Term Paper on "Gerontology and Gerontic Nursing Practice"

Term Paper 7 pages (2770 words) Sources: 15 Style: APA

[EXCERPT] . . . .

1. As she suffers from osteoporosis, several mechanisms are at play in

Mrs. Wood's condition. The basic elements result from poor bone mass

accumulation during childhood combined with an acceleration of bone loss

adulthood, when peak bone mass has been achieved. One half of bone mass is

made during pre-puberty, with only minimal accumulation of minerals in the

teens and peak bone mass in the 20s. Mrs. Wood's rate of bone loss is

based more upon her lifestyle than her genes. Dietary calcium, vitamin D,

protein and calories impact on her development of osteoporosis. If she had

poor calcium intake in her childhood, this directly impacts her likelihood

of fracture in adulthood (Heaney, 1998). Mrs. Wood's calcium intake is

directly associated with bone mineral mass at any age. Supplementation

reduces the rate of bone loss and will reduce her risk of fracture.

Vitamin D intake is necessary for bone mineral metabolism and the rate of

osteoclastic resorption. The addition of Vitamin D to calcium

supplementation reduces fracture rates. Other elements in Mrs. Wood's diet

impact on her osteoporosis. The degree of protein and caloric intake in

her daily diet will support fat and muscle that is covering bony areas.

There are several medications which may be associated with the

development in osteoporosis for Mrs. Woods. Chronic steroid use may have

contributed to her condition, resulting in the loss of trabecular bone

mass. It is estimated that 20-40% of bone loss occurs within the first

year of steroid use
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, especially in patients using doses greater than 7.5 mg

per day (Libinat and Baylinki, 1997).

The most common sign of osteoporosis is a skeletal fracture, and the

most common fracture will be seen in the vertebral column. Mrs. Woods may

remain completely asymptomatic even after compression fracture has

occurred. These usually happen in the course of the day with normal

activity. A cough or working in the garden is enough to cause a vertebral

compression fracture in the lumbar spine of a patient with osteoporosis.

Mrs. Woods may be asymptomatic, as noted, or she may note an acute episode

of back pain which resolves or becomes more chronic and dull in nature.

Should Mrs. Wood experience multiple vertebral compression fractures, she

may note a loss in height and eventual development of a Dowager's hump, as

is called the thoracic kyphosis resulting from the fracture. She may find

that her clothes no longer fit as they did before, she may notice a

thickening in the area of her waist, primarily because the vertical

dimension of the abdominal cavity disappears secondary to the vertebral

collapse and the abdominal contents shift toward the anterior region

(Kanis, 1994; Wasnich, 1993). Mrs. Woods may notice this causes a new and

very slow onset of shortness of breath because of the reduction in thoracic

volumes and poor lung volumes due to thoracic restriction.

Hip fracture after falls is also very common in patients who have

osteoporosis. Mrs. Wood may also note leg cramps, bone pain and tenderness

(not necessarily in the joints), abdominal pain, rib pain, tooth loss and

periodontal disease, fatigue and brittle fingernails. Pain and fractures

in joints are not always secondary to falls, but may occur due to

subchondral insufficiency in femoral head fractures. Another common injury

in patients who have osteoporosis is a Colles' fracture, in which there is

a fracture of the distal radius after the most minimal trauma. This often

occurs when the patient falls or trips and catches oneself against an

outstretched hand.

2. Mrs. Woods, I am sure you are concerned about the symptoms you

have been experiencing. It appears from your x-rays that you have

developed a condition which is called osteoporosis. Have you ever heard of

this condition before, or do any of your friends have this condition?

Well, osteo means related to the bone, and porosis is just as it sounds,

your bones are a little bit more porous and brittle appearing on the x-rays

than would perhaps be seen in a younger patient, or in a patient who does

not have osteoporosis. The cells which break down your bones are working a

little harder than the cells which build up your bones. While this can be

seen in some degree in all patients over age 50, in your case we are seeing

a little bit more of it than we would like, and as a result you are having

these symptoms. Osteoporosis can cause your bones to be brittle and break

more easily, so perhaps if you were to have a fall that would not have

caused more than a bruise in the past, you will now have to take care that

you observe that you have not caused a break in your bones. This can

sometimes cause quite a bit of pain, but in other patients only cause a bit

of a dull ache. In any case, when you have a fall or pain, we would want

you to come in so an x-ray could be done to make sure you have not done any

damage. The doctor and the medical team want you in the hospital right now

so we can take a look at your bones, see what degree of osteoporosis is

there, and perhaps even begin treatment. Luckily, there are some things

that we can do to make you feel better and improve the health of your

bones. We will also be talking about some things in your past, such as

medicines you have taken, which may have contributed to this condition

(Nolan, Davies, & Grant, 2001).

