her from the incestuous situation, the pregnancy poses serious threats and risks to the abuser. Moreover, the pregnancy also poses some threat to the pathological secrecy that may include other family members who are afraid to acknowledge the sexual abuse or assault. As a result of the dual threat to the abuser and pathological secrecy, the victim of incest may be coerced or forced into an unwanted abortion by the abuser and the other family members.

Morality of Abortions Due to Rape or Incest Cases:

The reason for increased concerns, debates, and controversies surrounding abortions of all types is the morality of the practice. Similar to elective and therapeutic abortions, abortions from complex situations like rape and incest has continued to raise serious ethical questions and concerns on the morality of the practice. The ethical concerns and moral questions emerging from the practice are mainly based on whether the life of the unborn fetus is an absolute and overriding factor in the decisions. The other basis for such concerns is associated with the moral significance of birth, particularly on whether birth makes a difference to the moral rights of the fetus or infants (Boss, p. 102). This concern has specifically been fueled by the fact that many contemporary philosophers believe that birth does not make a difference to moral rights. Based on this belief, it's extremely difficult to justify a legal or ethical difference between infanticide and late abortion. Secondly, these philosophers deny the moral significance of birth by… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Abortion Including Rape and Incest" Assignment:

Essay information from the instructor.

*****"The practice of abortion remains a contentious moral issue for the American public. Much of the discussion assumes that elective, *****"pro-choice*****" abortions are the only kind. But sometimes abortions are performed for *****"therapeutic*****" reasons, such as when the pregnancy poses a serious threat to the life or mental stability of the pregnant woman. Write an essay in which you consider some morally complex situation, such as rape or incest. Is the life of the unborn fetus an absolute and overriding value? Consider at least one article from Chapter 2 and at least one opposing position from a reputable source on an academic database.*****"

An article from the noted chapter and information on the book the chapter is in will be sent as a resource and bibliography source. *****

How to Reference "Abortion Including Rape and Incest" Essay in a Bibliography

Abortion Including Rape and Incest.”, 2012, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Abortion Including Rape and Incest (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Abortion Including Rape and Incest. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Abortion Including Rape and Incest” 2012.
”Abortion Including Rape and Incest”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Abortion Including Rape and Incest”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Abortion Including Rape and Incest [Internet]. 2012 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Abortion Including Rape and Incest. Published 2012. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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