Book Report on "Ten Greatest Revivals"

Book Report 8 pages (2237 words) Sources: 0

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1904 Revival, Beginning in Wales

The 1904 Welsh Revival was spurred by Jenkins of the church in Cardiganshire, who, in response to the growing worldliness and humanistic philosophy in Britain, began a season of intense prayer that was spread by Jenkins's student Roberts and his friends Evans and Joshua who spread the 'fire to other communities. The preaching had an almost immediate and dramatic effect on surrounding ills such as drunkenness to the extent that historians of the time commented and pastors from around the world came to witness.

Seymour was another result of this mass fervor. In the American South, in his Azusa Street church, he introduced the practice of speaking in tongues delivering apocalyptic messages, which soon developed into the Azusa Street Revival publicized by journalists and generating a number of Pentecostal denominations that spread the influence of this Azusa Street Revival through to the world. This resulted in similar Revivals such as the Korean Pentecost and the Mizo Outpouring (1906) in India.


It is fascinating how, even before the days of computer, one small spark from one corner of the world flared and disseminated in such a relatively short space of time that it reached the remotest of countries and affected them too. A lone minister in Wales preached with passion and intent and his lectures had enduring impact to this very day.

What I learned

Passion is important. One may be a singularly unimportant individual but with passion and intent one's message spreads.

The First Great Awakening, 1727-50

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The First Great Awakening was experienced by a small group of Moravian Christians in Saxony in 1727 and their prayer meeting continued for24 hours a day for more than 100 years later. Out of that prayer meeting, missionaries spread the message around the world.

An decade later, in 1734, effects and similar revivals were felt in the American Colonies for about 10 years were people were spurred to conversion; in England in 1739 where ministers like Whitefield and the Wesleyes were instigated to preach; and in North America on the natives where the emotional Indian Revival had an enduring effect. This Great Awakening last about 50 years throughout the world with Moravians sending out about 100 missionaries and socially effected its societies as well as restoring the mission project to evangelical cruces. Most importantly, it was this first Great Awakening that shaped the moral nature of America to become what it became.


The Church is not divided from the State. Just as the country has an impact on the church driving it, for instance as in this case to react against the worldliness of surrounding culture, so too the Church reacts and has a corresponding impact on the state though not always seen but more effectually felt in hind focus. The Revivalist spirit shaped the nature of the fledgling American nation so that its character still today is formed by the religious reaction.

What I learned

Never to be dejected. You do not know what long-term results of your actions will be.

The Second Great Awakening, 1780-1810


Erosion of the faith with burgeoning of Deism and enlightenment spurred Christians to spread mass prayer meetings. The movement of prayer occurring in Britain was duplicated in the United States and in other countries through the world impacting the evangelical church for half a century. A point unique to this revival was the college awakenings protesting against campus infidelity as with the Yale college revival of 1802. Methodist preachers were largely involved as in the Cane Ridge Revival (1800) and personalized by Cartwright. Other revivals belonging to this category were the Bridgewater revival and Geneva's Second reformation in Switzerland. The modern missionary movement was born as a result of this Second Great Awakening


The Second Great Awakening affected all areas of society from political government to the wider society as a whole leading to Sunday schools and to the development of the evangelical movement. The modern missionary movement was born too during this epoch showing that different historical eras bring along different changes effected by atmosphere of that era. The modern missionary movement could only have about in that age rather than another one for conditions were ripe for it.

What I learned

That the character of religion -- or movements in religion (e.g. The missionary movement) is shaped by external environment and times.

The General Awakening, 1830-40


Finney, a converted lawyer in 1830 instigated this revival that spread through Britain continental Europe (through George Scott and disciples of James Haldane), and Africa, Asia, and the Pacific (through missionaries such as Titus Coan and Robert Moffat). Results were a system handed down by Finney that has shaped the missionary school ever since and growth of the Methodist Episcopal Church. There was also international collaboration amongst Christians and the growth of the Sunday school movement throughout UK and the U.S.A.


The General Awakening changed the church in various ways, not least that the missionary movement had until now been seen according to the Calvinistic perspective as the world being ready for God therefore now awakening. Finney transformed the message to people preparing themselves and God sending revival. This transformed message changed the missionary movement in more ways than oen likely resulting in the active and ambitious evangelism that characterizes America today.

What I learned

To think in new ways and turn around paradigms, as Finney did with the missionary perspective. This can send the drift of the organization in a whole new different, and sometimes more productive, direction.

The Layman's Prayer Revival, 1857-61


Mainly conducted by laymen from shoe salesmen to physicians, this Revival spread from city to city in TSA and then throughout Europe. This was followed by the Ulster revival (1859) where the children were involved and the Jamaican Revival (1860) as well as Moody's British Campaign (1872) and the Sunday school revival. The Revival prepared the nation for the Civil war and gave rise to new societies such as the Salvation Army, the YMCA, the Christian Brethren, and the Christian and Missionary Alliance. Christian unions on campuses were formed in response to Darwin's evolutionism, and in many ways the Layman's Prayer Revival had resounding effects down to this day.