3. Education will be key to Mrs. Wood's recovery, since we cannot

reverse the osteoporosis which has already occurred. We may, however, be

able to preserve the healthy bone mineral mass she still has and for that

reason it would be good to have the pharmacist come in to speak to Mrs.

Woods about some medications which may be helpful in treating her disease.

The pharmacist will discuss some nutritional supplements which will be

helpful in preserving bone mass as well as medications which may help build

the bone she has already (Gray, et.al, 2000) .

Additionally, Mrs. Woods would do well to see the nutritionist. While

medication and nutritional supplementation will be helpful to her

condition, there are certain dietary choices she could make which would be

healthier for her, like dairy foods which are higher in calcium as well as

green vegetables which have calcium, especially if she has developed an

element of lactose intolerance as do many older patients. The nutritionist

will also be able to identify elements in her diet which are not good for

bone health, like high caffeine intake or alcohol.

Finally, it would be good for Mrs. Woods to see a physiotherapist.

Her pain from previous fractures may cause her to limit her range of motion

and activity, which will in turn complicate her osteoporosis. It would be

helpful were she to be instructed on physical exercise which will help her

maintaining range of motion to keep her joints flexible and maintain her

vertebral height as much as possible. Weight bearing exercise would also

modify the degree to which she experiences ongoing bone loss. A

physiotherapist would instruct her to be careful to follow an exercise

regimen which will be good for her and not cause a greater degree of

trabecular bone loss or deformation of her articular cartilage.

4. The physician would help in arranging for coordination of care for

Mrs. Woods. He or she will order bone mineral density testing to evaluate

the degree of bone loss, as well as metabolic testing to ensure 1) there is

not another physical condition which is causing her bone loss and 2) there

is no physical condition which would prevent her from taking some of the

medications she would need to treat her osteoporosis. I am thinking

specifically of issues such as hyperparathyroidism, history of renal

calculi and liver disease, a history of dysphagia or esophageal erosions.

The nursing staff will ensure that Mrs. Woods is clear regarding all

the testing and the results, and that she has a clear idea of the treatment

plan. It is also important that Mrs. Woods feels comfortable with the

treatment plan and understands what and why things are being done.

A pharmacist will evaluate the testing ordered by the physician and

give opinion on which medications, if any, would be helpful for treating

Mrs. Woods' condition. Additionally, the pharmacist can give Mrs. Woods

advice regarding the timing of the medication administration and side

effects she should be aware of.

A physiotherapist can set up an exercise plan for Mrs. Woods to ensure

she gets the appropriate type and amount of exercise to treat her

condition. The physiotherapist would be aware of possible co morbid

factors which would limit Mrs. Woods' exercise ability.

A social worker could evaluate Mrs. Woods' home situation to see if

any assistance would be needed regarding activities of daily living or

transportation needs. Additionally, the social worker may… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Gerontology and Gerontic Nursing Practice" Assignment:


You are the admitting nurse in the medical care ward of your local hospital. Mrs. Wood, aged 73, presents for admission for one of the following reasons.


Use a 'healthy model of ageing' approach.

Your answer should relate directly to Mrs Wood and her condition. Essay format is not required for this assignment. You will obviously dedicate more work to the area that has more marks allocated to it.

Question 1 - Pathophysiology - 600 worlds

Describe the normal ageing changes that would occur in Mrs Wood. (10 marks)[When asked to describe the normal ageing changes that would occur in Mrs Jones please describe the changes you would expect to see in an elderly patient with the condition you have chosen. In other words, how does her condition impact on her and the aging process. Is it normal to see this condition in the aged? If so, why and what signs and symptoms would you see. Essentially you are describing the pathophysiology of the condition, why we see it in the elderly and what S & S would alert you to the condition.]

Question 2 - Communication - 300 words

Discuss how you would present this information to Mrs Wood so that she was able to understand the reason for this admission. Give an example of your conversation using your own words. (5 marks)[Question 2 asks you to explain how you would present the reason for Mrs John's admission to her so that she is able to understand it. That is, explain the pathophysiology of ageing in layman's terms (not like in question one where you will have detailed aging in nursing terms). Please use the exact language that you would use. For example,

Mrs Jones, you have had to come into hospital today because you have a condition called hypertension. What happens in hypertension is that there is narrowing of your blood vessels so they go from being very wide to becoming very narrow. When they become narrow they can cause problems like those that you experienced today - dizziness and chest pain. This is becuase not quite enough blood and oxygen is getting to your brain and your heart. What we are going to do is to give you some medication to help make your arteries wider and talk to you about some ways you can help yourself feel better by watching what you eat and by doing a little bit of exercise.]

Question 3 - Education - 300 words

Outline what health education you would incorporate into Mrs Wood's plan for care while she is hospitalised. (5 marks/300 words)[Question 3 asks you to incorporate some health education into Mrs John's care plan and this education will be specific to the particular condition you have assigned to her. That is, the pharmacist will talk to her about her medication, the physio will talk about her exercise program, the dietian will talk about nutrition etc. Please specify the types of material you would expect each specialist to cover. This will highlight how the nurse can coordinate the pre-discharge information that needs to be passed to the patient so that they are able to help manage their care in the community.

Question three asks you to outline the health education you would incorporate into the plan of care whilst hospitalized. So you would discuss the reason why you would be incorporating that information into the education plan. Why would you include a dietian' referral, physio referral etc. e.g. A dietian's referral is important because nutrition is an identified risk factor in the elderly and particularly in those with diabetes and malnutrition. This is because of x, y and z factors.

Question 4 - Health Care Team -300 words

Outline the various health professionals you would involved in Mrs Wood's plan for care while hospitalised and discuss each of their roles in the team. (5 marks) NB: It is not sufficient to say "Podiatrist - works with feet." [Question four asks you to give the information of each specialist in more detail. This will examine what specific information each specialist will cover. When you are discussing pharmacological issues this will also flow into question 5.

Question 5 - Pharmacology - 300 words

Discuss the specific medication administration considerations that would be required for Mrs Wood. (5 marks)

Question 6 - Discharge Plan - 600 words

Develop a discharge plan for Mrs Wood. Include rationales for each aspect of the plan. Remember, discharge planning should commence at admission, so in your plan identify how the discharge plan relates to the plan of care developed for Mrs Wood's hospitalisation. The focus should be on 'healthy ageing'. (10 marks)

References must be used for each question. A reference list is to be attached at the end of the case study. You are expected to provide a minimum of 15 references for this assignment. These are to include but not limited to a mix of journals, books, internet sources and organizational policies and protocols.

Marks will be deducted for inadequate presentation and referencing.


Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the normal aging changes that occur as people age as well as an understanding of the concept of healthy aging. This is necessary in nursing as historically the focus has been on the illness model of care rather than on the wellness model of care. As primary care givers in the health system nurses need to be able to provide care that is appropriate for the stage of life their patients/clients are at.


Prescribed text(s)

Miller, C 2004, Nursing for wellness in older adults, 4th edn, Lippincott, Sydney.

Recommended reading

Abrams, W & Fletcher, A 1999, The Merck manual of geriatrics, Merck, Sharp & Dohme. (Any recent edition.)

Ebersole, P, Hess, P & Luggen, A 2004, Towards healthy aging, 6th edn, Mosby, St Louis.

Eliopoulos, C 2001, Gerontological nursing, 2nd edn, Mosby, St Louis

Gray, L et al. 2000, 'Geriatric medicine', A pocket guide for doctors, health professionals and students, 2nd edn, Ausmed; Melbourne.

Hudson, R (ed.) 2003, 'Dementia nursing', A guide to Practice, Ausmed, Melbourne. This is a wonderful resource, succinctly presented and well referenced. The principles covered in this package (it also comes with a CD ROM) pertain to all contexts of gerontic nursing, not just dementia care.