The Layman's Prayer Revival had profound impact on the youth spurring off organizations that were not only directed to the youth - such as the missions on college campuses - but also manifested a youthful sprit and characterized by the originality and innovation of the youth -- such as the YMCA and Salvation Army. Student conferences were organized, Christian Endeavor Society for college students took effect, and several other denominations focused on their youth too. Youth was the emphasis of this revival.

What I have learned

Those sometimes-ambitious goals can go far. The goal of the Student Volunteer Movement was to "evangelize the world in our generation."

The World War II Revival, 1935-50


WWII brought new changes to America, and accordingly to the world, with the result that materialism effected and contaminated religion and the church becoming a minority institution. Rationalism too affected the way people (particularly students) perceived religion. Desperately needing change, personalities such as Billy Graham sprung up and the Evangelical movement became more powerful than ever before. Revivals of this period were the New England Revival (1936); the New Hebrides Awakening (1949); and the Los Angeles Crusade (1949). The latter transformed missionary work to what it has become now -- an agenda that integrates modern tools -- such as media, TV, and Internet as well as all contemporary technological instruments -- into its purpose. Becoming part of the world, rather than apart of it, all three sub-revivalist movements used technological instruments to spread their evangelical message.


This was the period when mass media was used to evangelize nations, thus giving the broader evangelical movement considerable ground during this period. In turn, dozens of new Christian liberal arts and Bible colleges were born and grew rapidly in reaction to the liberalism of the period. Missionary agencies of all kinds -- evangelical, fundamental, and Pentecostal -- flourished.

What I have learned

Very little can be generalized as evil or not good. Aspects of any instrument (such s TV) can be used for both negative and positive purposes.

The Baby Boomer Revival, 1965-71


The Cultural Revolution and the counter Cultural Revolution with the mass chaos of the 1960s taking the masses away from God. Faith took new forms with the Charismatic movement, the East Timor Indonesian Revivals, the 'Jesus People', the Asbury College Revival; and the Saskatoon Revival. New times demanded new spirit and innovations to attract the masses and innovations that would have been prohibited by the Church at one time were accepted now. The Baby Boomer Revival is ongoing with effects sill being delivered by missionaries, ministers, and preachers globally. . Two of these are the Sutera twins and Reverend Bill McCleod and Henry Blackaby. Elmer Towns and Douglas Porter were two other authors who, inspirited… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Ten Greatest Revivals" Assignment:

Towns and Porter Book Report For all 10 chapters in the book :The Ten Greatest Revivals Ever., you must write a summary, an analysis, and a one-sentence statement of what you learned in each of the 10 chapter (see chapters titles below)

1. The 1904 Revival, Beginning in Wales

2. The First Great Awakening, 1727-50

3. The Second Great Awakening, 1780-1810

4. The General Awakening, 1830-40

5. The Layman*****s Prayer Revival, 1857-61

6. The World War II Revival, 1935-50

7. The Baby Boomer Revival, 1965-71

8. The Pre-Reformation Revival, 1300-1500

9. The Protestant Reformation, 1517

10. Pentecost: The Beginning of Revival, A.D. 30

(Book & Template will be downloaded)

These three elements are defined in more detail within the attached template (Make sure to delete the instruction portions before submitting your reports). Each report should be no more than one page long; add a new page to your MS Word file for all 10 reports. 1 template per report

Summary: 120 words

[This is a single-spaced summary of the chapter in 2�*****"3 paragraphs. It should represent the major principles presented by the author. This is not a comprehensive study of the written material, just a short overview and summary.]

Analysis: 100 words

[This is a single-spaced analysis in 1�*****"2 paragraphs of what you think about the information presented in this chapter (e.g. what you like or dislike about the information). It is also the place for your own objective observations about the chapter, like whether or not you agree with the author.]

What I Have Learned:20 wards

[This is a one-sentence statement that articulates what you have learned from this chapter.]


How to Reference "Ten Greatest Revivals" Book Report in a Bibliography

Ten Greatest Revivals.”, 2011, Accessed 5 Oct 2024.

Ten Greatest Revivals (2011). Retrieved from (2011). Ten Greatest Revivals. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Oct, 2024].
”Ten Greatest Revivals” 2011.
”Ten Greatest Revivals”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Ten Greatest Revivals”,, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 5-Oct-2024].
1. Ten Greatest Revivals [Internet]. 2011 [cited 5 October 2024]. Available from:
1. Ten Greatest Revivals. Published 2011. Accessed October 5, 2024.

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