Nay, R & Garrat, S 2004, Nursing older people: Issues and innovations, 2nd edn, Churchill Livingstone, Sydney

Nolan, M, Davies, S & Grant, G, (eds) 2001, Working with older people and their families, Open University Press, Philadelphia.

Osterweil, D, Brummeis-Smith & Beck, JC 2000, Comprehensive geriatric assessment, McGraw-Hill.

Staunton, P & Chiarella, M 2002, Nursing and the law, 5th edn, Churchill Livingstone, Marrickville.

Stockslager, J & Schaeffer, L, (eds) 2003, Handbook of geriatric nursing care, 2nd edn, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Theobald, M 2003, Delirium risk management program resource kit, Ballarat Health Services, Ballarat, Victoria.

Students undertaking this subject are advised to read pertinent journals, such as

· Abstracts in social gerontology: current literature on aging

· Australasian Journal on Ageing

· Geriaction

· Journal of Gerontology

· Journal of Applied Gerontology

· Journal for Prevention and Healing: Advances in wound care

· Nursing Homes; long term care management

· Journal of Gerontological Nursing

Relevant Internet sites

· Aged and Community Services Australia


· Aged Care Standards and Accreditation Agency


· American Geriatrics Society


· Australian Association of Gerontology


· Australian Institute of Health and Welfare


· Canadian Association of Gerontology


· Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing


· Cota National Seniors

(previously Council on the Ageing and National Seniors Association).


· Gerontological Society of America


· Merck Manual of Geriatric Medicine


· National Aged Care Alliance


· National Gerontological Nursing Association


· National Institute on Ageing


· Older Women's Network


· SeniorNet Association


Assessment 1: Marking Criteria

Value: 40% of final grade

Student Name_____________________________________________________

Criteria Grade:

E = excellent work

W = well done

S = satisfactory

N = needs improvement

P = poor

criterion meet to an exceptionally high standard

criterion meet to a high standard

criterion met but depth and/or breath somewhat limited

criterion met to an acceptable standard just, but there is much room for further development

criterion not met; either not addressed or treated very superficially







No marks awarded but up to 20% of marks will be deducted from total mark for work poorly presented.


Grammar/use of English

Format (page no's, title page, footers,

spacing 1 1/2 etc.)


No marks awarded but up to 20 % of marks will be deducted from total mark for work poorly presented.

General Introduction

Body of paper is well organised


Linking ideas/signposting

Content - 100%

1. Normal ageing changes (10 marks)

2. Presentation of information to patient (5 marks)

3. Education in care plan (5 marks)

4. Allied health team (5 marks)

5. Medication administration (5 marks)

6. Discharge plan with rationale (10 marks)

Academic Referencing Technique

No marks awarded but up to 40% of marks will be deducted from total mark for work poorly referenced and resourced.

APA referencing system correct in paper

APA referencing system correct in reference list

Appropriate use of nursing and other literature - at least 15 references are used as supporting evidence for the paper including own extra research

Appropriate systematic reference to subject readings and textbooks

Correct use of quotes

General Comments


Lecturer signature:___________________


How to Reference "Gerontology and Gerontic Nursing Practice" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Gerontology and Gerontic Nursing Practice.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2007, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/1-suffers/5923211. Accessed 5 Oct 2024.

Gerontology and Gerontic Nursing Practice (2007). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/1-suffers/5923211
A1-TermPaper.com. (2007). Gerontology and Gerontic Nursing Practice. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/1-suffers/5923211 [Accessed 5 Oct, 2024].
”Gerontology and Gerontic Nursing Practice” 2007. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/1-suffers/5923211.
”Gerontology and Gerontic Nursing Practice” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/1-suffers/5923211.
[1] ”Gerontology and Gerontic Nursing Practice”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2007. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/1-suffers/5923211. [Accessed: 5-Oct-2024].
1. Gerontology and Gerontic Nursing Practice [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2007 [cited 5 October 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/1-suffers/5923211
1. Gerontology and Gerontic Nursing Practice. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/1-suffers/5923211. Published 2007. Accessed October 5, 2024.

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